
Code Enforcement Update April 3, 2024

Back in October 2023 Tammy Munson, a 30-year CEO with prior experience in cities and towns such as Portland and Grey, began covering Chebeague on an interim basis. Tammy learned of our needs and reached out to us at a critical time. During her tenure, she identified several areas for improvement and enhancements and began implementing a Building Permit and Code Enforcement software program.The goal of implementing this program was to provide online permitting, transparency, and a central software data platform that will eventually hold all such files digitally. Currently, the Permitting side of the program is up and running and records are complete year to date. Going forward, the Code Enforcement side of the program is still being constructed and implemented but should be ready in late Spring. The goal of the Code Enforcement platform is to create a central database to house all complaints but also create a digital diary for the CEO to document discussions, correspondence, etc. for any property they are working on. Not only will this help with documentation and record keeping, it will also provide a level of transparency and accessibility for residents to view records, permits, and supporting documents via the internet. Tammy also worked quickly to get all permits up to date and has been performing inspections as needed – while maintaining her “day job” in Grey. She has also implemented several processes that will help the functionality of the Code

Office going forward. The Spring season should offer a much smoother process for contractors and residents with their interactions with the Code Office. Tammy will transition out of the interim CEO position towards the end of April and the Town will welcome Paul Demers as the new Code Enforcement Officer. Paul’s prior experiences in the Code Enforcement world include: • Three years as the State Building Official – leading Maine’s efforts in both Code Officer and Licensed Plumbing Inspection certification programs, as well as serving as Maine’s primary liaison to the States Technical Codes and Standards Board. • Code Enforcement Officer for 22 years for Town of Kennebunk • Paul will continue the work of improving our building permit and code enforcement activities, implementation of the iWorq software, as well working in the enforcement of, and improvements in, our land use ordinances. Paul will be on the island one day per week and will be available via phone and email as well. Please join us in thanking Tammy for her work this winter, and, in welcoming Paul to the island. Sincerely, Vika and the Selectboard

Come Join us on the Water this Summer! The Chebeague Island Yacht Club and Sailing School would love to have you join us this summer for Sailing School and for the various social and racing opportunities that the Yacht Club provides.

Chebeague Island Sailing School Sailing School signups are underway! There will be three sessions running from July 1 to August 9. Learn more and sign up here: https://cicss.corsizio.com/ . All children are eligible for confidential partial and full scholarships - please reach out to Kim ( kim@venkataraman.net , 617-699-9124) if this is of interest. And NEW THIS SUMMER for sailing school participants, we will hold racing clinics on 4 dates throughout the summer. (7/7, 7/20. 7/27, & 8/4). This is an excellent opportunity to learn racing techniques from Sally Madsen—a former captain of the Stanford sailing team and an active racer on Chebeague. Space is limited, so sign up with the above link today! Chebeague Island Yacht Club The Chebeague Island Yacht Club offers events and fun to all boaters and non-boaters, and we hope you’ll join us! Your membership supports the ongoing operations of the Sailing School - learn more at chebeagueyachtclub.com .



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