
Chebeague Island Council Calendar

#5 | May 2024

About the Cover Spring has arrived! Flowers are blooming, folks are out walking, bikes are com ing out, saw a skate board or two, Dylan’s carts are starting to roll out – watch out for all these signs of spring that are on the road! About the Calendar The Calendar is published monthly by the Chebeague Island Council. It is available on-line at Chebeague Island News (www.chebeague.org) or www. chebeagueislandcalendar.com and mailed to every occupied residence on the island. The Calendar welcomes submissions from its readers, including letters and thank you notes, but it cannot publish anything that is political in nature, libelous, or obscene. All submissions should include the author’s name and contact information. Without exception, the deadline for submissions is noon on the 20 th day of the month preceding publication. Submissions and ad copy may be mailed (247 South Road), left at the Council office (on 247 South Road) or emailed (chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com) and sent as attachments (.doc; no pdfs) or included in the body of the text. Images and photographs should be sent in a .jpg, .jpeg, or .rtf format. Please do not use the old email address at as this is an inactive account. As a courtesy and space permitting, island nonprofits are given up to a free half page each month to publish their news. Any such submissions exceeding a half page will be charged at the usual rate. All submissions become the property of the Chebeague Island Council, which reserves the right to edit them for length and clarity. Submissions that are not time sensitive may be held until there is enough space to publish them. Additional information about submissions is available at www.chebeagueislandcalendar.com. Advertising rates are as follows: full page, $80, ½ page, $40; ¼ page, $20; 4-line classified, $10; 6 to 8 line classified, $15. Each submission should include the intended publication date, size wanted, and the number of months the ad should run. All ads must be paid for at the time of submission.

Chebeague Island Council Calendar May 2024 • Issue #5


Contents Chebeague Island Library

4 4 5

Community Matters

Island Commons Recompense Fund 5 Chebeague Island Historical Society 6 CTC News 7, 8, 9 Chebeague Annual Health Screening 9 Chebeague Recreation Center 11 Chebeague Community Church 12 From The Town Office 13 Notes From the Council 13 Code Enforcement Update 14 May Calendar 16 Publisher Chebeague Island Council Board Members Lola Armstrong, Christine Auffant, Kristen Dyer Buxbaum, Deb Hall, Denise Hamilton, Tricia Haines, Sarah Hopkins, Kathy Kuntz, Ann Thaxter Contact Us Email: chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com Chebeague Island, ME 04017 In Person: Council Office, 247 South Rd Graphic Design Sharkey Graphic Solutions www.sharkeygraphicsolutions.com Printing Cyber Copy www.cybercopyme.com Phone: 207-846-4988 Mail: 247 South Road

The deadline for submissions for the June issue is noon on May 20.

ISLAND HANDYMAN “No Job is Too Small” Jeff Wescott

40 South Road 207-400-6533 kaileedog@aol.com



The Wellness Center Is Open for Blood Draws, Blood Pressure Checks, PT/ INR Testing, Medication Setup, Dressing Changes, Suture Removal, Wellness Checks, and Health Information.

Coveside Physical Therapy, LLC BY YOUR SIDE EVERY STEP OF THE WAY! Phone: (508) 735-7507 Fax: (207) 846-1696 covesidephysicaltherapyllc@gmail.com https://covesidephysicaltherapy-llc.com/

Elizabeth Doughty, PT, DPT, GCS, CDP is a physical therapist who provides in-home physical therapy services right to your home.Whether you have just received a total joint replacement, concerned about falls and want to improve your balance, or having increased pain in a specific joint or muscle and wish to become a stronger, Elizabeth is able to assist by coming right to your home. By evaluating and working together, a specific plan of care will be established to meet your individual goals. She received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Ithaca College and is Board Certified Geriatric Specialist and is a Certified Dementia Practitioner. Most insurances accepted, including Medicare. Please feel free to inquire using the email or phone number above. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions!

No appointment needed. No charge for these services. RN: Wednesday, May 8 h & 22 th 9:00-11:30am




ADU’s and Chebeague Are you interested in building an

Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) on your property? Would a tiny home work well in your backyard? Are you building a garage that might be a good location for a second floor apartment? How might ADU’s benefit our community and the need for year-round affordable housing? CICA would like to hold a workshop this summer to help the community learn about the new laws surrounding ADU’s and how they might benefit Chebeague. Interested in learning more? Contact Bill McKenzie at alaskamckenzie@gmail.com

Affordable Housing Update We have applied for funding from Maine State Housing Authority to build a new duplex rental unit here on Chebeague. We have a piece donated land which we plan to begin building these two year-round affordable rental units later this year. We will be looking for volunteers to assist in various parts of this build and look forward to working with the community to help bring these new housing opportunities to Chebeague. Keep an eye out for ways to get involved.



Island Commons

132 Littlefield Road Chebeague Island, Maine 04017 www.islandcommons.com

Administrator, Amy Rich 207-846-5610 amy.rich@islandcommons.com

Red Studio Shop Opening for the season Sat. May 25, 10-noon If you have furnishings or collectibles in good condition, please consider donating them to the Studio to benefit Island Commons. Contact Susan Stranahan: 846-9378 We have a lovely Private Room available for immediate occupancy or for short term respite care . Call Amy Rich 846-5610 Summer approaches! If you or someone in your family will need in-home or adult day services , give us a call before all our time slots are filled!

Come aboard & celebrate our 25 th ANNIVERSARY! Bay Mist Cruise Sunday, July 28th 4:30-6:30 …stay tuned for all the details

In 2023, the Island Commons purchased heat pumps to reduce spending on electricity and heating oil. The heat pumps also improved interior climate control, for the the comfort of residents and staff. A grant of $7,600 from

The Recompense Fund supported the overall cost of the project. Shown here is Island Commons board President Susan Stranahan - with the much-appreciated heat pumps. The Commons was one of 13 Chebeague Island nonprofits awarded grants by Recompense in 2023. Recompense is pleased to be a part of this improvement at the Commons, and appreciates the community’s generosity.





May 2024

CHEBEAGUE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY News from CTC! The Barge is Back! After major work (the last few weeks in unseasonably bad weath er), the barge and Dovekie are finally back in the water and ready for the season. This winter saw extensive repairs to the barge, including replacing the steel plate on the transom, replacing ramp winches, and updating hydraulic systems. We are confident that this work will help us keep running uninterrupted for the entire 2024 season. Reminder on Barging Procedures • Make sure you are prepared to provide full information to the office when booking barging including: vehicle make, col or, and license place number and whether or not you will ac company the vehicle. • Vehicles must have working brakes to be allowed on the barge. Vehicles without working brakes will not be transport ed. • We allow one driver per vehicle - additional passengers may be able to ride on the barge if there is space available. This will be determined the day prior to barging. • The CTC crew will not load and unload “junk” cars. The cus tomer must be present to do this. • If you won’t accompany the vehicle, leave the key in the agreed upon spot and leave a sign on the dashboard that states you name and BARGE in bold letters. Otherwise your vehicle may be overlooked. Leave the vehicle in the assigned spot (on Cousins). • Payment is required to make a barge reservation. This can be done in our office with check, cash or credit card or over the phone with a credit card. • Annually, barging customers are required to sign the Barge Services Agreement prior to the first barge trip. The Agree ment can be found on the CTC website and is available at the Cousins parking lot and at the office.

Summer Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30am - 3:30pm

EMPLOYEE BIRTHDAYS Martha Hamilton- Doughty 5/9 Amanda Campbell 5/12 Happy Birthday! With the winter weather behind us (hopefully!) and the busier time of year approaching, we will resume ticket collec tion at the top of the ramps on both Cousins and Chebeague. Please have your ticket (whether on your phone or a hard copy) out and ready as you get to the ramp. Take your time and please make sure to secure your phone before heading down to the boat. We don’t want to lose any overboard! Thanks for your coop eration with this change as we get ready for a busy summer. Summer Boarding Procedure to go into effect May 17

A Note on the Cous ins Lot

Extreme weather and tides have been the theme this winter. The combination has caused flooded vehi cles and erosion in the lot. Ice storms have taken branches down and damaged vehicles. We recog nize the difficulty and uncertainty this cre ates for our communi ty. CTC is working with the Town of Chebeague Island, from which we sub lease the lot from, and the Maine DOT, which owns the lot, to develop long-term plans to improve the property, making it more resilient and sustainable for the future. In the mean time, our snow re moval/maintenance contractor will be helping us complete short-term improve ments, including tree removal (where al lowed in the shoreland zone) and grading. CTC is com mitted to doing every thing it can to im prove the lot.


One Way


Small Freight Medium Freight

$21 $48 $15

$42 $86 $30

Passenger (any age)

Less than 20 feet in length

$110 $200 $290 $315

$220 $400 $580 $630

20-25 feet in length Over 25 feet in length

Over 69,000 lbs.




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May 2024

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depart Cheb:

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July 8th-12th/August 5th-9th 4

Summer is Coming!! Schoolhouse Seconds accepting donations starting June 1st Please use the Front Door. And, please don't leave your treasures on the porch, on the steps, in the yard, or at the back door! Thanks




Key: Key:



June 2024

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depart Cheb:

Date dep Cousins: 6 - 1 Saturday 6 - 2 Sunday 6 - 3 Monday 6 - 4 Tuesday 6 - 5 Wednesday 6 - 6 Thursday 6 - 7 Friday 6 - 8 Saturday 6 - 9 Sunday 6 - 10 Monday 6 - 11 Tuesday 6 - 12 Wednesday 6 - 13 Thursday 6 - 14 Friday 6 - 15 Saturday 6 - 16 Sunday 6 - 17 Monday 6 - 18 Tuesday 6 - 19 Wednesday 6 - 20 Thursday 6 - 21 Friday 6 - 22 Saturday 6 - 23 Sunday 6 - 24 Monday 6 - 25 Tuesday 6 - 26 Wednesday 6 - 27 Thursday


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at Chebeague Island

Library May 4 10:30am



The Leonard Thompson Federle Team Jane Leonard 207.831.9951 Karen Thompson 207.329.6729 Jodi Federle 207.215.4006


Your Island and Mainland Specialist

207.846.4300 www.portsidereg.com







To be added to our prayer request list, please email chaplain.chebeague@gmail.com.

Get Involved! LUKE BIBLE STUDY WITH GLORIA BROWN - Mondays at 4 pm at the Parish House & via Zoom

Each week, we're tackling one chapter in the Gospel of Luke along with a commentary from William Barclay's, New Daily Study Bible: The Gospel of Luke. We focus on the gospel in its Jewish cultural context, and how Old Testament words and lessons are brought into the New Testament writings. New members and visitors are welcome to join us any time! For more information, please contact Gloria Brown, gjbrown58a@gmail.com.


Are you interested in being part of our Sunday music team? Email church.chebeague@gmail.com.

LADIES AID meets Thursdays 11am-2pm All are welcome. Bring your lunch!

Join us Sunday mornings at 10am for worship in the Sanctuary. Or join online by Zoom. The link is on our website under "Worship With Us" click on "Learn More." Communion and Fellowship are held the 1st Sunday of the month. Come as you are! Our doors are always open!

An April Retrospective

Commissioning & Communion

Easter & New Members

If you or someone you know is in need of pastoral care, please reach out to Victor Diaz: (c) 575-305-3653, (p) 207-846-4106 or at chaplain.chebeague@gmail.com.



From The Town Office

Election/Budget- Selectboard and Schol Board have worked hard on the F.Y. 2025 Budget. The Annual Town meeting is on Saturday, June 8 th . Selectboard and School Board are planning to have a BUDGET PRESENTATION prior to the town meeting. The tentative date is Wednesday, May 22 nd at 6PM at the Hall. The election will be on Tuesday, June 11 th at the Hall.

Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday 9AM-4PM. We are closed to the public on Tuesdays and Wednesday. As always, call for an appointment if you are unable to make it in during regular business hours. Volunteering Opportunities- The town has several board vacancies. Board of Adjustment and Appeals needs 2 members. Please go to www.townofchebagueisland.org for more information or stop by the town office for an application. Code Enforcement- The Town is happy to announce the implementation of a new Code Enforcement Software program. Although this program is still very much in the development phase with various modules, we now have an online permitting portal for residents to submit building permit applications. The Town will continue to operate in a “hybrid “manner” and will still accept paper applications in the office or via the new portal. This will allow for an expansion of services to many individuals who can’t always make it into the office. We are Spring has finally arrived on Chebeague Island. The daffodils are sprouting everywhere, and we can finally take stock of the damage from the recent storms and start cleaning up. A favorite harbinger of spring, the Annual Health Fair, was a terrific success. The USM and UNE nursing students gained valuable clinical experience and island residents benefited from dental and hearing screenings as well as blood pressure and cholesterol checks. Sun hats, SPF Chapstick and UV alert bracelets were handed out, along with dental hygiene samples. Once again, we had great prizes for our drawing. Special thanks to these Islander businesses for their generous donations: Jeff Hamilton, Lobsters, Hank Whetham, Lobsters, Red Studio at the Commons, gift certificate, Library, tote bag, C.T.C. guest tickets and a hat, Chebeague Oysters, oysters, and the Rec Center, pool pass. We are collaborating with the UNE Dental School to bring a dental clinic back to Chebeague. In the past the Council arranged to have “The Tooth Protectors” come to the Island for cleanings and exams. Unfortunately they closed, but we are very excited about our new collaboration with the University of New England”s Dental School. Together, we are planning to bring services to the Island with the shared interest in helping

aiming to improve customer service, and this is our first step in improving the “ease of doing business” on the island. Mooring Fees- Mooring fees have been emailed out. Tie Up Stickers- 2024 Tie up stickers are available. Shellfish Licenses- 2024 Shellfish Licenses are available at the town office. The Transfer Station is now in its Summer Hours. Monday: 9AM-11AM, Tuesday: CLOSED, Wednesday: 1:30PM-5PM, Thursday: 9AM-11AM, Friday: 1:30PM-5PM, Saturday: 9AM 5PM, Sunday: 9AM-5PM. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the Town Office; 846-3148 or email townadmin@ townofchebeagueisland.org Best, Vika Wood, Town Administrator seniors age in place. In addition, we plan to expand this program to include the Island school children. Getting your child to the dentist often means a day of missed work and school. If this could happen on the Island, parents, children, and teachers would all be pleased. Tick season is in full bloom. The Council is sponsoring a Tick Update presentation, including the newest information on how to protect yourself, your family, and your pets. A Tick “expert” from UNE will be here in June to help us with this ever-changing health challenge. The Schoolhouse Seconds volunteers are reminding us that donations cannot be accepted until June 1st, so hold on to those clean, sellable items just a bit longer while we get the

Notes From The Council

building cleaned up and organized. Finally, all nonprofits will be receiving sign-up sheets for Chedemption along with checks for the Clynk returns. We are proud of our program to keep bottles and cans out of the waste stream and are thankful for the community’s support.



Code Enforcement Update April 3, 2024

Back in October 2023 Tammy Munson, a 30-year CEO with prior experience in cities and towns such as Portland and Grey, began covering Chebeague on an interim basis. Tammy learned of our needs and reached out to us at a critical time. During her tenure, she identified several areas for improvement and enhancements and began implementing a Building Permit and Code Enforcement software program.The goal of implementing this program was to provide online permitting, transparency, and a central software data platform that will eventually hold all such files digitally. Currently, the Permitting side of the program is up and running and records are complete year to date. Going forward, the Code Enforcement side of the program is still being constructed and implemented but should be ready in late Spring. The goal of the Code Enforcement platform is to create a central database to house all complaints but also create a digital diary for the CEO to document discussions, correspondence, etc. for any property they are working on. Not only will this help with documentation and record keeping, it will also provide a level of transparency and accessibility for residents to view records, permits, and supporting documents via the internet. Tammy also worked quickly to get all permits up to date and has been performing inspections as needed – while maintaining her “day job” in Grey. She has also implemented several processes that will help the functionality of the Code

Office going forward. The Spring season should offer a much smoother process for contractors and residents with their interactions with the Code Office. Tammy will transition out of the interim CEO position towards the end of April and the Town will welcome Paul Demers as the new Code Enforcement Officer. Paul’s prior experiences in the Code Enforcement world include: • Three years as the State Building Official – leading Maine’s efforts in both Code Officer and Licensed Plumbing Inspection certification programs, as well as serving as Maine’s primary liaison to the States Technical Codes and Standards Board. • Code Enforcement Officer for 22 years for Town of Kennebunk • Paul will continue the work of improving our building permit and code enforcement activities, implementation of the iWorq software, as well working in the enforcement of, and improvements in, our land use ordinances. Paul will be on the island one day per week and will be available via phone and email as well. Please join us in thanking Tammy for her work this winter, and, in welcoming Paul to the island. Sincerely, Vika and the Selectboard

Come Join us on the Water this Summer! The Chebeague Island Yacht Club and Sailing School would love to have you join us this summer for Sailing School and for the various social and racing opportunities that the Yacht Club provides.

Chebeague Island Sailing School Sailing School signups are underway! There will be three sessions running from July 1 to August 9. Learn more and sign up here: https://cicss.corsizio.com/ . All children are eligible for confidential partial and full scholarships - please reach out to Kim ( kim@venkataraman.net , 617-699-9124) if this is of interest. And NEW THIS SUMMER for sailing school participants, we will hold racing clinics on 4 dates throughout the summer. (7/7, 7/20. 7/27, & 8/4). This is an excellent opportunity to learn racing techniques from Sally Madsen—a former captain of the Stanford sailing team and an active racer on Chebeague. Space is limited, so sign up with the above link today! Chebeague Island Yacht Club The Chebeague Island Yacht Club offers events and fun to all boaters and non-boaters, and we hope you’ll join us! Your membership supports the ongoing operations of the Sailing School - learn more at chebeagueyachtclub.com .



The theme of the annual July 4 th parade is: “Olympics-Chebeague Style” Start planning your floats... PARADE

The busy summer is approaching fast! Carts can book up quickly. If you have friends, family or anyone coming this summer who might need a cart, book soon! Contact info: phone: 207-749-2347 email: dylscarts@gmail.com website: dylscarts.com

Thank you! Contact info: Call/text: 207-749-2347 Email: Dylscarts@gmail.com



MAY 2024 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 7 8 9 10 5 3 6 1 2 11 4 CIL Story Times 10:30am CIL Book Club Meeting @ 7:00pm Poetry at The Library 3PM Middle School & High School Night 3-6pm If you would like your event listed on this Calendar please email the Council at Chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com by the 20 th of the month. 14 15 16 21 22 23 17 19 CCC Worship, 10am 13 20 28 27 26 29 30 31 18 24 25 12 CCC Worship, 10am CCC Worship, 10am Mother’s Day Poetry for the People 3pm Wellness Center RN 9-11:30am Wellness Center RN 9-11:30am CIL Story Times 10:30am Puzzles and Coloring 3-6pm CIL Story Times 10:30am CRC Game & Teen night 7 pm Pie & Bake Sale 10am CIL Story Times 10:30am National Day of Prayer

CCC Worship, 10am



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