From The Town Office
Election/Budget- Selectboard and Schol Board have worked hard on the F.Y. 2025 Budget. The Annual Town meeting is on Saturday, June 8 th . Selectboard and School Board are planning to have a BUDGET PRESENTATION prior to the town meeting. The tentative date is Wednesday, May 22 nd at 6PM at the Hall. The election will be on Tuesday, June 11 th at the Hall.
Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday 9AM-4PM. We are closed to the public on Tuesdays and Wednesday. As always, call for an appointment if you are unable to make it in during regular business hours. Volunteering Opportunities- The town has several board vacancies. Board of Adjustment and Appeals needs 2 members. Please go to www.townofchebagueisland.org for more information or stop by the town office for an application. Code Enforcement- The Town is happy to announce the implementation of a new Code Enforcement Software program. Although this program is still very much in the development phase with various modules, we now have an online permitting portal for residents to submit building permit applications. The Town will continue to operate in a “hybrid “manner” and will still accept paper applications in the office or via the new portal. This will allow for an expansion of services to many individuals who can’t always make it into the office. We are Spring has finally arrived on Chebeague Island. The daffodils are sprouting everywhere, and we can finally take stock of the damage from the recent storms and start cleaning up. A favorite harbinger of spring, the Annual Health Fair, was a terrific success. The USM and UNE nursing students gained valuable clinical experience and island residents benefited from dental and hearing screenings as well as blood pressure and cholesterol checks. Sun hats, SPF Chapstick and UV alert bracelets were handed out, along with dental hygiene samples. Once again, we had great prizes for our drawing. Special thanks to these Islander businesses for their generous donations: Jeff Hamilton, Lobsters, Hank Whetham, Lobsters, Red Studio at the Commons, gift certificate, Library, tote bag, C.T.C. guest tickets and a hat, Chebeague Oysters, oysters, and the Rec Center, pool pass. We are collaborating with the UNE Dental School to bring a dental clinic back to Chebeague. In the past the Council arranged to have “The Tooth Protectors” come to the Island for cleanings and exams. Unfortunately they closed, but we are very excited about our new collaboration with the University of New England”s Dental School. Together, we are planning to bring services to the Island with the shared interest in helping
aiming to improve customer service, and this is our first step in improving the “ease of doing business” on the island. Mooring Fees- Mooring fees have been emailed out. Tie Up Stickers- 2024 Tie up stickers are available. Shellfish Licenses- 2024 Shellfish Licenses are available at the town office. The Transfer Station is now in its Summer Hours. Monday: 9AM-11AM, Tuesday: CLOSED, Wednesday: 1:30PM-5PM, Thursday: 9AM-11AM, Friday: 1:30PM-5PM, Saturday: 9AM 5PM, Sunday: 9AM-5PM. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the Town Office; 846-3148 or email townadmin@ townofchebeagueisland.org Best, Vika Wood, Town Administrator seniors age in place. In addition, we plan to expand this program to include the Island school children. Getting your child to the dentist often means a day of missed work and school. If this could happen on the Island, parents, children, and teachers would all be pleased. Tick season is in full bloom. The Council is sponsoring a Tick Update presentation, including the newest information on how to protect yourself, your family, and your pets. A Tick “expert” from UNE will be here in June to help us with this ever-changing health challenge. The Schoolhouse Seconds volunteers are reminding us that donations cannot be accepted until June 1st, so hold on to those clean, sellable items just a bit longer while we get the
Notes From The Council
building cleaned up and organized. Finally, all nonprofits will be receiving sign-up sheets for Chedemption along with checks for the Clynk returns. We are proud of our program to keep bottles and cans out of the waste stream and are thankful for the community’s support.
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