MSA Club News
Dottie Boynton nearly single-handedly ran the Pig Roast for the first 13 years and this year handed the reins and her expertise to Kate Tiffany. Kate did a great job and had lots of help from club members. We had a lot of trail work done this summer but the rain and equipment breakdowns slowed down the progress. Our club is blessed with several young members who are hard workers and very willing to help. Levi Tiffany is our new Trail Master and he has plans to continue to upgrade and maintain our trails. Together with our longtime Trail Master Carey and lots of mechanic help from Nelson, Brent, Noah and others our groomers are ready to go. We have some ongoing challenges with a couple of local trails due to low areas and water problems. Plans are being made for a permanent (and expensive) solution that will allow us to keep them in good shape with rou tine maintenance. Thanks to all the members who have donated money, food and time to our Pig Roast and our trail projects. We’re hoping for early snow and cold and another great year of riding. Mike Hoyt PINE TREE sc Milford, ME Hello from Pine Tree Snowmobile Club in Milford. Summer is coming to an end, and we are looking forward to a spectacular fall, then lots of snow for snowmobile season. Beginning on October 4th, we’ll have our first director’s meeting at 5pm followed by a potluck supper at 6pm. All are welcome. Come join us on October 21st for a BBQ supper beginning at 4:30pm. The public is welcome, but we do ask that you let us know if you plan to attend. Please call 922-7478 or 478-6763 to confirm your attendance by Wednesday, October18 th . Our first trail maintenance day will be on October 22nd. We are looking for able bodied members to come and help keep up our trails. Please meet at the Club at 8am. The Club will be hosting a Pancake/French Toast public breakfast on November 19th beginning at 7am. Our two cooks, Glenn and Dana, do a fabulous job. Please join us for breakfast. We love seeing old friends, but we especially enjoy making new ones. Also on November 19th there will be trail maintenance day beginning at 7:30am. Mark your calendars and plan to attend any or all scheduled meetings, suppers, breakfast and most importantly the trail maintenance days. We appreciate your support. Hoping for a colorful fall, then a snowy winter for great snowmobiling. Cathy Dow COASTAL REGION
(Continued from Page 9) The Chicken BBQ and lobster feed were another success this summer with sellout crowds. Our bi-monthly breakfasts have been busy all summer, serving about 110 people each meal. Thanks to all that come to our meals, it is how the club can keep improving our building and our trails to make Quad county trails smooth and safe. Quadcounty SC was saddened by the pass ing of Barney Robichaud, this summer. Bar ney was grooming for our neighbor club, Mat tawamkeag long before Quadcounty SC was even thought of. Our groomers have always been in awe of smooth trails that Barney laid down, we can only wish that we will be half that good, some day. Quadcounty SC is happy to see that the MSA is changing the groomer of the year award to Barney Robichaud groomer of the year award, Thank you, MSA! Your slow typing reporter, Kevin With our first couple of meetings already under our belts by the time you read this, things are already well on their way to being prepped for the upcoming season! We wanted to include our tentative club work day sched ule in this news update, so if any of you are interested in helping out, you’ll have an idea what our plans are! Unless otherwise noted, plan to meet at our clubhouse on outer Union Street at 7:30 AM for each work day, then head out from there! ***SCHEDULE*** Oct 1. - club cleanup day. Bush Hog from club to Ohio St with stakes and put up all road crossing signs. Paint new stakes as needed also. Oct 8. - 2 crews needed. Ohio St to Bulls eye bridge. Start on each end work to middle. One hog on cell tower end the other two from bridge side. Oct 15. - Rain day make up/ build any bridges needed and roof covering over oil tank and steps at club/ sled maintenance. Oct 22. - 2 crews needed. 1 crew Bush hog from Bullseye bridge to Church Rd. 1 crew Bush hog from club to Hermon connector. Oct 29. - 2 crews needed with excavator. Reset bridge at Dunbar & Bush hog from Ground Round to Hermon connector. Nov 5. - 2 crews needed. 1 crew start at Church Rd. 1 crew start at Essex St. Meet in middle. Nov 12. - Rain Day for make up or fill in areas not able to complete prior. Nov 19. - 2 crews needed. 1 Bush hog from Walden Pkwy to Essex St. 1 or 2 bush hog from Walden to Rudd’s field. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for any updates/changes to this schedule, or feel free to drop us an email at paulbunyanscbangor@ hotmail.com with any questions! Volunteers are ALWAYS welcome and VERY MUCH appreciated, many hands make light work!! We generally hold our meetings on the second Wednesday of each month during the season, starting in September, and would love to have anyone who is interested join us! We usually post meeting information on our Facebook page ahead of time, but feel free to email or message us on Facebook with any questions! Sincerely, Paul Phillips – President Once again, our Fly-In Week and Labor Day has come and gone in the Greenville area with more than 10,000 visitors to Greenville on Moosehead Lake. Our booth at this event sold Super Raffle tickets and club memberships to help pay for equipment purchases and operat ing cost bills. (including our new to us 2014 Tucker groomer). Our pig roaster was also a big hit. Thanks to all who attended. We plan on building a short trail reroute around a bog that never fully freezes along the power line in town. Last year we needed to create detours onto the lake to prevent sleds sinking into the mud at this site. Every active club member knows all that this entails to PAUL BUNYAN sc Bangor , ME Moosehead Riders sc Greenville, ME Find us on Facebook
keep trails in good condition. Register your sled and get it serviced now before the big rush with the first snow. Follow us on our Facebook “Moosehead Riders Snowmobile Club” for the latest trail news.
you’ll be waiting weeks to get an appointment. Like most clubs, we are in full trail main tenance mode. We run two brush hogs most Sundays as well as repairing any/all bridges. With the huge rains we had all summer, a cou ple of our bridges floated away. Thankfully they didn’t go far and several members have been busy putting them back in place with bet ter anchoring. We also do our best to thank the many land owners on our trail system. I say it every year, we do not own one inch of trail on our system. The property we ride on is 100% privately owned and without the generosity of these landowners, we would not exist. If you hap pen to see a landowner, take a minute to thank them for allowing us access. This is also why we ask that you stay on the trail. The landown ers allow us access, but it doesn’t mean riding all over their property. Look for trail markers and stay within 10 feet of them. Do not free ride fields and stay out of the woods. One thing that has me baffled since I’ve become active in my snowmobile club is, the amount of beer cans left on the side of the trails. Last year, I spent 10 days bird hunting around the Moosehead area. I collected over 100 beer cans along the roads I hunt, which are snowmobile trails in the winter. Granted, I know some of them are the hunters and joy riders, but those I can tell because they are a single can randomly thrown to the side. I’m talking about the 6 – 10, or more, cans in a pile at an intersection. I know people drink and drive, so I’m not gonna preach about that, but take your empties with you. I’ve heard the comment ‘I don’t want to drive around with an empty can in my sled and get a ticket’, but that’s BS. I had over 100 cans in the back of my pickup and a warden thanked me. Anyway, that is another thing that will get a trail closed, so please be a good steward of the land and leave no trace. And keep the drinking back at the lodge or at home. Cheers Doug Doherty, President Sacopee Valley Snow Drifters (SVSD) welcomes all to join and attend our meetings starting the first Tuesday of the month thru the 2023/2024 season, SVSD meets at the Kezar Falls Fire Station located at 47 River St. in Porter, Maine at 7 PM. It is vital if you enjoy the sport of snowmobiling that you join and volunteer in a MSA snowmobile club and sup port your sport of snowmobiling. The Limington Crankers started trail work earlier than in recent years. With all of the rain this spring and summer we knew we had a few bridges that would need attention, so on September 10 we had 7 members show up ready for work. We quickly lifted and reset one bridge and moved down the trail to access other bridge issues. Unfortunately, the rains came and washed away the day. The fol lowing weekend we had a three-man crew to deck over the bridges we prepped the previous week. The crew was able to get all 4 bridges SACOPEE VALLEY SNOW DRIFTERS Cornish, ME Club-Reporter John Lambert LIMINGTON CRANKERS Limington, ME
Thanks for your support. Bob Ludwig, Secretary raludwig184@gmail.com
GRAND LAKE sc Grand Lake Stream , ME
The club had its first meeting last Wednes day. Our leaders wanted to elect officers and decide what to raffle off this year. Les ran a good meeting like always. Trea surer Nan retired after over 10 years of ser vice and we all thank her. Secretary Caitlyn will take over those duties until Shanon gets up to speed and takes over. Kaiden arrived at the meeting late, so we decided to “punish” him by making him VP. I hope that move gets the attention of the rest of the Young Guns and they all join in on the fun that we have. We decided to have one big raffle prize with extra gear thrown in. That prize will be an insulated Eskimo 4 Man Ice Fishing Tent. It is to be raffled off in early winter so it and the included gear can be enjoyed. Stay tuned for date and the list of gear. For those that want to groom and need to be tested, see Les. Les will also train members on our Snow Rabbit, professional groomer. Thanks to Les, Danny, Brad and I’m sure others, there is a rescue helicopter landing pad, close to completion, at the 2nd Elsmore Landing sign. We’ll GPS it and let everyone know. Les needs help at our clubhouse and garage: remove garage wood stove & wood; fix club house roof; check if furnace has water damage. Hayes Brook Bridge needs refurbishing and work is scheduled for Oct 15 @ 9:00. Meet at the store. Hot Dogs and cheeseburgers are planned. Time and date could change. Talk to Les. Thank you everyone for taking the time to read about our snowmobile club and our spe cial little town. NEXT MEETING: Oct 4 @ 6:00, at the fire station. PINE TREE STORE: Hours 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, 796-5027. NON-Ethanol Gas. Always remember, for food, supplies and fun, “You can’t go wrong at The Pine Tree Store”. HELP NEEDED: Call 796-5027, Les, Brinda, or store worker. TRAIL PROBLEM: Call 796-5027, Les. He will solve or assign the problem. LODGING: Call 796-5027, Les, Brinda, or store worker. Please ride our trails and make our friendly little town a stop on your snowmobile adven tures. I guarantee you will be back. Mike Remillard mikeremillard@mgemaine.com We had our first meeting Saturday Sep tember 16th at Brad Scott’s home. We had 17 people attend and it’s nice to see the new (and younger) faces. We got a report from our 14th annual Pig Roast (which is always the Saturday before Labor Day). We fed 330+ people and had thousands of dollars of items to raffle. The attendance and proceeds both set a new record. BLUE RIDGE RIDERS Rockwood, ME
SACO PATHFINDERS sc Saco, ME Find us on Facebook
Hello from the southern depths of the state, It’s that time of year again when we start to put the boats and campers away and dig out the sleds. Be sure to get ahead of the curve if you need your sled serviced by the dealer. Once the first flakes fly, it will be too late and
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