
MSA Club News

The Membership Supper that we host (CHICKEN & STEAK) will have taken place as you read this article, usually have a pretty good turnout , the weather forecast was SUNNY all weekend ,that usually helps. Also on the calendar is our LANDOWNER APPRECIATION & BUSINESS MEMBER SUPPER on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th 4: 30 -6:30 P.M.at the GLRSC -located on the corner of OHIO & PHILLIPS Rd. GLEN BURN. This is also a public supper / all are welcome. FMI call MARION @ 942-2649. This is really going to be a short article today -got to get out and try to round up some more volunteers / members to get equipment / tools, trails ready for the upcoming season. Should you have a few extra hours in your schedule - please reach out to us -THANK-YOU. P.S. -We have our snowmobile club meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 7:00 P.M. at the GLRSC. Welcome to OCTOBER fellow snowmobil ers. It’s time to take stock of the chainsaws, brush cutters, axes, and the rest of the tools that get our trails into “ game “ condition. Also, you may want to break out the “ wad ers “ as well, surely ALL that rain couldn’t be gone already (let’s hope). Our club has acquired a “ new to us “ side by side that will make the long walks into the woods and across the fields a lot easier -we should be able to “ double down “ on the amount of trail work on SUNDAYS-THANKS to DALE & GREG... Barry E. Ryan Vice President KENDUSKEAG STREAM RIDERS sc Kenduskeag , ME

We will be bringing back our annual poker rally this season on Saturday, February 24th, 2024. Poker hands will be sold for $5 each between 9:00 AM-12:00 PM with winners announced and raffle prizes drawn at 3:00 PM. It will be held at the North Fryeburg Commu nity Chapel located at 1225 West Fryeburg Rd (Intersection of Rt 113 and Fish St) so bring all your friends and join us for a great time! Our monthly meeting dates are listed in the Snowmobiler’s Calendar and we’d love to see you on one or more of those dates. Keep an eye out for our club Christmas Party info to be posted in the next newsletter. It’s been quite the off season with all the rain. We got a couple days of sunshine fol lowed by a week of rain. As I write this, it’s 90 degrees. Just a few days ago, it was 43 degrees in the morning. By the time this is published, we will have had our first meeting. Our meetings are the second Monday of each month at 7 pm at the Denmark Municipal Building. All are wel come. There will be work parties in the near future so watch our web page for updates. Norma will have the updated membership application available on the Draggers site as well. You just need to print it out, complete it and forward it along with the fee. Don’t for get to get your sled serviced and registered in anticipation of that first snowfall. The club purchased a new to us groomer. We now have two of our track groomers for sale. They are advertised on Facebook and on the Facebook Market Place. Feel free to con tact the club for more information. Hopefully I will have more to report next month. Enjoy the rest of your fall. Nancy Moody, Club Secretary Good afternoon, before our season starts up here in Harrison as we cling on to whatever summer we have left The Harrison Friendly Riders want to extend our appreciation to all our landowners that allow us to keep up using the trail system. Also, as we start the season, we want to thank all our members who have signed up and will be signing up to support our club! This summer has definitely left us with some muddy trails, we have already started our trail maintenance schedule and will be posting it to our Facebook page as we go. There is a few spots of wash outs and possible some rerout ing of a few small areas on the trail that we need to work on as well as cleaning up all the brush and blowdowns. We would like to extend a thank you to the team of homeowners down on our south trail in Cape Monday that has been working on that one already, this is really a great help to the club. We held our annual meeting, election of officers and updating of bylaws in September, thank you to all that attended. We also would like to thank our new local MSA trail inspec tor John Carolan for attending our last meeting it was great meeting him and look forward to working with him in the future. We will be holding our Radar Runs this year on February 17th 2024, ice permitting as usual, so look out for updates for that. Hope fully this year we will be able to have it, as the ice has not been too cooperative in the past few years. We hold meetings monthly at the Harrison Community room and the dates are always posted to our Facebook page to all that would like to attend. Looking forward to a good snowy winter! Bre Worster Pejepscot Sno-Chiefs Lisbon Falls, ME Find us on Facebook Happy Fall from Pejepscot Sno-Chiefs! Our club has had a busy start to this season, hopefully a good sign for this year! HARRISON FRIENDLY RIDERS Harrison, ME Until next time, Bridget Gorton Club Secretary DENMARK DRAGGERS Denmark, , ME

We had our first regular meeting of the sea son Sept. 12th at the clubhouse, 7 members were present. Thank you, Susan, for pro viding the dessert! We discussed upcoming necessary trail/bridge work, that should have started by the time you are reading this. We always need more help on the trails, especially the bridge work, so PLEASE consider donat ing a work morning or two! We meet Sunday mornings at 8am, right at the clubhouse, and sometimes we have a breakfast first to fuel us up. Remember, these trails don’t get done on their own, it requires manpower, just saying. The warming hut/ticket booth is now moved. We received a heartfelt thank you from Camp Capella for our World’s Greatest Sleigh Ride fundraiser donation, and the MSA sent us an awesome plaque for our club’s 50th anniversary, including a very nice letter from Al Swett. Then, on Sept. 24th at the clubhouse, 22 of us celebrated our 50th Anniversary with a lobster/steak dinner, followed by a special, really cool cake! It was fun chatting with past members and volunteers, and members of our community. We are a pretty active club, and we would love more people in the area come learn about us. We have several activities planned for this season, weather permitting, stay tuned! We meet the second Tuesday of the month, 6 pm, at our clubhouse on the Bowdoinham Road in Lisbon Falls, usually it’s a dinner meeting. Our next meeting is Oct. 10th, so should have more to report then! Until then, stay safe, enjoy this beautiful time of year, I know I will, as I roam the deer woods! Respectfully submitted, Libby Nilsen, club reporter Hello fellow snowmobilers, There comes a time in everyone’s life that they cannot do what they used to do, either health rea sons or just plain old age. I guess I’ve reached BOTH at the same time.!! So, I’ve officially resigned from President of the Poodunck Snow mobile Club. It has been a GREAT run, not sure just how many years I was President, probably around 30 to 35. Our club is in GREAT hands now. Tom Child will take over my job and he will do a fantastic job. He has been President before and got done to watch his kids play high school sports, but now he’s a grandfather, he has decided to come back to our club, for which we are all VERY happy about!! With our other great lead ers, namely, David Berry, Jr, Rene Chartier, Grace (Mac) Goodrow, Marlene Fletcher, and Tom, the club couldn’t be in better hands. We have accomplished much over the years. Have had 3 new groomers, was 4th in the State in member ship one year, had two Groomers of the Year, and numerous landowners of the year. Our trails have been spoken of as some of the BEST in Maine. Dave takes GREAT pride in his work and it has paid off for the entire club. Our “Jersey Boys” also bring a lot hard work and support of not just our trails, but others in Maine. We have a lot of out of staters that belong and also support us generously. Marlene keeps making sure they are ALL con tacted to become members. It’s a TON of paper work and she handles it smoothly. THANK YOU MARLENE We had a nice turnout for our September cook out with other clubs’ members “stepping up” to get it done. It wasn’t easy for me to just sit there and watch everyone else do the work!!! NOT what I want or like but---- Our best fundraiser of the year is the Blessing of the Sleds. Not positive of the date yet, waiting to see when the free weekend of ice fishing is. But PLEASE make an effort to support both the Mexico and Dixfield clubs. As we all know, the price of fuel, insurance, and general maintenance of the trails takes a lot of money and this is our way of earning it ourselves. As soon as we have a date, I will put it in the paper. Unless someone else wants to job of club reporter, I will continue to do so until it’s impossible!! I am always open for suggestions as to what to out in our column so ANY ideas would be of great help. Club Reporter, J.H. EASTERN REGION POODUNCK sc Dixfield, ME

EASTERN MAINE SNOWMOBILERS Holden, ME EasternMaineSnowmobilers.com Find us on Facebook

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the passing of our friend Paul Gar gan. Paul and his wife Lisa have been long time supporting members of our club, with both Paul and Lisa spending countless hours volunteering, making desserts and helping with fundraising, with both being board mem bers of the club. Most recently Paul has been the treasurer of the club at least since 2008. A celebration of Life event was just held for Paul this past Thursday October 21st at EMSC with a full packed house of friends and family and snowmobile club and ATV club enthusi asts. I know that it was extremely odd to have a club meeting and sit at the table without Paul at my right shoulder and he certainly will be missed by me and all the others.

Welcome to fall everybody! This is busy season at the club! We just had our Open House with chicken barbecue last weekend and our first membership meeting of the year. We would like to thank Bangor Motorsports for bringing over the wonderful snowmobiles on the trailer to look at, touch and see in per son is a lot different than online or on your phone! It sure does stir the itch in everybody. At the first meeting there was more fun and information as we keep it light but we do know going forward we have work to do! Trail work starts with the first Sunday of October which is the 1st. We will do trail work every single Sunday until it’s time to go grooming. Meet at the clubhouse for 7:30 start coffee will be on and usually have some homemade baked goodies. Upcoming Events October 1 st Trail work 7:30 AM Board of directors meeting 6:00 PM October 15 th Landowner appreciation dinner Club dinner 6:00 PM. Club meeting 7:00 PM November 19 th Board of directors meeting 5:00 PM If you’re not a club member and you ride in our area, we humbly ask that you join. MSA super raffle tickets are out and purchasing them help support our club also. 300 Club tickets for this coming 6 month season start ing in November, have been printed and have been handed out to members that sell to the same people every year with the same number. Individual tickets are also available. Enjoy fall and winter is coming! Troy G Trail Grunt Club dinner 6:00 PM Club meeting 7:00 PM Well here it is, Friday, September 22, 2023 -the 1st official day of fall. It’s been really nice weather wise, finally a break from all of the liquid precipitation. We haven’t been able to do any trail work, yet -so for the last couple of SUNDAYS the team has been busy getting some inside work at the clubhouse (seems to be a never-ending battle). A couple of us have been selling MSA SUPER RAFFLE TICKETS on FRIDAY nights at VILLAGE VARIETY (thanks again to the PERRY’S for their continued support). GLENBURN LAKESIDE RIDERS sc Glenburn, ME

The 1 st meeting of the 2023-2024 season will be THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th at DALE & JO-ANNS house on the AMES ROAD / KEN DUSKEAG @ 7:00 P.M. It’s really important to get to these meetings to get the team / crew up to speed and efforts focused early and get the “ snow ball “ rolling .... This “ new to us “ side by side was acquired by the KENDUSKEAG STREAM RIDERS S.C late this summer -really looking forward to utilizing this piece of equipment to maxi mize trail work this season and many seasons to come. THANK-YOU DALE & GREG... Barry E. Ryan KSRSC Club Reporter Hi to all, Our first meeting of the year is October 10, but quite a bit has got done already this year. The groomer barn has had a huge refresh with new side wall and insulated. Quadcounty SC got an equipment grant for a portion of the price of a new drag, which will allow us to have 2 groomers out this winter and if we get the snow like we did rain this summer, we will certainly need 2! The new drag was delivered by Mountain Grooming Equipment, Septem ber 13. This season’s grant has been sent in and Hurricane Lee knocked down some big trees and 3 bridges need to be repaired as of now with more of the Quadcounty trail system gets checked out this fall. QUADCOUNTY sc Springfield , ME

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