MSA Club News
BBQ that we host at the Happy Horseshoe Campground every Memorial and Labor Day weekend. We sure hope you didn’t miss it! The food is great and you get to see all your friends and catch up for the upcoming snow season. Woops, did I say SNOW, yes I did. I hope you are getting ready for an awesome year! Just to update you, we are working on finally finishing our addition to the clubhouse and hope to see you when you come to our area. Also, we want to let you know, that we have had a lot of changes to our trails, therefore, you will have to pay close attention to the signs that we have been diligently working on to mark the new trails. We hope you enjoy traveling through and maybe you can stop in and have a cup of coffee with us. Safe travels, Lori Nunes, Club Reporter Is it possible to think about cold weather, snow and snowmobiling in early August when Maine is in the grip of a heat wave? Tempera- tures have been in the nineties and very high humidity. Hopefully by the time this first MSA newsletter of the 2021-2022 season is in your hands the temperatures will have moderated and we are enjoying those cool nights that are only a fond memory today. The Readfield Blizzard Busters Snowmobile Club is planning to hold our first meeting of the new season on September 15th, 2021 at 7:00 PM. Due to Covid restrictions the actual location and number of attendees have yet to be determined. Hopefully we can continue to say the public is invited and welcome, please check our Facebook page to confirm the actual location and what restrictions may apply. Until the next time, THINK SNOW! Marge and Lee Livingston Club Reporters READFIELD BLIZZARD BUSTERS sc Readfield, ME Find us on Facebook Hello everyone, it is that time again. The beginning of fall, the time to think about pull- ing the boat, sighting in the old smoke pole, and servicing your sled. You might want to include the following in your calendar. The second Tuesday of the month from September 14th to April 12th, we will be meeting at the Rome Town Hall at 7:00PM. Come join the meeting and help keep this 47-year-old Club going. Last year we started grooming with a couple of personal tracked 4X4s and a side by side on tracks. It worked out well and in March we purchased a used Ranger side by side and will start grooming with it this year. The C-4 map that we published annually will be changed to biannually starting this year. There was a slight change in our trail last year but you can still reach the ITS from either the West side trail or the East side trail. It will be well signed. We will have our election of officers on Oct.12th so make that one of your important meetings to attend. There will be a lot of trail trimming this year and we will send emails to advise everyone. So come to the meetings, come to help trail maintenance, and come enjoy your fellow members and shoot the Bull about your great summer. See you at the next meeting. Hal Garnett, Secretary Rome Ruff Riders, S/C ROME RUFF RIDERS Belgrade Lakes, ME
President-George Wacome Vice-president-Phil Wacome Treasurer-Dee Wilson Secretary-Barbara Whittemore Trail Masters: North side-George Wacome South side-Paul McCarty In town-Dom Rinaldi
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The building still requires attention and the grounds kept. Yes there is a lot to do, but, it can all be completed in due time with the help of every individual coming together. Are you the missing piece that helps us complete our tasks? Can you make it to a meeting on Monday night at 6:30pm and help us brain storm ideas? Can you cook a doughboy to golden perfection to help us at Carmel Days? Can you support us at Bingo by whipping up a special for the kitchen? Can you help us meet a new landowner and get permission from them? Can you donate a few hours to trail maintenance? Can you service equipment? There is so much that goes into making snowmobiling happen, but in order for it to happen, it has to start with volunteers. Our club is open to anyone and everyone. Please consider joining our group and helping out this year. A little bit of help, even for an hour, will go a long way, to making a successful snow- mobiling season. Don’t like meetings, follow us on Facebook to see what is happening and message us with your ideas. Become a part of something bigger than yourself and be able to look back with pride and say “I helped make that happen.” Everyone have a safe rest of the summer and hopefully we will be seeing you riding in Carmel soon. Sincerely, Elijah Brazier Hi to all, Summer flew by and I almost missed the first edition of the Maine Snowmobiler deadline. I will try to describe Quadcounty Snowmobile Club. We are located in the eastern part of Penobscot County in the Town of Springfield. Our 120 miles of ITS Connector Trail and club trail connects 4 counties: Penobscot, Washington, Aroostook and Hancock. Our trails traverse through 11 towns and townships tying eastern Maine together with groomed trails done by our certified groomer operators operating two New Holland tractors. We have about 60 members and I am proud to say Quadcounty SC has some old members doing trail work and grooming. We need younger people to step up and take the strain off us older members. We certainly would love more members, actively helping is the best, but members can’t always help with time, distance, work and health commit- ments. So just joining the club helps greatly. Our club or any club would certainly want sledders to join to make Maine’s massive trail system work. Please join a club. Quadcounty SC has been busy over the summer with our breakfast, every first and third Saturday morning each month. At our busiest breakfast, we served 129 people. It has become the area social event with people visiting while eating a great meal of their choice. We have had such large turn- outs for our breakfasts, if you haven’t been to the clubhouse this summer, you should stop in and see the improvements. In July, Quadcounty SC had our annual Chicken BBQ serving 186 people. In August, we had our annual Lobster Feed serving over 147 people. Our kitchen crew does an excellent job cooking and providing delicious meals. We will be serving lobster stew suppers, one in Hunting Season and another in January. We will post the dates as they get closer. We will be selling Super Raffle Tickets, Labor Day Weekend, at the “world famous Springfield Fair”. It is a great way for clubs to raise money and there are great prizes to win!! You can follow Quadcounty SC by liking us on Facebook. Your slow typing reporter, Kevin CENTRAL REGION QUADCOUNTY sc Springfield, ME
to the early fall snowmobile events such as the grass drags and watercross in New Hampshire and the big MSA show in Augusta at the Civic center in October! Troy G, Trail Grunt
Our first club meeting will be September 13 th @ 6:30. All are welcome. We will be dis- cussing the projects that need to be completed before the ground freezes and snow flies. The repairing of bridges and trimming trails, sign- ing and posting just to name a few. As always, your support is critical and enables the clubs to maintain a network of trails for all to enjoy. Please help your club. I know ALL volunteers are well appreciated. Our Club meetings are the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month @ 6:30pm. At the clubhouse, route 2 Cannan Rd Skowhegan. All are welcome, hope to see you there. Check out our web site and Facebook for updates. Stay Safe Respectfully Skowhegan Sno-Hawks Hello Everyone! It is hard to believe that September is already here. I hope that you all enjoyed the summer, whether it was ATV riding, camping, biking, hiking, swimming, boating, or just relaxing in a lawn chair. Our club has already started thinking about the snowmobile season. A donated snowmobile is being worked on to be drag worthy and drags are being assessed to see which ones are in need of work and which ones need to be replaced. September is membership month. It is time to renew or join the club. Our September meeting is always dedicated to renewing and joining as well as having a fun and interest- ing short program. All are welcome to come! Snacks and drinks will be provided as well, yum yum. This will be held on Tuesday, 9/14 at 7:00 p.m. at the Monmouth Center Fire Station. Hope to see everyone soon! Roberta Kemp, VP and Membership Chair COCHNEWAGAN TRAILBLAZERS Monmouth, ME If you like heat & humidity, this has been the summer for you. As for me, bring on the turtlenecks! Pejepscot Sno-Chiefs would like to invite you to join us at our first meeting of the sea- son, Sept. 19th, right at the clubhouse in Lis- bon Falls. Burgers, hot dogs, salads, & des- serts are on the menu. We will meet at 3pm, eat at 4pm, and hold our first official meeting immediately after lunch. Please RSVP me at 729-6337 if you can make it, or need more info! We always eat well at our dinner gath- erings, and we love having new friends join us! We will discuss our upcoming season and schedule of events, so let’s make this a great season on the trails! We wrapped up last season on April 17th with a BBQ dinner, courtesy of Steve, 9 members present plus Harvey Chesley joined us. We discussed several MSA happenings, re-capped our season, and are looking forward to a better 2021-2022! Hopefully we can have more local club rides, too. We meet every second Tuesday of the month, 7pm, at the clubhouse, right through April. If you are local and looking for a club to join, we’d love to have you join us! We all love snowmobiling and our great State of WESTERN REGION PEJEPSCOT SNO-CHIEFS Lisbon Falls, ME Like us on Facebook Hello from Pejepscot Sno-Chiefs!
Today is the 15 th of August and it’s been scorching hot these last few days 95+*! “The dog days of August”. We’ve received our MSA raffle tickets!! There are 3 sleds & 2 trailers also a $500.00 gift card to Kittery trading post, plus 35 gift certificates! All for the bargain price of $2.00 each or 6/$10.00. SELL! SELL! SELL!!! The first meeting of the year will be October 14 th @ 7:00 at Dale & Joann’s house. GLENBURN LAKESIDE RIDERS Glenburn, ME Today is already August 15th, 2021 Wow! What a hot week! Temps in high 90’s!! Marion has this year’s MSA super raffle tickets. 3 sleds, 2 trailers, $500.00 gift certifi- cate to the Kittery trading post plus 35 gift cer- tificates for food and lodging. What a deal!! The club will be selling tickets at Village Vari- ety in Glenburn on Friday’s from now until December. Stop in to see us. Club meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 at the club building on Ohio Street. First club meeting of the year will be Sep- tember 1, 2021! Everyone is welcome!! Please join us! Another season is upon us. We are still try- ing to recover from the hits we took because of Covid-19. It has been challenging for sure. We have been busy clearing the trees at the clubhouse and making an expanded park- ing lot for vehicles and sleds this winter. In addition, we have been improving the trail access behind the club and it should be eas- ier to access the bridge over Pushaw Stream. Trail work will be starting soon, and we will be looking for volunteers. Fundraisers are still up in the air. As with all clubs we are having trouble finding volunteers. If anyone has tips on how to recruit people who will help with the everyday tasks that keep the club running, we are all ears. Volunteers are hard to come by. We hope everyone had a safe and fun sum- mer. Our meeting is on the 2nd Thursday of the month thru September. We will go back to meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays start- ing in October. See you on the trails!! We want to say thanks to everyone who maintains the trails and we hope you all stay safe and healthy. Submitted by: Ray Simpson September is here and the fun is just about to begin. Plenty to accomplish at the Carmel Snowmobile Club in preparation for the upcom- ing season. The first meeting has come and gone and the election of officers will be happening shortly. Carmel Days will be fast approaching and there is Bingo to consider. Meeting new landowners is a priority and checking off with existing landowners is a must. Digging out and servicing equipment, bridge inspection and trail maintenance will need to be completed. See you on the trails! Respectfully submitted Barry E. Ryan PUSHAW LAKE sc Hudson, ME Find us on Facebook CARMEL, sc Carmel, ME See you on the trails! Respectfully submitted Barry E. Ryan
SKOWHEGAN SNO-HAWKS Skowhegan, ME skowhegansnowmobileclub.com Find us on Facebook
Hi fellow Snowmobilers. Hope everyone had a wonderful summer and enjoying your fall. Welcome to season 2021-2022 - Our Club Officers are.
Hi y’all, Can’t believe the summer is almost over! Well it will be by the time this newsletter gets out. We will have had our annual Chicken
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