
MSA Club News

Fryeburg Fair is fast approaching and we’re hopeful to sell all of our tickets for the MSA Super Raffle. There are more prizes to be won this year so make sure you get your tickets! We are also looking for volunteers to help man the booth so if you’d like to do a 4 hour shift please reach out to Bridget at (207) 935-3355. Trail work will be starting up after the fair so you may see some of the guys out there cut- ting and clearing limbs or rebuilding bridges and replacing culverts. We’re lucky to have an amazing team of volunteers who do all the work and keep them in great shape.

Maine in the winter! Until then, I’ll be up in the woods chasing bears, putting up this year’s veggie garden, and getting ready for my favorite time of the year! Stay safe & join us this September! Respectfully submitted, Libby Nilsen, club reporter

Every club has a few volunteers that go above and beyond what most people do. Our club is NO exception. As I have always said, the trail- master’s job is by far the most demanding job in a club. We have been blessed the past few years having Dave Berry, Jr. as our guy. But he would be quick to tell us that without some AWESOME help, he could not do it. Don Dakin and Bob Cushman are the first to come to my mind!! They BOTH have contributed SO MANY hours of dragging our great trails, a lot of times when the rest of us are sleeping!! Lately Paul Holmquist has been a huge help to Dave as well. And Dave has a son, Branden, who also has been going out a lot lately. What a BIG help all of this is for him. The “inside” work also has to be done and that is another thing our club is grateful for!! Our treasurer, Rene Chartier does a bang-up job with that. Don Johnson, our pres- ident, still hasn’t made the “move” to Maine yet, but he comes up every weekend to do his “thing”, and helps Dave immensely!! Grace, “Mac” Goodrow is our secretary and always has great ideas of how we can improve the club. And another job that takes a ton of time is our mem- bership chair, Marlene Fletcher. I have done that job before and next to the trailmasters, it takes a LOT of time to do it right, and she ALWAYS does!!! So, you see our club is in great shape. David had a few young guns helping last year as well. I will give you their names in my next report. What a GREAT help it is for our crew as we are NOT getting any younger and the new guys REALLY helped a bunch!! Hopefully they will come back again??? Our meetings are now the last Sunday of the month, held at the Sam’s in Dixfield, starting at 11 am. ALL are welcome to come and see what it takes to keep our trials open and smooth!! We welcome e everybody!!! On September 18th, at the Sportsmen’s Club- house on the Canton Point Road, our club will have a FREE cookout to all new and old mem- bers. You can come that day and join after hav- ing a burger and or a dog OR BOTH!! Drinks are included, along with cole slaw and mac salad. Starting at 2 PM, we have a short busi- ness meeting and then eat. Hope to see as many of you that can make it!!! Hope everyone has a FANTASTIC winter!!! Club reporter, J.H. Happy Fall everybody, we are now one season closer to the best season of them all. Right now, I am betting snowmobiling is one of the last things you are thinking of but for all the clubs across the region, plans have been underway planning and working on ways to make this next riding season the best one yet. All clubs including the Honkers are always accepting new members. To join the club we have memberships available on our website: hollishonkers.org. We will be starting up meetings for the year on September 14th at 7 PM. After that they are the second Tuesday of the month. Meetings are usually held at the Rod & Gun club but please check Facebook or our website as they get moved from time to time to the River Tap. Pretty soon you will start seeing Facebook posts from the club inviting you out to work parties we hold in the fall to get the trails ready for the season. If you haven’t been to one, please make a little extra effort this year to come to help out at one, or more, this year. We accept help from any age or skill set, we are not building rocket ships out there, just pounding nails and throwing brush off the trail. And finally if you don’t like to work in parties just send a message to hollishonk- erdan@gmail.com because we have plenty of work you can do as an individual or with your family, friends, or business. It really does take a community. As always, ride safe and do your part to sup- COASTAL REGION Hollis Honkers sc, inc Hollis, ME

port your local snowmobile club. Dan Yarumian - President


Hello Sno Crawlers, Hope all is well, and everyone enjoyed the sum- mer weather. There’s a handful of members chomp- ing at the bit to get back into trail work mode, I’ve been getting calls on when are we starting.. (Still too warm for me!) Looking like we are going to have a strong work force. This spring some of the members joined in on the town’s roadside cleanup. Rather than doing trail-

NORTH FRANKLIN, sc Phillips, ME Find us on Facebook

Hello, Well it’s that time of year again where we start thinking of trail maintenance and bridge repair. We will start the second weekend of September and then every Sunday there after until the work is complete. The club has purchased a new Skandic wide track snowmobile to help with early snow packing and trail work. We should take deliv- ery sometime in November. As like all area snowmobile clubs we could always use a hand working the trails and would consider paying your club membership if willing to help us on the trails. We meet every Sunday at George Berry’s garage 132 Miles Square Road Phil- lips, Maine. Let’s all hope for a better snow season than NORWAY TRACKERS Norway, ME Find us on Facebook norwaytrackerssnowmobileclub@gmail.com Welcome back sledders, Hope everyone had a wonderful summer. Autumn is rapidly approaching, time to start planning for the upcoming season. We are greatly honored to have been nomi- nated and chosen as the ‘20/’21 Snowmobile Club of the year. This award goes out to all our members and landowners. Everyone who helps out with trail work and maintaining equipment to the operators and those who work behind the scenes. Thank you to all of our family and business members who made last season such a huge success. Keep an eye out in your mail boxes this fall for your ‘21/’22 memberships and Super Raffle tickets. Try to return them as soon as possible. We now have a Venmo account, so we will be able to accept electronic payments if you also have a Venmo account. If you ride our trails and are not a member, please consider joining our club. It takes a tremendous amount of money to maintain our trail system. Without members there would be no club, with no club there would be no trails. Drop us an email or message us on Facebook. Our membership application can be down- loaded or I can mail you one. We will be selling Super Raffle tickets again this year. There are a lot of fantastic prizes this year. Please consider purchasing some to support your local club and the MSA. Contact us to get your tix. We hold our meetings on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM. Last year, all our meetings were held on Zoom which worked quite well, however, hopefully we can start holding regular meetings face to face this year. Everyone interested in snowmobiling is wel- come to attend our meetings. Our first meeting of this season will be on September 7 th . Follow us on Facebook for updates and events. JOIN A CLUB, SUPPORT THE SPORT. Dan Trouant, Membership Chair FRYEBURG AREA SNOWMOBILE ASSOCIATION Fryeburg, ME Greetings everyone, I’d like to start this letter by letting everyone know that we have changed from the Interstate Sno-Goers to the Fryeburg Area Snowmobile Association. Thank you to all our returning members and welcome to all of our new members. We look forward to seeing you all out on the trails this season. last year. See you on the trails. David Greely, Vice President

See you soon! Bridget Gorton Club Secretary

BRIDGTON EASY RIDERS sc Bridgton, ME www.bridgtoneasyriders.com

Hello MSAMembers, Summer is winding down, we’re starting to think about winter, and plans for the new snowmobile season are already underway. We have our Club Officers in place, after last April’s club meeting and election. Four positions were up for election and were voted on: Bob Corthell—Vice President Steve Brill——Trailmaster Jackie Barber--Secretary, & Facebook Chair Richard King—Director Judy Pelletier, Club Secretary for many years, is retiring from that position. Thanks to Judy for all her years of work in that position. The Club finished last year with 143 mem- bers, which is the largest in history! Bill Preis has been busy this summer get- ting approvals from neighboring snowmobile clubs for the new regional snowmobile trail map for 2022. The map will be hand made by SGS (Sharkey Graphic Solutions). It will fea- ture a pale-yellow background with blue lakes and rivers, black roads, and red trails that will be GPS’d. The deadline for map ads and Club Contact information is October 1 st . The map will be printed in December. Our first Club meeting of the season will be Friday, September 10th at Bridgton Commu- nity Center. The Fabulous Pot Luck Supper will begin at 6PM followed by the business meeting at 6:45. Masks may be required. Please remember to add future meetings to your calendar, the 2 nd Friday of each month until April at 6PM. Bill Preis, BER Club Correspondent https://www.facebook.com/weldwinterwildcat The Wildcats had a busy summer with Fund- raisers. We sponsored a Street Dance 4th of July weekend with raffles and popcorn sales. We attended the Webb Lake Days and Histori- cal days. Was awesome to meet everyone from other clubs that came to support us. We are getting ready for our first Club meeting of the season and elections. Time to start working on preparing the trails for what we hope will be a great season. We have a “dreaded hill” that will get an excavated makeover this fall. This sea- son will also mark the 50th Anniversary of the Weld Winter Wildcats and we are preparing for a big celebration that we hope all can attend! Stay tuned for more from the Wildcats and happy trails! Linda Healey, Club Member Hello fellow sledders, I sure hope you all had a great summer. Finally, we were able to have some gatherings without being told we couldn’t!! I feel really sad for all the small businesses that had to close because of the virus. One of my favorite eating places, the Deluxe Diner, was one of the casual- ties, very sad for a lot its customers!! Let’s hope NOTHING like this hits us again and we can go on with our lives!!! WELD WINTER WILDCATS Weld, ME POODUNCK sc Dixfield, ME

work we took a couple of weekends cleaning up trash. Thanks to the members who were involved. Thanks to our supporting businesses and mem- berships who keep us going strong. Thanks all, Ben Scott Days are getting shorter and there is that bit of the crisp cool air at night that I am sure every- one is welcoming after the hot summer. We are getting ready for winter with our first meetings and trail work. Looking to grow our small club and always welcoming new members. We meet at Sanford Fish and Game building Sunday mornings at 7:45 AM for trail work and have our meetings at the same building September 9th and 23rd at 7 PM. Get those machines tuned up, reg- istered, insured and ready to go because winter we be here quick!!! Steve Givens WINDHAM DRIFTERS sc Windham, ME Happy September from the Windham Drifters SC! We are excited for another snowmobiling sea- son here in Windham. Members of our club have been investigating options to increase the club’s trail network and discussions continue with local Land Trusts and neighboring clubs. More infor- mation will be shared as details and plans are available. This is great news for local snowmo- bilers and all others who use our trail system. For the third year in a row, Windham Drifters SC has been awarded MSA’s Coastal Region Club of the Year for total membership count. We had 119 business and family members last year!! Our goal is to improve on that number this coming season!! October and November are very busy months for our club. There are many tasks that need to be completed to get our equipment and trails ready for the snowmobile season ahead. We welcome anyone who can lend a hand with these tasks. Please follow our Facebook page and frequent our website for weekly plans and workdays. Lastly, a special Thanks to those dedicated officers and members who work year-round for our club. Follow us on Facebook and visit our website windhamdrifters .com Due to Covid 19 restrictions, club meetings are being conducted by only key club officers at this time. Till next time, Shane Spencer-Club Reporter ALNA sc Alna, ME Hello All Fellow Readers and Riders, Here is hoping everyone enjoyed this warm and SOUTHERN MAINE SNO-GOERS Sanford, ME

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