
MSA Club News

We’re planning to hold our next club meet- ing Wednesday September 8th and hope to have more of our 2021-2022 plans solidified as summer winds down! We generally hold our meetings on the second Wednesday of each month during the season. Don’t forget to join your local club, and help out when you can. Our trails are a labor of love, and we can’t do it all without YOU!!! Here’s to lots of snow and a great riding sea- son coming up! Sincerely, Paul Phillips - President

Next came ground work to hook up the elec- tricity. Don and Larry dug a trench and bur- ied the cable, then Larry wired the lights. The sleds are inside and the SUV is under its new cover beside the building, up off the ground. Dola suggested we place a plaque in memory of Red Hodgins on it, and Bill suggested we add club founder to it. When the plaque is ready, which may be done by the time this is read, it will be installed and we will dedicate the building to Red. Many, many thanks to Nancy and Dola for allowing the club to place this building on their property. The club had looked to buy a piece of property to build on but at this time didn’t have the resources. The placement and getting ready of the building have taken much time over the sum- mer, but now the club will begin to schedule trail work. There are some places we know need to be brushed, as always, and there is a bridge or two that will most likely need repair. Just as it is with every club, trail work is ongo- ing through the fall. All hands are greatly appreciated and if you would like to help or join the club contact Nancy at (207) 843 7270 or Eileen at (207)843-7813. Trail work is usu- ally done for a few hours on weekends. Hope- fully this club will not have any re-routes to do this year, most of our trails are on established roads, but we never know until we start work. We welcome any and all snowmobilers in the Clifton and Amherst areas as well as sur- rounding towns to come join our merry band of volunteers. We know there are many sleds registered in Clifton and some of you may be reading this right now. Please support your local club and help us continue to maintain the trails in this area. Our trails connect to the Eastern Maine Snowmobile Club trails as well as to Pine Tree Snowmobile Club in Milford’s trails. If you have ridden from Brewer, Holden or Eddington to Milford you have been on our trails. Look for the new signs indicating you are entering Clifton Area Snowmobile Club trails. Stay safe everyone and enjoy the beginning of fall. It won’t be long, we hope, until the leaves are off the trees and cold weather is upon us. Get the sleds ready and registered. Until October! The Officers, Directors and Members of CASC Hello Fellow Snowmobilers! It seems odd to write about snowmobiling in July when it’s 80 degrees but there is plenty to prepare for. I hope you are all enjoying summer. Summer, like snowmobile season, never seems long enough. The BRRSC had its last meeting and election of officers in March 2020. The slate of officers was presented and approved by a vote of members present. New officers for 2021-2022: President Mark Boynton Vice President Brian Scott Treasurer Dottie Boynton Secretary Gail/Mike Hoyt Trail Boss Carey Ayer Membership Chair Kate Tiffany There was discussion about a grant for a new groomer and President Mark is following up with that. Trail Boss Carey has plans to do routine bridge repair and trail maintenance but also some major improvements. He is working with Weyerhaeuser on the trails that are on their land. We have access to some fill that we will use on some very rough parts of the local trails. Getting the rocks and stumps covered will make grooming smoother and much eas- ier to maintain. There will be improvements around the Moose River bridge and nearby trails, includ- ing the Demo Rd. trail to New Stoney Brook trail. Some of these projects are being shared with the Rockwood ATV Club. We will be renting an excavator to help with big jobs but there is always plenty of manual labor needed. A big thanks to the handful of BLUE RIDGE RIDERS, sc Rockwood, ME

regulars who do the bulk of the work and we welcome anyone who can help for a day or several days. Contact Mark at (207) 205-0414 or Carey at (207) 349-0903. Dottie Boynton has done an amazing job in the past several years of providing the small town of Rockwood with one of the largest membership snowmobile clubs in the state. Kate Tiffany has now taken over as Member- ship Chair and hopes to continue to grow our membership. Statements to past members should have arrived by now. Please send in your member- ship now while you are thinking of it! Thanks! If you are a new member or didn’t receive your application form, please contact Kate at (508) 954-4005 to join as a member or as a business. Dates to Remember: Membership meetings are held on the 3 rd Saturday of each month from September until March (except for December). Meetings are held at Brad Scott’s home, near Moosehead Bait and Tackle and Sled Rental. The 12 th Annual Pig Roast is scheduled for Saturday September 4th. (Mark your calen- dars for next year - The Pig Roast is always on the Saturday before Labor Day from 5:00-6:00 at Moosehead Rentals and Sled Repair). Raf- fle tickets are on sale after noon. Dottie has collected thousands of dollars in prizes from local and not so local businesses and individ- uals. Great food and the raffle that follows is huge! Next meeting is Saturday, September 18th. See you there! Respectfully Submitted, Gail Hoyt, Secretary SHIRLEY BOG TRAIL BUSTERS Shirley, ME Check out our web site https://sites.google.com/site/ shirleybogtrailbusters Like us on Facebook Shirley Bog Trail Busters Get in touch with us at ShirleyBogTrailBusters@gmail.com It may be time for a swim or boating on the lake or a barbeque outdoors, but our directors have been working trying to figure out how to best store our new groomer for the summer. Should we do a cement pad, a slate pad, 20 feet wide by 40 feet long or……… They think they have figured it out. We will keep you updated on their choices when it is completed. Officers have not met but we are all busy. Peggen with monthly bills, Debi doing the newsletter, tax returns, state filings and insur- ance forms, Charlie and Hutch figuring out trails. Never mind the other little paper work we all do. The Shirley Bog Trail Busters as an annual event has once again participated in the 4 th of July Greenville Parade a big event in the area. This year’s theme; Moosehead Lake, Past, Present and Future. Denise, Debi and Steve once again designed the float, a paper mâché Big Moose Mountain with Ronnie Vainio’s antique sled, Skidoo Olympic 1967. Denise and Steve led the group with their decorated ATV, Debi walked the parade giving out candy in the club’s Beaver costume, Greg and Lorna

the 3 rd Thursday of the month at 7:00PM at the Shirley Library. Debi Lynne Baker, Secretary


As I write the first newsletter of the season it is near 90°, beautiful, warm and sunny. I hope that everybody has had an enjoyable summer and got to do many fun things with family and friends! It won’t be long and the nights will be getting longer and cooler and we’ll be heading full bore into snowmobile season! In the spring we had our election of officers and that did bring some changes to the Head table. At president now is Brent Spalding with Troy Grass as vice president. We want to thank Jan Logan for her time as Vice President for the club, much appreciated Jan! We also have two new directors on the board in Brett Dyer and Aaron O’Donnell. Thanks and wel- come aboard! We just completed a really fun fundraiser for our club this past August 15th, our annual twin lobster feed at the clubhouse. This year was a success with a total sellout of lobster! As with all events at our clubhouse it would not happen without the dedicated members who volunteered their time and those who made homemade pies and desserts for the event as well as the salads and coleslaw etc. Also, to those who brought in their pop-up canopies, steaming pots and bases. Thank you to everybody who helped with the delivering of the lobsters, the prep, the cooking and the cleanup! If you missed this year’s, be on the lookout next August, we’re doing it again! It is with great pleasure right now that we announce that G&M Family Market in Holden has been awarded the MSA Business Member of theYear award for 2020! Thank you to Greg and his father, David Hawes for always going above and beyond for our club! Be it offering to help sell our super raffle tickets and letting us put up flyers for our other fundraisers, or always having a stack of our local trail maps as well as MSA maps. Basically, supporting our local club and supporting snowmobiling as a sport locally! Thank you again! Upcoming Events: Sept 19 th - Open house / BBQ / membership drive starts at 3:00 PM. The barbecue is free with your paid membership for the upcoming season! we hope to have local businesses dis- playing some new snowmobiles and trailers for 2021 BBQ. 4:00 PM Club meeting 5:00 PM Oct 17 th -Landowner appreciation dinner Board of Directors 5:00 PM Dinner 6:00 PM Club Meeting 7:00 PM Nov 6 th - Hunter’s Breakfast 4:30 AM – 8:30 AM Please check our Facebook page for current information and details on these events! Trail work: We do anticipate a couple of reroutes this year hopefully nothing as major as last year. Trail work will be posted on Facebook as soon as we can get together! Rental: We have had a pretty good run with our rentals at the clubhouse. You can check the website for details and contact information. I hope everybody has a great rest of your summer and early fall and has a chance to go Greg Hawes from G & M Market with our trailsmaster Larry L and rentals chair Nancy G

PENOBSCOT, sc Hermon, ME

Hello all, I hope everybody had a good summer. Since Covid restrictions were lifted, we had our first Annual Kevin Call Jr. Memorial Truck and Tractor Pull. Unfortunately, Mother Nature

was very unkind to us the night before and we had quite a bit of rain. Luckily, our great volunteers got the track usable for the event with a slight delay. The event ended up being a

great fundraiser for us and we have decided to have another one on September 18th. I believe from now on we plan to do two pull events a year. We fully rebuilt the track with over 700 yards of new clay. We also improved the grad- ing and overall facilities around the track. We plan to make Hermon the number one spot to pull in the state! If any businesses are inter- ested in sponsoring the event, please contact Sled Hermon on Facebook. Soon enough we will be planning our trail workdays and getting the groomers serviced up for the season. We hope to beat our mem- bership record from last year. We are setup with an online merchant system to take pay- ments through a secure link through Facebook, Email, or text. If you are interested in doing trail work or joining the club, please message the Sled Hermon Facebook page. As always thank you to all the businesses and people that have supported us and continue to support us! Andrey Jackson Clifton Area Snowmobile Club is located in the town of Clifton, off Route 9. We do not own a clubhouse building but are tre- mendously lucky to have Nany Hatch and Dola Hinckley allow us to use their land and house for our meetings, which is located at 55 Bradbury Brook Rd. We have rotated meeting dates around trying to accommodate as many members as possible. Since we only have less than twenty members, we don’t take up much room when we meet. We also are treated to homemade goodies at each meeting, so we are doubly lucky. The 2021-2022 season is fast approaching and CASC is gearing up for a great year. In June Nick, Larry, and Tim were on hand when the club’s new groomer building arrived and made sure it was in place correctly. Larry then worked at getting the inside ready by coating the floor and putting protective mats in place. CLIFTON AREA, sc Clifton, ME

Shirley Bog Trail Busters award winning 4 th of July Float

Young followed with the float in Greg’s truck and Art O’Connor’s trailer. We received the Most Creative float award this year. Thanks to all for a nice presentation and all the help. Hope to see you at our club meetings, this year first meeting in October. They are always

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