

Mechanic Falls Water Department

We are happy to report that the Northern Springs Trailer Park in Poland has been on our system for just over a year now. This project was accomplished with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and also funding from the State. A thirty-thousand-gallon tank was also installed as part of this project. This adds to our storage capability. Two fire hydrants were also part of this project. Four new water service customers were also added to this line. Tony Corey who was with us for about ten years decided to move on. He was replaced by Ben Limerick. We are required to have two certified water operators on staff. Jake Verrill and myself fill that requirement, but Ben has been taking classes to obtain his certification. Ah yes, the COVID-19 19 epidemic. We were concerned that some of our chemicals would not be available, but we managed to keep a sufficient supply on hand. Between chemical issues and staffing hours, we were able to keep the system running. The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is one of our guiding agencies. We were not allowed to shut off anyone for most of the year. We estimated one reading and then were able to actually read the meters again. We discovered that because people were home more, we were pumping more water. We can once again turn off a customer for nonpayment. At the writing of this report, I am pleased to say that no one has been disconnected. Either bills have been paid, or arrangements have been made to catch up. We have some major improvements that need to be made at the pumping station. We need to replace our pump and install a generator. We were hoping to receive a grant from the Emergency Management Agency (EMA) this year, but it didn’t happen. We are hoping to have better luck in the coming year. The pump is about thirty years old and is losing its efficiency. We were able to replace about five-hundred feet of water main on Second Avenue this year. That neighborhood has one and a half-inch plastic feeding part of it. This pipe has been plagued with issues over the years. A fire hydrant was added to the end for fire protection. Because of the great cooperation between the Water Department and the Highway Department, projects like this can be done reasonably.


Stephen French, Superintendent


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