of February. A slow start yes but long term forecast calls for a very snowy Feb- ruary and hopefully March and we can finish the year strong. With the less than average snowfall, it has brought a large number of snow- mobilers to a certain few areas that were graced with just enough snow to ride. This created a whole other set of challenges for clubs with heavy traffic directly after the snowfall, kudos to all the clubs that put in the extra time and made it happen! With winter in full swing, hopefully by the time you get this paper we will be busy grooming and riding from Kittery to Fort Kent and everywhere in between. Remember courtesy when out on the trail, have fun and be safe, always be thinking ahead and prepare yourself with some basics when riding. One thing the late winter and lack of snow has done is afforded the MSA and local clubs a chance to get some extra maintenance done on the trails as well as the groomers and take on projects which might have otherwise taken a backseat in the deep winter months. With this being the blessing of the sleds February 13, start at 10:30 food, blessing will be 12 sharp in Mexico at the groomer build- ing. J.B.Wing will be at the Bigelow Lodge every weekend following CDC orders. Food outside and a bonfire. Kingfield is doing real well with the virtual race, over half of our donors are landowners. Central Region V.P. Jack Lord- Still lacking snow. Solon north has been packing, Jackman has been rolling. Just need snow. Eastern Region V.P. Eileen Lafland – Nothing south of Lincoln, in Lin- coln not much but rock and stump rid- ing. Just need more snow. Some clubs aren’t meeting. No showcase ride in February. Standing Committee Reports Trails Committee Chair Mark Chin- nock- Some riding. There is riding, but not mid season riding if you go off the trail there is nothing soft, be care- ful where you go and call first. Need more snow for a base. Membership- Bob F. Coastal 1273, Central 1433, Northern-1579, Eastern 2296, and Western 2617 for a total 9209 + 53 Family memberships. Scholarship-Make sure you get your applications in. Working on a way to resolve a tie, last year there was a tie. Safety Committee Al Swett -Three fatalities and several accidents, three OUI Saturday night. Laminating 700 safety post- ers, they really work well. Also work- ing on ride right.
said club members, groomer/operators and such have been hard at work and are more than ready to hit the trails and lay down some white gold. So when you’re out riding and you meet a groomer or a crew out doing trail maintenance please stop and thank them for making the trails what they are, those words are sometimes hard to come by and really do mean a lot! You’ve also probably heard this a million times but did you know that somewhere around 95% of all land that you make tracks through are owned by private land- owners? That’s right by people like you and me, so please when making personal decisions out on the trail make them as if it was YOUR land and say to yourself “ if this was mine how would I like to see it left” it’s that easy. Before I end just one more thing, if there is any club or club member that needs materials, signs, has a question or concern or just want to share something of interest please give me a shout, message or email I would love to hear from you. Till next time have fun, THINK SNOW and keep on fighting the good fight. Respectively, Mark. Fund raising- Al virtual racing is doing awesome for the first year. Will be announcing the stop date. Debbie Gould is doing a great job on her end. Hospitality-need to submit info. So cards can be sent out. Steering Committee Chair John Monk first full directors meeting with Zoom, incredible this is working so well. Thank you Paul Gallant. This year it is important that you talk to your local legislators. Word of mouth is what will make this work this year. LR 205- An act to support trail improvement. Advisory council for ATV’s is trying to get going. Put in by Paul Sterns of Guilford. LR 1334-Dual Registration for ATV’s with tracks for winter use. This is cloudy for the town offices, the trail systems are two completely separate, summer and winter, not combined. So will have to observe the wording. Put in by Thomas Scofield of Weld. LR898-To clarify electric bicycles on off road trails. Put in by Mathia Dotrie of Cumberland LR616-Act to extend electronic proof of registration to all terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, and water craft. To have them registered before you go on the trail. LR672- increase residents snow- mobile registration by $10 with $5 going to snowmobile trail fund and $5 going to capital equipment grant ($45 to $55 for residents)and non-residents snowmobile registration increase of $20 with $10 going to snowmobile trail fund and $10 going to capital
Trails Committee Chair Report
Safety Committee Chair Report
working on the server. Working long hours to get it backup and running, even was up all night. Mark C.- Al has cases of ITS maps. Get in touch and they will be distributed. Next virtual meeting February 16th. Meeting adjourned 7:51 Mike Grass I was invited to the Ripely SC’s monthly meeting. I displayed signs and safety materials and got to give out some items. It was a great time and I was very happy for the invite. In February, I’ll be in Solon with the IF&W safety team giving a snowmo- bile safety course. Right now, it’s full but you can call me to see if anyone has cancelled so you may attend. Please ride right and ride safe! Al machine. Plan and prepare for your trip out into the Maine North Woods. Snowmobile safety depends on you; many folks sometimes take for granted how smooth the trails are and how quick their sleds can take them where they want to go. Slow down and enjoy your outing, watch for wildlife be aware of downed trees and wash out’s. Corners can come up on you quickly be prepared for anything. The snowmobile safety posters are available to clubs these are great for the clubhouse’s and out on the trail. Let me know if you would like some and I can get them to you.
Alan Swett, Safety Committee Chair 207-872-7282 234 County Rd, Waterville ME 04901 snowtraveler@roadrunner.com H ello Snowmobiler’s. Well January did not end very well.
Mark Chinnock,Trails Committee Chair 207-754-9874 435 Poland Corner Rd, Poland ME 04274 napadude66@hotmail.com H ello Folks, We definitely got off to a slow start this season in the snow department, as I write this column it is and has been snowing however. We are getting a good dumping of snow any- where from 6” to well over a foot state- wide, pretty sad considering it is the 1st A t 6:48 PM President Mike Grass Jr. called the meeting to order. 28 Virtual attendees. Pledge of Allegiance Mike stated Last meeting was in Guliford. Motion was made and seconded, to accept the secretary’s report as dis- tributed, motion carried. Treasurer’s Report was read by Lori H. Copy to be filed at the office. Mike stated Virtual Race has raised $13,493. Working with Malory-Out- side Edge for trail conditions. Super raffle went well. Nominations for various MSA awards have a February 28th deadline. Executive V.P. Al Swett- If it’s bro- ken we can fix it. Please reach out to your Regional V.P. Northern Region V.P. Matt- Clubs are grooming with not a lot of snow from the bottom to the top. Limited riding- call ahead and check with clubs. Also a lot of trail damage from the storm. Clubs have been working hard to open up the trails. Limestone club has been preparing for the March 13th ride with the meeting in Caribou. Coastal Region V.P. Dave Wat- son-Clubs doing repairs, trail work, building bridges, all optimistic, just need snow. Virtual race is going fan- tastic. Keep it going! Western Region V.P. James Boyce- Kingfield, Rangeley, Eustis, Carra- bassett, New Portland, and Strong all groomed, out again Thursday, but a little rocky. Can ride, just have to be careful. Pudonk, Dixfield is doing
Three deaths and several accidents. I feel bad for those involved, it’s sad it happened. We’re starting late this year and people have to remember they have not been on their sleds since a shortened season last winter. Take the time to get readjusted to your Director’s Meeting 562 Secretary’s Report - January 26, 2021
equipment grant. Put in by Dan Mar- tin of Sinclair on the IFW committee. Unfinished business-Al.- Lori H. Editor and chief is doing an out- standing job. Having a distribution problem. New business-Eileen -MSA awards deadline. Al.- Nomination papers are on the website. Due by February 28th. Eileen- Shout out to Bob Flagg
Treasurer’s Report
Lori Hemmerdinger (207) 890-5455 544 Plains Road Poland, ME 04274 Treasurer@mesnow.com Respectfully Submitted, Lori Hemmerdinger, Treasurer
Monthly Income Monthly Expense
$ 31,773.21 $ 15,025.12 $ 16,748.09 $120,417.53 $ 38,781.44 $ 14,546.22 $ 53,682.26 $ 1,284.84 $ -
Net Revenue
Checking (1/31/21)
Dedicated Account (1/31/21) Special Events Account (1/31/21)
Credit Line (1/31/21) Building Fund (1/31/21)
Brian Wass Safety Fund (1/31/21)
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r u a
2 1 l M a i n e S n o w m
e b
o b
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