Central Region VP
Northern Region VP with less-than-ideal snow conditions, early season blowdowns & heavy snow that brought down lots of trees are still out there working relentlessly to make sure folks can get out and ride if the conditions permit. Many fundraisers have been adapted, changed dates, or cancelled for one reason or another. So please make sure you help to support your clubs financially. Just because there has not been the same amount of grooming hours year to date as normal does not mean the clubs’ expenses are that much less. All the work to get the trails ready to ride really adds up. The County clubs are a great group of people with ideas that are helping to drive up their memberships, allowing them to engage riders who have never joined before and who are embracing technology to change how they do the day-to-day work needed to run a club. If you have a passion to ride, you should put some of that energy into helping out at the club level, they NEED YOUR HELP. Thank you to those who have reached out to ask questions & Eastern Region VP social gatherings. We need the snow!! I want to express my sympathy to all the MSA families who have either lost or know someone else who has lost some- one dear to them during this pandemic. None of ever expected this to last as long as it has and to take so many lives from us. We can only hope the vaccines do their job and we can once again gather as families and friends. Keep staying safe everyone! Last February we gathered in Medway to do an Eastern Region Showcase ride and to hear the results of the Economic Impact study. Times were great and the weather the day of the ride was per- fect. We all talked about doing it again in 2021 and plans were made to do so. Unfortunately, due to low (in some place NO) snow at this time and the continua- tion of gathering restrictions, this year’s event has been canceled. I was looking forward to once again showing what this region has to offer, but it isn’t meant to be this year. Please make plans to join us in 2022! Eastern Region clubs have not stopped in the preparations of trials just because January brought above normal times and no snow. Boy, was the Old Farmer’s Almanac waaay off this year! Clubs have been out clearing trails and then clearing them again after wind and rain, and then clearing them again after more wind and rain. Many clubs have also had to repair washouts and replace of put back in place bridges that have been dam- aged or moved. When you do get out to ride, PLEASE be careful and watch for
Coastal Region VP
water hazards and wash-outs as some clubs just couldn’t get them all repaired like they were before. I do know there have been some trail re-routes as well so be on the lookout. One other area this pandemic has affected is club meetings and gatherings along with fund raising events. Many clubs open their doors to riders serving up hot breakfasts, lunches and other meals to support themselves. These are not happening and I for one am miss- ing those. It has been said many times that snowmobilers make the best cooks and riders can tell you who has the best food along the trials. Please think about the club(s) you frequent the most during your rides and send them a few dollars to say you miss them as well. I am sure they will appreciate it, and after all if they were able to serve you those meals you would be spending money with them anyways. The end of February is when contest nomination forms are due at the MSA Office. You can find the forms on the website- www.mesnow.com and down- load them. It would be great to have many nominations for all these awards. Each club should have a business, a dealer, a member or even their own club to nominate so get the forms and send them in. Until March everyone- Continue to stay safe and ride where you can and sup- port those businesses and clubs as much as you can. Eileen MSA CLUBS: To Order Needed ITS & JCT SIGNS Contact Mike Grass Sr. MSA Trails Committee 252 Condon Rd, Plymouth, ME 04969 207-368-4914 home 207-745-2745 cell Grasslands252@gmail.com To Order Club Trail Signage Candice Pinkham, DACF/Snow- mobile Program 207-287-4957 Office 207-878-8111 Fax Candice.M.Pinkham@maine.gov provide ideas to improve the way we interact with the membership. If you have a question, problem, concern, or idea on snowmobiling in “The County”, get in touch with me. You can contact me at the phone # or email below. Matt Stedman
David Watson, 207-205-1558 412 Roberts Ridge Rd East Waterboro ME 04030 dwatson6841@gmail.com
I t’s January 24, no real snow to talk of at this time, so it’s hard to know what to talk about. Safety is a real big issue at this point. What snow is out there is sparse and a dusting over ice is not the safest of conditions, it can get you quick. Slow down, be safe and watch for those who are not reading this and think nothing can happen to them. Just remember ice on the trail and ice not thick enough on the lakes and ponds has already done enough harm this year. This is going to be short at this time. Do your snow dance and remember if I can help you, feel free to call at anytime. Keep Smiling, Be Safe Coffee is on Jack Lord Jack Lord Home: (207) 672-3915 / Cell: 207-717-7131 Email: jacklord5256@gmail.com at the Mexico groomer shed 2-13-2021 starts at 10:30 Blessing at 12:00. Also if you’re riding up my way in Kingfield we will be helping out with the Kingfield Days Committee to hold a winter feast by the Sno-Wanderers sled shed. On 2-20-2021 free food prizes sliding races snow sculptures and more cash prizes. And while out for a ride stop by the Bigelow lodge in Carrabassett Valley. My good buddy Travis and his family from JVWING will be staying there for the winter stop in get warm and talk snowmobiling and grooming he has a lot of knowledge. Also please be safe while riding help educate the new folks who bought sleds in the times we’re in remember we we’re all new to the sport at one time help - them out. Remember no matter where you ride help support the local businesses they’re the ones who help us with fundraisers it’s our turn to help them out. As always ENJOY THE RIDE STAY SAFE!! Jim
G reetings Snow Lovers!!! As I write this article, a huge “Nor Easter” is bearing down on our great state. Significant snow for all!!! This will certainly open up all of our state. With cold temperatures, we should finally be able to enjoy our favorite time of year. Congratulations to all who participated in the Virtual snowmobile race, I hope it helped raise money for your club. Many of the showcase rides have been canceled due to Covid restrictions and the lack of snow, but there is hope for the county ride in March. I hope to see you there. A couple of legislative bills that need to be looked at please read the articles in this paper reach out to your congressional delegates. As always thank you to all that volunteer’s your hours of continued work are what make Maine the best place to ride!! Ride right, ride safe, Enjoy!!!! Dave
Eileen Lafland, 207-843-7813 PO Box 733, Holden ME 04429 llafland@midmaine.com W Well, here it is late January as I write this and Ole Man Winter has yet to make a decent appearance in just about the entire State of Maine. Doesn’t he know how many of us are just itching to get outside and ride after be cooped up since last March? I mean, come on, let us have some fun after the last eleven months! Even now, COVID is still at a high and people are very leery about
Western Region VP
Matt Stedman 207-557-1921 (call or text)
James Boyce, 207-265-6512 1168 Fosterhill Road Freeman ME 04983 Jboyce1168@gmail.com
PO Box 621, Ashland ME 04732 Stedman.matt@jdirving.com
H ello fellow snowmobilers, This sure has been a different winter than the past few in so many ways! Most clubs in the county dealing
Well finally, as I’m writing this the snow is coming down hopefully that rodent Phil see’s his shadow today. A couple of things going on in the western the blessing of the sleds over
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