H ello fellow snowmobilers! Here we are in February already. Our season sure isn’t starting the way we hoped. I think Covid 19 has infected the snow gods, LOL. Anyhow, as I write this, there is limited riding in the state with the western mountain areas and areas of the county grooming. I say that, but you should check with the local club where you plan to ride before planning a trip to check local conditions. CThe MSAVirtual Snowcross Race is wrapping up and it was pretty fun with the “trailside interviews” and “on track updates”. Some of the clubs actually surpassed their fundraising goals by a lot and challenged other clubs to keep ARE YOU AND YOUR CLUB SUPPORTING THE MSA? H ello All, I now have pulled a sled out of storage, pre-seasoned it, loaded it on a trailer, hauled it around a few miles, rode it a couple hundred miles and gone to an eatery! I guess the season is here! There’s a few more trips scheduled and the outcome sure is looking good! Recently I met a gentleman that joined in on the MSA’s first remote directors meeting. He intrigued me, as not only did he join in; he actu- ally participated with discussion and issues facing our sport. He explained things from his angle but he also lis- tened to responses of current leader- ship and howwe came to get where we are. On said recent trip, we stopped at a local clubhouse just to check out the “Stuff”. That said gentleman stopped
From the President
the scenes who make snowmobiling what it is are nominated. January was Snowmobile Safety month and unfortunately, we lost three fellow sledders. Safety while snowmobiling should be a priority for all riders. Make sure you leave an itinerary, have the necessary first aid and tools on board and try to always ride with a partner or group. Even the most experienced snowmobiler can be thrown into an unknown situation so being prepared as much as possible is the best practice. Be safe out there. Ride at a safe speed for conditions, keep to the right side of the trail, stay on the marked trail, check local ice conditions and check out to them and get their thoughts and direction they are headed with them. Reach back to me and give me any thoughts positive or negative and I would enjoy your call. The last one is the one MSA has proposed. Please be safe, help educate and support our fellow trial friends! LR 205 An Act to Support All-ter- rain Vehicle Trail Improvement sub- mitted by Rep. Paul Sterns of Guilford LR 1334 An Act To Simplify Dual Registration of Snowmobiles and All-terrain Vehicles submitted by Rep. Thomas Skolfield of Weld LR 898 An Act To Clarify the Authority To Manage Electric Bicy- cle Access to Off-road Trails sub- mitted by Sen. Matthea Daughtry of Cumberland LR 616 An Act To Extend Elec- tronic Proof of Registration to All-ter- rain Vehicles, Snowmobiles and Application can be found online on the MSA website or if needed applicants can call the MSA office and they can be mailed out. We encourage all members to get the word out, post an announcement on your club website or even at the clubhouse. Last year we had a low number of applications, the scholarship committee would like to see a lot more this year. The deadline for the returning the completed application is April 1st so that the committee will have time to review, judge and select winners in time for high graduation ceremonies. The scholarship funds are awarded from a CD fund and the interest rate is okay but we could always use more support from members and clubs. COVID
the latest weather forecast. Safety is no accident. I know it’s a pun, but it’s true. As I sit here writing, all I can think about is that good ole fashioned Nor’easter we need desperately. Normally, we are in the heart of our season and I hope by the time you read this we have gotten more snow. I’ve never seen people want snow more than snowmobilers and I hope they get it. I for one have worn out my snow dance shoes, watched to many forecasts intently looking for a glimmer of hope and polished my sled too much this season. Come on Snow.. Until next month, Think Snow!!!! Mike
up. A big thank you to Debbie Gould and Outdoor Women for teaming up with MSA to make this happen. While we are desperately hoping to have our Annual Banquet andAwards on May 1st, the current Covid 19 protocol doesn’t look promising. We can only hope that the vaccinations slow or stop the spread quickly and life returns to “normal” by then. Speaking of the Awards. The deadline for nominations for Club of the Year, Snowmobiler of the Year, Supporting Business of the Year, Groomer of the Year, Dealer of the Year, Hall of Fame and Membership awards is February 28, 2021. Make sure those people behind and went out of his way to explain his club and program and recent achieve- ments. I would like to say thank you to David Glich of the Fort Kent Snow Riders. You clearly have passion for the sport, your club, your area and the snowmobile industry. I share this story, as I truly believe that without that first remote meeting, none of this would have happened. While no one in this universe would like to get back to a normal schedule of predictable meetings as me, we have an opportunity to communicate in a way never imagined. Please have your club MSA representative reach out to the office and get their name on the direc- tors list. Oh and something I thought I would never say??? Thank Covid… Here is a quick scan of the primary bills MSA will be following for the upcoming season. If any of these bills are submitted by your legislator, reach offer a bit of help with that finan- cial burden. This year we will be awarding two winners, and each will receive a $1,000 scholarship to be awarded to the winner’s school upon successful comple- tion of the first semester of post high school education. There are a few requirements, the applicant or their family has to a be a MSA member in good standing for at least the past two years. The application must be enrolled in a post high school educational setting, university, private or community college or recognized trade school. The winning scholarships are paid to the school after the MSA office receives confirmation of enrollment in that year’s second semester.
Mike Grass, Jr., 207-368-2316 249 Condon Rd, Plymouth ME 04969 mgrassjr@gmail.com
From the Executive VP
Steering Committee
John Monk Chairman of Steering Committee
H ello, First off, I want to thank the area VP’S for all they do. Eileen, David, Jack, Jim and Matt are the best team. They go above and beyond their duties to get things done. Lori outstanding job picking up the office duties and doing the MSA paper. Bob is an IT computer wizard and a dedicated member. John the CEO of the team gets it done with ease. Eileen has done incredible work entering the membership. Larry’s wisdom keeps us all on a level playing field! Mark with his business know how and calmness. Mike has gone through quite a year, a shortened season, new help in the office than more new office personal, a pandemic, negatives and positives but still at the end of the day has a smile on his face. These folks are true friends and make snowmobiling in Maine happen. The snow started late - the south has bare spots while some of Maine like the County, Western Mountains, Millinocket/Medway have very good conditions. Some areas are great and some not so great, GO check them out for yourself and support those business that support us. Thank a landowner and join a club! This has been a bad stretch, the past year everybody’s nerves are on the breaking point this pandemic has caused a lot hardship. I’m sorry to those who have lost loved ones and friends and have been sick themselves. Let’s go snowmobiling! Get out and get some air, AL Alan Swett, 207-872-7282 234 County Rd, Waterville ME 04901 snowtraveler@roadrunner.com
Watercraft submitted by Rep. Scott Landry of Farmington LD280 An Act To Increase Funding for Snowmobile Trails and Capital Equipment Grants submitted by Rep. Danny Martin of Sinclair. (this Bill began as LR672 and is now LD280) John Monk, Steering Committee Chairman 19 has had a negative impact on many things including our ability to raise money, with the cancellation of the MSA Show and many club special events our income is down this year. If your club is looking for something to support the scholarship fund is a great opportunity to support the youths of our sport. If you have any questions or concerns or are interested in getting involved, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any of the scholarship committee members. On behalf of the scholarship committee thanks for all you do! Sincerely Harvey Chesley, Chair MSA Scholarship Committee
Scholarship Committee
H fellow members and snow- mobilers. I am sure any of you families with high school age children are well aware of the cost of post high school education. The MSA Scholarship would like to Harvey Chesley, Scholarship Trustee 207-426-9051 25 Hillcrest Dr, Clinton ME 04927 harv.chesley@gmail.com
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