MSA Club News will be on Facebook and in the January “Snowmobiler”. Happy Holidays to all, and to all a safe ride. Your Cub Reporter
and ready to go. We are still not having any in person meetings, but if you have any ques- tions give John a call@ 628-1003. Thank you to everyone who sent their membership dues back and also their raffle ticket money. There is still time to send them if you haven t done so. Join a club if you sled and are not a member! It takes a lot of work and money to have the nice trails that you ride. Stay safe on and off the trails. Respect our land owners, and help support our business members. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ANASC WESTERN REGION Greetings, The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting colder so winter is surely creeping in and will be here very soon. Wishing for lots of snow and a strong season for riding. The guys are getting a lot done but there’s always more to do as you all know. Huge thanks to Coleman’s for lending us a skid steer to get some mow- ing done with our brush cutter. You folks rock! They’re getting culverts put in here and they’re helping with wet areas and removing several trees to make sure our groomers have enough room to pass through safely. Please be sure to move aside while these operators are out there putting in their volunteer hours and effort to keep the trails in great shape. Our club has purchased an 8’ snow roller this year. This should be a great addition to our equipment for use in and around town. Thank you to the Old Saco Inn for hosting our annual Christmas Party again this year. We love your estab- lishment and the food is delicious! Thank you to Jon and Bruce! If you haven’t tried them you definitely should. You won’t be disappointed! Club member Brockie, our club President Jim, our club VP Nate and our Trail Master Gabe put several hours (and some of their own money) into “polishing up” the 2018 Polaris Indy 550 2-up sled we are raffling off. Thank you all for your time and effort with this project. It was a successful fundraiser and we had no problem sell- ing all 500 tickets to reach our goal. Thanks to all of you who purchased tickets and congrats to the lucky win- ner of the drawing on December 16th at the Christmas Party! I’m hoping that by the time you’re reading this letter you’ve been able to INTERSTATE SNOGOERS Fryeburg, ME
get out there and enjoy the trails! Sincerely, Bridget Gorton Club Secretary/Treasurer
(Continued from Page 23) Directors for 2 years: Kyle Nielsen, Josh Nielsen 2021 Directors for 3 years: Dana Nielsen, Dennis Weymouth, Nicholas Wey- mouth 2023 MSA Directors: Royce Hunter and Dale Hanscom, Alt: Harvey Ches- ley Jr.and Brant Winsor Club meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 7 PM at the Mutton Lane/35 Club House Road clubhouse. There is a potluck supper at 6 PM before each meeting. We are averaging 14 members each meeting, and all are welcomed. We are keeping our spac- ing. Good feedback and discussions are happening. Family memberships are $25.00 & Business memberships are $35.00. The Clubhouse is available for rent, call Steve Wright 692-4040 Trail Riders have completed a new wooden decking on the upper Horse- back Twelve Mile Stream. Excel- lent member turnout in making the renewal a three hour project. Tukey Lumber in Belgrade has been purchased by Hammond Lum- ber, same price and great service. The bridge hemlock lumber last about 10 years before decaying. Every year the orange blazed stakes suddenly appear. Go ahead, it’s OK to cut a hanging branch on the snow trail. The trail north on CMP in Pittsfield from Johnson Flat Road will not be marked due to lack of manpower and land access issues. Sorry, we will miss the ride north. Hill Rd to Wright farm and West Clinton North to Canaan is available and stake marked. Maps are available at the Clinton Town Office, Tradewinds I95 and snowmobile club house. Your club- house parking yard makes a great place to off load your sleds to go trail riding. We keep the light on. Use the trails for cross country skiing. Hopefully, we will have a bonfire at Clubhouse in February will mark our 50th anniversary!!! We are on Facebook, Town and Country Trail Riders Clinton Enjoy the Season, Dale Hanscom, Trailmaster 426-8144
BELGRADE DRAGGIN’ MASTERS sc Belgrade, ME Our first club meeting was on Oct. 4th and there were seven members present. We held the election of offi- cers, making no changes. There was discussion of trail work but nothing specific was planned. Work days are Sundays and started Nov.1st. A lot of trail work was done over the last cou- ple of months as conditions were very dry so the tractors could be used for moving rocks and stumps, as well as bushhogging. We voted to check out another hydraulic drag for our new 700 Kodiak with tracks, which was purchased last season. We found a very good used one that needs a few minor repairs but the price was right. It will be ready to go when conditions permit. We held our second meeting Novem- ber 1st and discussed current work activities. Work crews were out on Nov. 1st and 8th, making great prog- ress. We should have everything ready for first snow! The club also voted to do another raffle of a 308 rifle. Check out our website for meeting dates, trail conditions, a map of the 43 miles we maintain, etc. https://www.belgradedragginmas- terssc.com. We also have a Facebook page. Any questions call Ernie Rice 495- 3452 or Larry Mare 557-1497 Trailmaster Jay Wilson (207-566- 5722) reports the only section of trail not yet brushed is from Moulton Road to the Concord Corner. This will be done by Thanksgiving. See our Face- book page or the MSA trail conditions for updates. Please put health and safety first in your travels by following the COVID- 19 guidelines of the Maine CDC. Respect others you meet on the trails and wear face mask when appropriate. As a club, we have suspended meet- ings until further notice. Our support of local food cupboards can still be done if you take non-perishable items to your local food cupboard. Last year we gave all collections to the Bingham Thrift Store. Please call any of the offi- cers with questions and comments on any subject concerning this club (Dan Champany 376-6534, John Duff 566- 5722, Amy Champany 566-5097). We are in the planning stages for the Snow Fest to be held at noon on Feb- ruary 13, 2021 at the Embden Pond boat landing. It is a collaboration with the Embden Pond Association. Games, merchandise, memberships and food will be available. Specifics EMBDEN TRAVELERS sc North Anson, ME
NORWAY TRACKERS Norway, ME Find us on Facebook
ABNAKI SNO-RIDERS sc Madison, Maine www.abnakisnoriders.com Find us on Facebook
Hello Sledders, Welcome all new and returning members. We are looking forward to another exciting year. Thank you for your support. Thank you to everyone who bought super raffle tickets from us this year. Good luck to you all. We have been fortunate to have several work crews prepping the trails this fall. We have installed several culverts and done quite a bit of excavating as well. This seems to be the year of the gate as we have replaced or installed several this fall. Our groomers are ready to roll. We have done our part; let’s hope Mother Nature does hers. We are ready. At our December meeting, thank you to our members who brought in toys to be donated to area children. Follow us on Facebook for updated events and schedules. Merry Christmas Dan Trouant, club reporter This holiday season is unlike any you or I have ever had to endure. Even though, we know in our hearts that this pandemic will end eventu- ally. It’s still hard to see our friends and families and not be able to give them hugs the way we always have. Our club has answered 99% of our landowner requests this fall. We still have work to do. But for now, we at Rock-O-Dundee Snowmobile Club just want to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to a happy and healthy New Year for everyone. Please join us at our club meeting the second Monday of the month at the Rec Hall on King Street in Oxford at 7PM. Terri Major, Secretary ROCK-O-DUNDEE sc Oxford, ME Howdy, fellow Sno Seekers. The season is upon us and I think with all the crazy that’s going on in the world between politics and COVID, there’s one thing we can all agree on. It’s time to ride! Behind those flat, wide, and well-maintained trails are groups of MUDDY RIVER SNO SEEKERS Naples, ME Find us on Facebook!
We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. We are in the process of finding a new trail master and work- ing on several re-routes. As with most clubs, we are in need of volunteers, people to take positions on the board and people to attend meetings. Our meeting in October had a good turn out and we were able come up a lot of really good ideas on trail re-routes and projects that needed to be done. Please reach out to our President Penny Hay on our Facebook Page or by e-mail at pjhay@icloud.com if you wish to vol- unteer or if you have questions. It is becoming even more important to remember to respect our landown- ers and ride on the marked trails. We try very hard to keep our landowners happy. They generously let us use their land and some of the landowners have critical land that if we were to lose permission would shut down ITS 87. It should be said there should be no littering on the trails. If you bring items to eat and drink with you, please take your trash with you. Please make sure to rejoin or join your local club or even multiple clubs. In order for clubs to keep open and keep trails great for riding, we need all the support we can get. Club meetings are the first Sunday of the month at 6:30 P.M. at the club- house (unless changed due to holiday – please check our Facebook Page to be sure!). We encourage you to attend the meetings and to join! We are always looking for people to help brainstorm during the meetings. We are always looking for help, so if you can, reach out to us! The club could also use some people who know how to run and maintain the equipment. Be safe and happy riding! Hi Well it’s finally getting colder and we even got a few flurries! Mike and his crew have been work- ing on the trails and they’re just about ready! Always trees down and brush- ing to do, but they’re in good shape. Thank you to all his helpers. The groomer and sleds are serviced also ANSON-NORTH ANSON sc Anson, ME Like us on Facebook
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