MSA Club News namon butter were excellent and fed anyone who came to trail work that day. Looking forward to that reward makes lugging a chainsaw through the woods seem not so daunting. From our club to yours, we hope that every- one has a safe and wonderful holiday season and with any luck we will be seeing you on the trails soon. Sincerely, Elijah Brazier
Our Club has a Facebook page and Glenn Taylor will keep it updated, so please check it and if we have to can- cel events again, Glenn will have that information available as soon as we make that decision - good or bad. This is my first Club News for a number of years, but hopefully we will have a bright future SOON!! Looking ahead to January, our Potluck Supper is the 6th at 6:30 PM. Please be safe and listen to the experts regarding how this disease has been spreading. STAY SAFE, Happy Trails, Kathy Carson, Club Secretary CENTRAL REGION READFIELD BLIZZARD BUSTERS Readfield, ME Find us on Facebook The Blizzard Busters delivered their annual Landowners Apprecia- tion Supper on October 25th. Due to COVID restrictions this year’s meal was offered to all the landowners as a meals on wheels type of event. From all accounts it was a well-received success and the food delicious. Many thanks to all our landowners for their continued support. Also, thanks to all the club members who helped out, especially Cherie and Jurgen Wurth our talented chefs. As well as Sonya Clark for organizing the event. Trail work continues, to include bridge repairs and replacements, and all should be ready for use when the snow arrives. When riding in our area don’t forget to try the trail that was opened in conjunction with the Winthrop Hillandalers Club two years ago. This relatively new trail allows travel between the Readfield and Winthrop trails without going on the lake. From all reports this trail is something not to miss. The Blizzard Busters continue to hold their monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of each month. Meet- ing time is 7PM in the Weathervane Restaurant lower level. The Weath- ervane Restaurant has been gracious enough to allow us the private use of this area. The lower level is large enough to allow safe social distanc- ing. All are welcome, masks are required. The new location is working well. Big thanks and shout out to Jeff and Gigi. Until the next time, let’s hope for some cold weather. Think snow! Marge and Lee Livingston Club reporters
Lexington, Maine
Mother Nature provides us with a deep white blanket of freshness to take us into 2021. Cross Country Cruisers would like to give a huge shout-out to Scott East- man Construction for donating the use of his heavy equipment to open up trails and build bridges or whenever heavy equipment is needed. Thank you Scott for all you do! The club greatly appreciates it. Anyone interested in joining the club is welcome to attend or contact any club officer Respectfully submitted, Henry A. Burrill Email: burhen@yahoo.com
cleared. We need to have equipment serviced and some repairs to the drag which will be done soon. Then all we have to do is wait for the snow to come and off we go. At the present time it appears we will not have to re-route any trials, but that change as we all know. We are not sure if CASC can hold its annual dinner/auctions fundraising event this year due to the virus. If that is the case income will be less than in the past years. Club members are being encouraged to buy/sell MSA Super Raffle tickets as this is an easy way to bring in a little bit of income. It doesn’t cost the club any money just time and effort to sell tickets and is over by mid-December. Let us know if you want to buy/sell some. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Holidays will sure be different this year, but try and find a way to spend time with your families if you can. Until December. From all of us at CASC stay safe and Healthy! Happy Holidays everyone. It is starting to feel like snowmobiling is here. It could be the cold in the air or the taste of snow we had the other day, but mostly it’s the snowmobiling signs going up across town. Seeing those stop signs at all crossings or the directional signs pointing down the trails, really gets the feeling that snowmobiling is getting close. Trail work is almost complete and the signs are going up extremely efficiently. We really need to thank three gentle- men for making this happen. Duane Clark, Dan Worcester, and our trail master Craig Babcock, have poured their heart and soul into getting the trails ready. It never ceases to amaze me how much work they have accom- plished every week. If you ride Car- mel this year and you enjoy the ride, remember to send them an ESP thank you, because they have made the trails excellent. Bridge work continues, this last little bridge continues to be a challenge for us. Why wouldn’t it? It has only taken three years to get to where it is now. Ron Jarvis and Randy Nedeau have done excellent work on it and almost have it finished. Based on height and length, safety is a con- cern, so taking the time and doing it right, is the correct course of action. Carmel snowmobile club would also like to thank Scott and Linda Foss for putting on a chili feed that couldn’t be beat. Linda outdid herself again. Her chili, biscuits and homemade cin- CARMEL sc Carmel, ME Hello MSAMembers,
Hi Ya’ll! Just to give you all an update from last month, we finished the roof on the club house addition and we are working on finishing the inside. The guys have been working hard on re-decking some of our bridges and the girls have been working harder on signing and cleaning trails. We have a healthy competition! We have been relocating some of our trails, so when you venture through Lexington, there have been quite a few changes that you’ll have to pay attention to. We feel that we have made quite a differ- ence and that you will enjoy the scenic routes that we have chosen. So, when you’re planning your rides for the sea- son, put Lexington on your list and stop by to see us for one of our breakfasts or just to have a cup of coffee and see our new club house addition. We look forward to seeing you all on the trails this season. No need for a mask with a full-face helmet! LOL! Time seems to be flying by. The days are getting shorter and the tem- peratures are getting colder. Mem- bers have been busy getting the trails ready. Bush hogging is done, signs are going up and trees and branches have been cleared out of the way. These folks deserve a big thank you for all their time to make the trails clear and safe for others to ride on. We are currently selling our annual snowball raffle tickets. This is our big- gest fundraiser and we would greatly appreciate everyone’s help, whether you help sell tickets or purchase one or more yourself. They are $10 each and there is a drawing each day in the month of February. To get these tickets please contact Donna Shaw at 333-2746. Thank you in advance for your support. Think Snow, Roberta Kemp, Vice President TOWN AND COUNTRY TRAIL RIDERS Clinton, ME Think Snow and Ride Safe! Lori Nunes, club reporter COCHNEWAGAN TRAILBLAZERS Monmouth, ME President Stephen Wright, VP: Brant Winsor, Treasurer: Royce Hunter, Secretary: Vicki Winsor, Trail Master: Arnold Dale Hanscom Directors for 1 year: Floyd Giles, Josh Johnston 2021 Greetings Trail Riders: Club Officers 2020-2021
We have completed maintenance on our groomers, drags and other equip- ment and we are prepared for winter and snow. The garages and storage areas have been cleaned. The clubhouse property has been bushhogged. Brush has been cut. Cul-
verts installed, bridges repaired, and signs put out. The cross country ski trail is ready for snow. We’ve been working on maps. Membership cards were sent out. We’ve kept up to date on COVID safety guidelines and have abided by the recommendations. We miss the social interaction we used to have and will be very happy when we can once again gather with our friends. In the meantime, be safe. Nancy Deschene Secretary ndesc@myfairpoint.net Hello Folks: Sadly, with the COVID coronavi- rus situation our club is not active. We have now cancelled all of our activities for the months of October, November and December. However, we are hopeful to be able to complete our club activities in the future. At this time, we have been holding our regular Director’s meetings, but not any other club stuff. Our Trails are still being trimmed and checked for problems. We are planning to do grooming once we have good snow. They have been working pretty steady. Dana Car- son has been taking care of the sig- nage, and has it completed. We are hoping to have our January activities take place, but we are not sure yet. We really miss the interac- tion with our neighbors and friends. PINE TREE sc Milford, ME
Tel. 207-270-2519
CASC held their first meeting of the season in October. It was great to see people we haven’t seen since March and talk about what the club needs to do to get ready for this season. For the foreseeable future we will meet at the Clifton Town Hall so that we can socially distance and conduct our business. We still were lucky to have the homemade cookies, coffee and tea from Dola and Nancy. Memberships are coming back and we are selling Super Raffle tickets. Let the season begin! The big topic of discussion was what to do about a storage facility for the grooming equipment. We have a shelter in place at Nancy and Dola’s but it is in need of repair/ replace. Two options were presented to the members and after more information was gathered and another meeting was held on site the club has decided to purchase a barn type storage build- ing to put in place in late spring/early summer where the shelter is now. Going forward the hope is to find some land and put up a more perma- nent structure but we need something sooner than that. Trail work is beginning with land- owners being contacted, signs being put up, and trails being checked and
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