MSA Club News Our club’s annual Landowner Appre- ciation Dinner and Board of Direc- tors Meeting Dinner were all can- celled due to the pandemic. We’ve only recently started having our club meetings in November, on the first & third Tuesday of each month, but now we’re doing it over Zoom for the fore- seeable future. Some of our club members have been out walking and working on our trails, putting up signs, and we’ve all been getting our sleds prepped for what’s allegedly going to be a warmer than usual winter. We’ve got some “Snopackers Swag” up online that you can order, and $1 from every purchase goes towards the club fund. https://shop. spreadshirt.com/jefferson-snopackers Looking forward to winter and a better 2021! Jennifer Brennan Public Relations Chair, Jefferson SnoPackers jennifer8710@gmail.com www.snopackers.com IG: @jeffersonsnopackers FB: facebook.com/SnoPackers Hello from sunny Saco, Maine. Hopefully everyone made it through the barrage of political ads leading up to the election and you are satis- fied with the outcomes. No matter who you voted for, let’s move on and be proud you still live in the greatest country in the world. We can only pray this whole COVID-19 thing passes soon. It has affected everyone in some form or manner, and some more than others. We are already making our plans for a few club trips to northern Maine and hoping we can follow through once we get to those dates. So, help every- one out, wear a face mask and give your fellow human being a little room. There is definitely a chill in the air now. We had a really nice fall sea- son and the members have been hard at work getting the trails ready. For those of you familiar with our trails in the Saco/Dayton/Scarborough area, there haven’t been too many changes. We made a slight trail reroute on one of our large landowner properties, but you may not even notice it. We’ve also been busy rebuilding bridges. To date, we’ve repaired or completely rebuilt a dozen bridges and the number is going up. If you want to get involved, show up at the club any Sunday at 8:30 and we’ll put you to work. Speaking of landowners, please take the time to thank them. Every SACO PATHFINDERS sc Saco, ME Find us on Facebook
inch of trail we ride on down in this part of the state is privately owned. These landowners are the lifeline to the hobby we love. If you see one during your time on the trail, take a minute to stop, introduce yourself, and thank them. They don’t hear it enough. And, be respectful of their land. They are allowing you and your very powerful piece of machinery on the land they own and maintain. Tread lightly, don’t spin your track, and STAY ON THE MARKED TRAIL. We’ve had five miserable winters in this part of the state with only a few weeks of riding each year after hundreds of manhours prepping the trails. I’m calling it right now,. this is going to be a banner year for us. Lots of snow, cold temps, and NO RAIN. One can only hope. Happy Holidays and Ride safe!! Doug Doherty, President The election is over, Thanksgiving dinner is in our bellies and we are waiting for the snow to fly. Having seventy-degree days in November sure doesn’t make it feel like sled weather is around the corner, but one thing we can count on is Mother Nature surprising us!! The crews have pretty much wrapped up the pre-season trail work. A few more signs, some snow fence and a few drag repairs and we’re ready for a blizzard! Thank you to everyone for getting out and helping us get our trail system ready in these trying times. Our annual Christmas gathering is a no-go this year for obvious reasons. Our annual bon-fire is up in the air. A note on club meetings, we have been gathering outdoors and in large garages to keep things safe. Check our website for the monthly meeting location if you would like to attend. That’s about it for now. We hope you are all being safe, wearing your mask in public and practicing social distanc- ing. Together we’ll make it through this! For up to date trail conditions visit us at www.westbrooktrailblazes.com Please join your local club!! Your dues go directly back into maintaining the trails you ride!!! * Ride Safe, Ride Sober, Ride Right!!! * Check our calendar at www.westbrooktrailblazes.com for up to date Club info. Visit us on Facebook www.facebook. com/Westbrook Trail Blazes Bill Bouffard – Information Officer – 207-712-4395 billybouf@yahoo.com WESTBROOK TRAIL BLAZES Westbrook, ME www.westbrooktrailblazes.com
Respectfully submitted, Libby Nilsen, club reporter
hard-workingmen and women.And I’d like to think we have the best around. We’ve been working on clearing trails, repairing bridges, and working with landowners to move trails around new developments. We recently purchased a new groomer to replace an older one on the west side of Naples. We are also working on widening our drags before the season ramps up. It’s been a minute since we’ve writ- ten so I want to give a shout out to our new club president Greg Reinhard, who we elected in the fall of 2019, Greg was our trailmaster for more than 10 years. Hope everyone is doing well and remember to join a club! Dylan Reinhard 207-756-2540 PEJEPSCOT SNO-CHIEFS Lisbon Falls, ME Find us on Facebook Merry Christmas from Pejepscot Sno-Chiefs! It’s almost time for another sea- son of kicking up the white stuff- get those sleds ready so you don’t miss any chance to hit the trails! I’m think- ing snowmobiling will easily fall into social distancing guidelines! We had a fun, productive trail work day on Sunday, Nov. 15th, I think there were 11 of us who were lured into helping by the promise of Steve’s pre-work hearty breakfast! We met at the clubhouse, as usual. Tim & I got to see the new Ranger in action, and it’s definitely going to be a big plus to our club, very versatile. I got to see more of where our club trails go, and yes, we do have some great trails! As they say, “Many hands make light work”, so we all split up and tackled various sections, I got my exercise in brushing out a swamp, just a nice day to be outside and in the woods. We held our regular club meeting on Nov.10th, unfortunately only 4 of us attended. We discussed different options on how to have our World’s Greatest Sleigh Ride fundraiser on Feb.14th for Camp Capella, time will tell how we can pull it off. We wel- come input, so please plan to attend our Dec.8th lobster stew dinner meet- ing, and share your thoughts. We are able to practice social distancing at the clubhouse. Any questions, call me at 207-729-6337. Trail report: we have a new bridge on the “safe trail”, Bert has been doing signage, we have a couple new members helping out, and as already mentioned, the Ranger is proving to be super helpful! Enjoy your Christmas festivities, stay safe, be practical, and remain positive! Think snow!
RT11 STREAKERS sc Limerick/Newfield, ME Rt11streakers@yahoo.com Find us on Facebook
Greetings from southern Maine. We hope everyone is well and remaining safe. Finally, we are closing in on the end of 2020! The trails will be open around the state as long as there is snow to sup- port it, in just a few days. It’s what we all wait for. In a perfect world we would not hear the stories of a certain few going early or going when con- ditions are not acceptable. Spread the word! We are all too familiar with the term Land Closure Now Posted. We have been so fortunate this year, as our Landowner relationships look to be in great shape. No issues over summer, helped in not having any re-routes this fall. We cannot thank all of our Landowners enough. The clubhouse is coming along nicely. The exterior is 100% com- pleted and the interior should be done by print time of this article. It has been a long process, but with member support, the light is at the end of the tunnel. Thank You for everyone’s help with project, as this will continue to move the club forward. Only a few small bridge maintenance projects this fall has given people the chance to spend more time in the woods, or enjoying the great weather. Memberships are due, so please get those in. I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful and Safe New Year! Cheers. Shawn Yale V.P and Club Reporter RIDE RIGHT/RIDE SMART SACOPEE VALLEY SNOWDRIFTERS Parsonsfield, ME Join our group (SVSD) on Facebook! Hellloooo fellow snowmobilers, Covid got you down? SVSD is still doing trail reroutes and trail work, we still have some major projects to wrap up before snow-flies. It’s time to join your local club. Sacopee Valley Snowdrifters (SVSD) would like to thank all the land- owners that allow access to our trails! We are able to have incredible trails thanks to all the landowners and we seriously appreciate it! Regrettably, SVSD is going to have to cancel our annual Poker Rally that was set up for January 31. This is due to COVID-19 restrictions and safety issues with holding a gathering. SVSD will gladly accept your donation to help offset the loss of having our annual Poker Rally. Send your donation to: SVSD PO Box 611 Parsonsfield ME 04047-0611 Club Reporter: John Lamber .
Hello, It’s been quite a while since I have written to this paper as of last March to be exact. A lot has happened since then and first of all I want to list the officers of the club that were voted in: President: Ralph Luce Vice President: David Greely Treasurer: Diana Hall Secretary: Karen Linstrom Trail Master: Billy Allard Project Director: Paul Kennedy Since September of this year we have been real busy doing bridge work. We have completely rebuilt three bridges from the steel girders up and one bridge required jacking on the east abutment and blocking up about a foot. We have also been busy brushing on mostly ITS 84 and will continue for several more weeks and will then shift our efforts to ITS 89 north towards Perham Junction. The club has been very fortunate to have several volunteers including some younger help to do the work of driving spikes which has been a huge help on the arms of the older club members, a big Thank You goes out to all our volunteers. Soon we will also have to concentrate our efforts on servicing the groomers so they will be ready to roll once the snow flies. Well I guess that’s it for now I hope everyone had a Happy and safe Thanksgiving, Hope- fully we will be getting a charge of snow so we can be out there riding after December 15th. David Greely Vice President Find us on Facebook Our club meeting schedule for the rest of the season; December 6 January 3 February 14 March 7 April 4 We meet at the American Legion building on Depot Street Phillips, Maine Starting at 5 pm with a potluck supper and meeting to follow. COASTAL REGION
Hello from the Jefferson SnoPackers! Lots has happened since we last saw any rideable snow in Jefferson (or rather, not happened due to COVID!)
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