MSA Club News gatherings, things are up in the air for our annual Christmas gathering. We are exploring ways to safely make it happen. That’s about it for now. We hope you are all being safe, wearing your mask in public and practicing social distancing. Together we’ll make it through this! For up to date trail con- ditions visit us at www.westbrooktrail- blazes.com >> Please join your local club!! Your dues go directly back <<
>> Into maintaining the trail’s you ride!!! << * * * Ride Safe, Ride Sober, Ride Right!!! * * * Bill Bouffard – Information Officer 207-712-4395 billybouf@yahoo.com SOUTHERN MAINE SNO-GOERS SANFORD, ME We are off to a busy start to the season. We have had a couple meet- ings and trail workdays and things are
Information Officer: Bill Bouffard Membership Officer: Tom England Landowner Relations: Mark Lapierre Trailmaster: Anthony Latini- Asst Trailmaster (West): Walley Carey Asst Trailmaster (East): Jason Philbrook Equipment Mgr.: Dan Brackett Webmaster: Jeff Cobbett Much was discussed at our first meet- ing. Some of the highlights were
repainting trailhead kiosks, bush hog- ging, signage, firing up all the equip- ment and getting it ready for the sea- son. We’ll start forming crews in the upcoming weeks. If you are interested in getting involved, visit our website for info. www.westbrooktrailblazes. com or find us on Facebook. We could use all the help we can get! We also discussed finding a way to connect with our surrounding clubs to share info and ideas. More to come on that. With Covid messing up large
going great. We are in search of a new president to take over leading the club so if anyone is interested or knows anyone who would be interested please have them contact us. We meet Sunday mornings at 8 AM at the Fish and Game clubhouse in Sanford for trail work as well if anyone would like to join us, we always appreciate the help! Think Snow! Steve Givens 207-608-0438 cell/text
Contact Mike Grass Sr. MSA Trails Committee 252 Condon Rd. Plymouth, ME 04969
207-368-4914 home 207-745-2745 cell
Grasslands252@gmail.com To Order Club Trail Signage Candice Pinkham DACF/Snowmobile Program 207-287-4957 Office 207-878-8111 Fax Candice.M.Pinkham@maine.gov
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