MSA Club News Judy Pelletier, for the whole slate of officers to reflect the unanimous club vote. There was considerable discussion about whether the club could have future indoor meetings in view of the pandemic. Our normal attendance of 35-45 members goes well beyond the maximum number of people allowed at the Bridgton Community Center, our usual meeting place. We will see if we can meet at the Bridgton Town Hall. An e-mail will be sent to all members asking if they feel comfort- able in meeting anywhere indoors. It is not likely that the Club will be able to plan our annual Snowmobile Trip up north, which has been gaining in popularity each year. The Club will concentrate instead on more local Club snowmobile rides this coming winter. It would be a good way to get together. We welcome new members and this might be a good time to join and sup- port our club and be able to join in the fun and get to know our members with some local rides. The annual Club Rally will have to be dropped this year as well. The Snowmobile Trail Map was dis- cussed and it was decided that the club would “Give Back To Business Mem- bers” by giving them a free ad this year. President Blaine Chapman and Bill Preis will meet with the printer of the Trail Maps to determine how to proceed with a new trail map. Trail Work Parties will begin on Sunday, September 20th meeting at the Bridg- ton Walgreens parking lot at 8AM. Work parties usually last until about noon. MSA Raffle tickets are now avail- able from Club members and Brill Lumber at a cost of $2 each or 6 tick- ets for $10. This popular fundraiser is even more important this year, because of lower state reimbursement for the Club’s trail work expenses, and because of the cancellation of our club fundraisers. We are expecting a cold snowmo- bile season this year with lots of snow, because of the extensive forest fires throughout the westerns states. The resulting smoke drifts our way on the prevailing westerly winds, which keeps the sun from warming the land surface. This should result in colder temperatures and more snow as it did two years ago. Bill Preis, Club Correspondent THE HARRISON FRIENDLY RIDERS HARRISON, ME The Harrison Friendly Riders met for our annual election of officers and had a great cookout afterwards. Thank you to all that attended, we
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“I want my land closed and that includes the bridge that crosses the Lit- tle Androscoggin River which attaches to my land.” WHAT?! WHY?! (This is a big part of the ITS 89 trail) “Someone has had a campfire leaving bottles, cans & trash on my land. Not to mention them driving recklessly through my field..... can’t take it any longer,” was his reply. “Can we get together and talk about a solution to this” was our reply. “NO... CLOSE THE TRAIL & REMOVE THE BRIDGE” End of discussion. Until just recently, we have been trying to figure out how on earth we could move the bridge and/or figure out an alternative to the closed land. Then, the very best news came to our club leaders. Our landowner decided he would allow the trail to stay open IF we put up a good snow fence and make sure trash is picked up. “YOU BETCHA WE WILL! THANK YOU SO MUCH!” You see--this is where we can ALL do our part. PLEASE--No matter where you ride--If you see someone doing ANYTHING derogatory--SAY something to them. Our landowners deserve our respect. YOU can make sure that happens. At our first meeting of the season we had election of officers. Young mem- bers are stepping up. Thank you! We were happy to see one of our past presidents, Todd Schmieks back after one-year sabbatical. Our sunshine lady, Beverly, brought (just out of the oven) yummy brownies for all of us. Thank you. Our club meetings are the second Monday of the month at the Rec Hall on King St. in Oxford. 7:00 PM and we would love to see you. Please join us. All are welcome. Terri Major, Secretary BRIDGTON EASY RIDERS BRIDGTON, ME Bridgtoneasyriders.com The Bridgton Easy Riders Snowmo- bile Club had its first meeting of the new season on Friday September 11 th — Outdoors, using social distancing, on the lawn by the Gazebo at the Ste- vens Brook Elementary School. 26 members brought chairs, masks and their usual enthusiasm to discuss what plan of action the club will take this year in view of the Covid 19 Pandemic. The first order of business was to formally elect officers for the new sea- son. On the ballot were Blaine Chap- man—President, Mary Corthell— Treasurer, Bob Pelletier—Director, and George Lariviere—Director. A single vote was cast by Club Secretary,
They are very grateful and are also very generous by allowing us use of a large amount of their land for our trail system. Please always respect the properties of landowners no matter what time of year or where you are. We’ve had lots of memberships come in the past couple weeks from folks who are rejoining and from new members and we appreciate all the support! We’d love to get our num- bers up! I hope to see you out on the trails very soon, Bridget Gorton, Club Secretary/Treasurer SACOPEE VALLEY SNOW-DRIFTERS PARSONSFIELD, ME Greetings from the Sacopee Valley Snow-Drifters (SVSD), as many of us are still in summer mode, planning for trail work is the top topic at our club meetings. If you have ridden on our trail system, you probably appreci- ate the SVSD well maintain trails, so come and give us a couple of hours of helping hands. If you’re in our area, please join the SVSD Club. Thank you to all those who continue to support and manage the SVSD Club. Hope to see you at SVSD meeting and out helping with trail work... Follow us on Facebook John Lambert WESTBROOK TRAIL BLAZES WESTBROOK, MAINE www.westbrooktrailblazes.com Check our calendar at www.westbrooktrailblazes.com for up to date Club info. Visit us on Facebook www.facebook.com/Westbrook Trail Blazes We’re winding down on probably the warmest, driest summers most of us have ever experienced. That isn’t stopping us from thinking about lus- cious mounds of deep white snow! Amid a crazy pandemic, unrest across the nation and an upcoming Presi- dential election, one way to clear the mind is to get on a sled and burn up some snow! The Trail Blazers held their first club meeting of the season September 10th at the Latini Grotto. First order of business was election officers. We experienced a changing of the guards in a couple spots. Here’s how it all played out: President: Dan McCarthy Vice Pres: Randy McWhinnie Secretary: Lance Cyr Treasurer: Jeff Todd COASTAL REGION
were able to go over much needed trail maintenance that will be starting up soon, look to our FB page for more info. Had much discussion about fundraisers, media, scholarships and events. This year our Radar Run is Scheduled for February 13, 2021 and our Poker Rally is on February 20, 2021. Remember, all are welcome at meetings and trail maintenance days! We are certainly looking forward to seeing everyone on the trails. We want to both say our condolences to the Hudson family for the loss of Henry Hudson, he was our trail mas- ter, and then our assistant trail master for many years, our club would not be what it is without him. We also want to thank the Hudson family for the in leaue of flower donations to our club, it is greatly appreciated. Bre Woster ANDY VALLEY SNO GYPSIES AUBURN MAINE dghammond3@gmail.com Like us on Facebook! Andyvalleysnogypsies.com We are getting ready! We have started meeting again and discussing club activities for the upcoming sea- son. As usual, we are checking trails and doing maintenance on our groom- ing equipment and clubhouse. We have some work to do. The bridge between Garfield Road and Perkins Ridge Road needs some attention. Also, we may need to re-route the trail in to town that gives us access to Big Apple and Kristy’s Café because of logging for the new ball fields. We will post workdays on Facebook. Meeting topics include hosting an “open house” at our club- house, planning a club trip and plans for Auburn’s Winter Carnival. Come share your ideas at our next meeting. We meet the first and third Wednes- day of the month at our clubhouse on Small Road. You can also check us out on Facebook and on our AndyVal- leySnoGypsies website. Greg Hammond INTERSTATE SNO-GOERS FRYEBURG, ME Greetings, Our first meeting of the season was filled with lots of talk about the list of projects coming up to prepare for the upcoming season. As with any club, there’s lots to be done. We also touched on a few fundrais- ing ideas to bring in more money that goes toward the maintenance of the trails. If anyone has any ideas please reach out as we’d love to hear them. Weston’s Farm received many land- owner gift certificates again this year.
you will stop by this snowmobile sea- son and see all of our improvements and maybe have a cup of coffee.
Although different, our 36 th annual chicken BBQ held on Labor Day weekend at the Happy Horseshoe Campground was a huge success We had over 220 guests that all followed our social distancing guidelines, and still enjoyed a beautiful day and our tailgate and takeout menu. A special thanks to Alan Swett for bringing the MSA Super Raffle snow- mobile to the BBQ so that we could sell raffle tickets. It’s so much easier to sell them, if they can see what they can possibly WIN!
Also a great big thank you to everyone who helped with grilling the chicken, making the potato salad, coleslaw and brownies and for helping with the set up and clean up. A lot of work, but definitely worth it! We are all looking forward to a great snowmobile season! Stay tuned for updates on the prog- ress of the addition to the building and our schedule for trail maintenance on Sunday mornings. Check us out on Facebook and watch for upcoming events. Stay safe and Think SNOW!!!! Lori Nunes, Club reporter ROCK-O-DUNDEE RIDERS OXFORD, ME Hi there! We were on our way to church one Sunday this past March when we got a phone call that none of us ever wants.
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