
April 2020


Coronavirus Policies

Free Cruise for Non-Profits

Using Green Tickets

Given the uncertainties surrounding the COVID- 19 virus, and the critical need to protect our crew members and passen- gers, CTC has cancelled evening boat trips. (Please see our notice elsewhere in the Calen- dar.) We all need to stay healthy. We need to ensure that CTC can continue to operate to serve this island and everyone who depends on us for transportation. Safety is our highest priority. At this point, while we will continue to respond to rescue calls, CTC can- not transport passengers who suspect they have COVID-19. CTC is fol- lowing the recommenda- tions of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Maine health authorities and industry experts. We are working very hard to reduce contact and exposure of our crew and passengers. New policies are being put in place and more may be in order as additional information becomes available. Details about the new guidelines were posted and distributed to the community on March 18. CTC is extremely grate- ful for the positive re- sponse we have received since then from the Chebeague community for our decisive response and proactive proce- dures.

Now that we have two ferries again, CTC will resume donating one cruise per summer to an island nonprofit 501 (c) 3. The organi- zation will decide the purpose of the cruise (fundraiser, apprecia- tion cruise, etc.) and the cruise course. To apply for the free cruise, organizations must submit a written request via email to the CTC office (chebeaguetrans@gmail.com) by April 30th. The request must include the name and purpose of the nonprofit and contact infor- mation. By May 15th, a drawing will be held that selects the winner for that year. Once an organization has been selected, it will be ex- cluded from future drawings until all qualifying applicants have received a free cruise. Services provided include the crew and a cash bar (net proceeds to be donated to the organization) and a sound system. Entertainment and snacks are not provided. Cruise Restrictions a. Cruise is for two consecutive hours and cannot be divided into multiple shorter cruises. (Longer cruises are subject to an addition- al hourly rate). b. Cruise must be scheduled for Sunday through Thursday.

CTC OFFICE (207) 846-5227/846-3700 16 North Road, PO Box 27 Chebeague Island, ME 04017 chebeaguetrans@gmail.com chebeaguetrans.com April Birthdays John Flaherty 4/30 Barging fees have changed for 2020 . Customers who barge on the “shoulder sea- sons” will receive a discount. For more information regard- ing our fees and sur- charges for transport to and from Yankee Marina, please call the office or visit our website. Board’s letter to the island in this news- letter or on our web- site The resident/parking permit holder tickets are to be used only by residents and/or hold- ers of the permit and their immediate fami- ly. Tickets may not be loaned to or used by anyone else. Thank you. Coronavirus Update Find the CTC

c. Dates of possible Navy charters are reserved. d. Winner must book cruse date by June 30th.

2020 Barging Fees

One Way Fee: 4/1- 5/31 and

Round Trip Fee: 4/1-5/31 and 10/1- 11/30

One Way Fee: 6/1- 9/30

Round Trip Fee : 6/1- 9/30


10/1- 11/30

Small freight $17.00




Medium freight





Less than 20 feet in length $85.00




20-25 feet in length Over 25 feet in length Over 69,000 lbs. Rent barge













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