
Island Commons Suspended Marty’s Memories By Marty Trower

My memory doesn’t hold anything comparable to the situation we are all in now. No one’s does. Yet there was that time, for me, on September 11 th , 2001 when I felt almost as suspended as I do now. I was newly retired from a long and stressful career in teaching. I was wallowing in my good fortune, spending time on the island. I was basking in the early morning gloriousness of that sparkling late summer day. Then the news came over the radio that the country had been attacked and the World Trade Center was in flames. Although I was engulfed in fear anddisbelief engulfed us as we tried to take it in, our springer spaniel dogs jumped and danced at our feet. How could they know, let alone understand? They wanted their walk, this was their time. We had to take them down onto the beach. The dogs exploded their exuberance into the still warm air, kicking up sand and seaweed as they raced each other into and out of the ocean. We watched them, felt their joy but we could not talk. We looked and we listened but there were no planes at all up in the sky. There were only the sounds that birds and waves made. We didn’t know what would happen next beyond our shore.

Now, during this time of self-imposed quarantine as a pandemic rages and encroaches upon us, walking on the beach, through the woods and even on the roads has taken on new meaning. It is a chance for ‘distance socializing’. I invite friends with or without dogs to join me when I set out, trying to be a good dog parent to Emma. Since her fur-cut in February, fourteen-year-old Emma has had had the energy and endurance of a young pup. Or some other animal species I don’t know about. She seems to sense a change in my habits or attitude since the virus has clouded our human world. She is reacting by pulling me out into hers, tugging on her leash and walking further and faster and yes, sniffing longer. When meet up with people on these walks we stay six feet apart and Emma is not allowed to be patted. Yet, it is a chance to see people in person and gauge in their faces their concern. I also see the proud lift in their expressions as they accept responsibility for others with their caution and distance. Unlike September 11th, 2001, this time the people who started a war, because they attacked us, are sharing a common enemy with us, one without human traits.

Chebeague Recreation Center “A Place for Everyone” www.ChebeagueRec.com • 207-846-5068 • Steve Auffant • ChebeagueRecreation@gmail.com Our board members and executive team are working hard to bring positive change. We are proud to present our new enhanced Mission, Vision, and Values: ~ Mission ~ To provide the Chebeague Island community with recreational and educational opportunities that strengthen overall health and social connection in order to enhance lives and secure futures. ~ Vision ~ The Chebeague Recreation Center, in partnership with other island entities, will provide everyone with a place to share the best of what Chebeague Island has to offer, with creative, innovative programing; abundant opportunities for community involvement and intergenerational connection; well-kept facilities; and friendly and committed staff and volunteers. ~ Values ~ We value: • Physical and Emotional Health • Inclusion • Drug and Alcohol-Free Recreation • Diverse Programing • Healthy Development • Nurturing Relationships • Play!



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