Article 61. Shall an ordinance entitled ‘Town of Buxton Zoning Ordinance’ be amended as follows? (Planning Board Recommends) (additions are shown as bold and underlined , deletions are shown as strikethrough); Notwithstanding Title 1, M.R.S.A. Section 302, this ordinance amendment shall apply retroactively to any permit or approval that had not been finally approved and issued as of October 26, 2016: 11.6.B.9. Any proposed lot in the cluster subdivision at the time of development , abutting a public road existing at the time of development proposal shall have at least 100 feet frontage, except lots abutting a circular turnaround may have 75 feet frontage. No individual lot shall have frontage on an existing public road. Article 62. Shall an ordinance entitled ‘Town of Buxton Zoning Ordinance’ be amended as follows? (Planning Board Recommends) (additions are shown as bold and underlined , deletions are shown as strikethrough): 9.8.C Table B - Land Use. In the following table, the symbols have the following meanings: P – The use is permitted without Board review (except that approval from the Code Enforcement Officer is required in the BC Zone – see Section 11.28) in conformance with all applicable performance standards, subject to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. E – Conditional Use, permitted after review and approval by the Planning Board in accordance with Article 8. N – Use not permitted.
Table B. Land Use (continued)
* Ref V
Res Ru S
E P N N N N P 6 E/ N 7 N N N N E 6
Retail Business(2) Retail Business(3)
Footnotes: …
2 Smaller than 2,000 sq. ft. floor area. 3 Larger than 2,000 sq. ft. floor area.
7 Conditional Use if floor area is not more than 3,000 sq. ft.; Use not permitted if floor area is more than 3,000 sq. ft. Article 11.28. Business Commercial Design Standards, Section 4.C.2.a. a. Design: The architecture shall reflect the specific needs of the intended users, the nature of the intended use, and other site-specific factors. The architectural design shall utilize traditional New England building forms for rooflines, window trim, entrances, and all other major architectural elements to the extent practicable.
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