Article 59. To see what sum not to exceed $213,036.00 (Two Hundred Thirteen Thousand Thirty Six Dollars) the Town will vote to be used for fiscal year 2017-2018 to pay its share of the cost of the Social Security Plan [FICA] entered into pursuant to the vote taken under Article 9, Special Town Meeting of October 17, 1954, and subsequent votes amending said plan. Requested $213,036.00 Selectmen Recommend $213,036.00 Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1 Budget Committee Recommends $213,036.00 Yes 6 No 0 Article 60. Shall an ordinance entitled ‘Town of Buxton Zoning Ordinance’ be amended as follows? (Planning Board Recommends); Notwithstanding Title 1, M.R.S.A. Section 302, this ordinance amendment shall apply retroactively to any permit or approval that had not been finally approved and issued as of October 26, 2016: Amend Article 9.8.C. Table B- Land Use as follows (additions are shown as bold and underlined , deletions are shown as strikethrough): 9.8.C Table B - Land Use. Footnotes: … 6. Per Section 11.28, commercial structures and uses in the BC, LC, and V Zone s must conform to the Buxton Business and Commercial Zone Design Standards. Amend Article 11.28 Business Commercial Design Standards as follows (additions are shown as bold and underlined , deletions are shown as strikethrough): 11.28 Design Standards for Buxton’s Business Commercial (BC) District In addition to all other applicable performance standards, all commercial buildings and structures erected, reconstructed, renovated, altered, enlarged, or moved, and uses of the premises in the Business and Commercial (BC), Light Commercial (LC) and Village (V) Zone s shall be in conformity with the provisions of the Buxton Business and Commercial Zone Design Standards. Enacted: 6/18/2016. Article 11.28.D Applicability. All commercial buildings and structures hereinafter erected, reconstructed, renovated, altered, enlarged, or moved, and uses of the premises in the Town of Buxton Business and Commercial (BC) Light Commercial (LC) and Village (V) Zone s shall be in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance. The provisions herein shall be minimum requirements. TABLE B - LAND USE LAND USE Ord. Ref V 6 Res Rur S RP BC 6 LC 6
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