The Planning Department is responsible for assisting Planning Board applicants work their way through the Planning Board review process. The department provides support to the Planning Board, Land Management Planning Committee, and Economic Development Committee and is responsible for helping the community realize long-term goals associated with growth, land management, and economic development. Planning Board The Planning Board reviewed and approved seven Site Plan applications, and one subdivision:
Site Plan Reviews: • Novel Energy Solar Farm • J.F. Hutchinson Co. • Jellison Home (Upper Village) • 337 Intervale Road Addition (Historic District) • 5 Maples, LLC Multiplex • Chandler Pit • All Purpose Storage Amendment Subdivision Reviews: • Highview Drive Amendment
Thanks to all who served: Dan Ellingson, Eric Hargreaves, Don Libby, Steven Libby, Douglas McAtee, Ben Tettlebaum, Ryan Tripp, and Jean Libby (alternate). Land Management Planning Committee (LMPC) During this time period, the LMPC switched gears and spent the majority of their time in FY23 learning about and working on ordinance related to LD 2003, An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Increase Housing Opportunities in Maine. This statute has vast implications on the Town of New Gloucester and requires revisions to both the New Gloucester Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. The LMPC is continuing to consider Cannabis Ordinance and any changes needed to the Upper Village Zoning and Uses to help realize the Upper Village vision. Thanks to all who served: Karen Gilles, Mike Joyce, Donald Libby, Jean Libby, Nick Planson, Brian Shedlarski
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