
Glenburn Lakeside Riders SCTrail CrewTaking Care of Landowner Issues By Barry Ryan

F ellow snowmobilers, just a few days ago, I had the opportunity and pleasure to work, again with fellow club member Gene B. As “retirees”, we seem to have more “free time” on our hands. This leads us to really two things to do this win ter, as there are a lot of trail/landowner issues to address and find a solution for that is the 1st thing. The 2 nd thing is to sit home, wait for the SNOW and COLD weather to arrive, and get in the wives way. As the latter is really not condu cive to HAPPY WIFE equals HAPPY LIFE, GENE and I have found that the former (getting out of the house) seems to be the best way to ease the mounting domestic tension. With that being said we find ourselves in this interesting landowner concern. This situation involves the trail that comes across Pushaw Lake

(small cove crossing) to the landowner’s property with 2 sections of docks and 2 small, but deep ponds just onto the shore.The concern is that the landowners will shut this trail off permanently, unless we can keep the snowmobilers away from the docks, away from the ponds and last but NOT least away from their home. They have given us permission to do what we need to do to just that. We agreed to use signs, stakes,

caution tape, markers and snow fence. The enclosed pictures show the efforts that were put forth to accomplish this. We wish to say

THANK-YOU for the patience and understanding to work along with our club to keep this trail OPEN.

Unsung Heroes

Dear Fellow Snowmobilers: I would like to give credit to a group of people that most of the time, go unno ticed. I have been President of our club for over 30 years and have been a groomer for longer than that, so I’ve been around long enough to be able to talk about this subject with some experience. We quite often acknowledge good trails by complimenting the groomers, which is a very important contribution. But let’s not forget the unsung heroes behind the scenes. Nothing can happen without the tireless efforts being per formed by the club secretaries, treasurers, directors, those who help we older folks with computer work, and others doing all of the mundane chores of running the club. That may include purchasing the food for an event, signing or brush ing trails, cleaning the clubhouse or plowing the parking lot. Think about other tasks like paying the bills, tracking club and MSA dues, raffle tickets, overseeing the insurance policies, handling landowner permissions and issues, sending out letters and applications, writing the grants, writing the newsletters, ordering fuel, setting up for club activities, even cooking for club functions, and so many other duties, too numerous to list. The next time you ride a nice trail and think that a groomer operator did such a good job, also remember it would be impossible for this to happen without those unsung heroes in the background. The next time we pat that groomer on the back and make him (or her!) groomer of the year, we might think about making these behind the scenes people the hero of the day! Remember it takes the whole club working together to have any success, but the people doing the behind the scenes work keep it organized and also keep the club running. So thank your secretaries, treasurers and all of the other dedicated behind the scene workers for the great trails we all enjoy. They are heroes too! Mickey Maynard - President, Chapman Ridge Runners S.C.


REACH OUT TO YOUR LOCAL SALES REP Brian Ainsworth brian.ainsworth@prinoth.com (603) 387-9141



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