
Here’s my order for the 2024 Snowmobile Maine Calendar



Snowmobile Maine r

Number of Calendars: ________ x $12.00 = _____________ + Postage (1 Calendar): $3.00 _____________ (2-5 calendars): $7.75 _____________ Total Payment: _____________ Checks payable to the Maine Snowmobile Associa n Mail Calendar(s) to: Name: __________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ City/State/Zip:____________________________________ If paying by credit card: Name:__________________________ Ph:_______________ Address:__________________________________________ Card Type Check One: MC_____ VISA_____ Discover _____


United we trail, divided we fail

www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com MSA 2024 CALENDAR The Maine Snowmobile Association Calendar for all who enjoy Maine’s winter trails.

2023 MSA Photo of the Year by Khylie Provencher, Border Riders

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The calendar features photographs from across the state, contributed by MSA members whose work captures the beauty and excitement of snowmobiling in Maine. It includes information about the MSA, the list of MSA-a liated snowmobile clubs, and marks major holidays throughout the year. The price for a calendar is $12, plus postage. Calendars are shipped USPS/Priority Mail-please include your US Postal Service mailing address. Calendars are also available at the MSA O ce, 7 Noyes Street Place, Augusta. The calendar is produced by the MSA; proceeds bene t the Maine Snowmobile Association.

Card #_________________Exp Date:_____ CVV Code:_____

Signature: ________________________________________

Mail form and payment to: MSA-Calendar, PO Box 80, Augusta, ME 04332 Credit Card purchases may be faxed to: 207-622-7669

Join the MSA & The Club of Your Choice Select the MSA-affiliated snowmobile club that you would like to support by going to https://www.mainesnowmobileassociation.com/clubs/l , then fill out this membership form. Enclose your check for $30 or enter your credit card info and mail to: MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332. If you’re paying by credit card you can fax the form to 207-622-7669. $15 of your dues supports your local club; $15 supports the state association. The club is credited for your membership, and an MSA decal is sent to you. Your subscription to the MSA newspaper, the Maine Snowmobiler, begins with the issue following receipt of your membership. Season runs from October 1, 2023-September 30, 2024 CLUB SELECTED ________________________________________________________________________ MEMBER NAME ___________________________________________________ DATE ________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________ CITY/TOWN ____________________________________________ STATE ________ ZIP ______________ TEL _____________________________ DATE OF BIRTH ___________ ___________ IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, PLEASE CIRCLE ONE: VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER CARDHOLDER NAME ______________________________________ TEL __________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________ ACCOUNT NUMBER _____________________________________________ EXPIRATION _____________ CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE ______________________________________________ CVC _____________ TOTAL # OF PEOPLE IN FAMILY

CASH PRIZES: 1st Place: $500 • 2nd Place: $250 • 3rd Place: $125 Worst Hand: $100 $20.00 Entry Fee 18 and older $12.00 Entry Fee 13 to 17 years old 12 and under Free

Entry ticket includes your meal, trail ride, poker hand and give-a-ways. Additional poker hands may be purchased at $5 each or 5/$20.

MSA, PO Box 80, Augusta ME 04332 • 207-622-6983 • Fax: 207-622-7669 mainesnowmobileassociation.com


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