
J.B. Grooming Equipment Awarded MSA Manufacturer of the Year Presented by Al Swett

square foot factory here in Central Maine. JB Grooming designs and delivers sled groomers from Maine to Montana, these drags are modern and well-constructed for durability. And, fit and finish are second to none. Joel Bennett is the owner he’s a hard worker, gentleman and very good young man with a bright future. He is an avid snowmobiler and a talented groomer operator for over 10

years. Joel’s passion for the sport of snowmobiling, willingness to help clubs and skilled work make him an asset to our sport. Please join us in congratulating Joel Bennett and his company JB Grooming Equipment is the MSA Manufacturer of the year.

T his year’s award goes to a young man from Chelsea. He makes snowmobile drag groomer’s out of his new 5,000

2023 MSA Youth Snowmobiler of the Year Awarded to Jess Taggett Presented by Nick Morrill

both directors for the Caribou Snowmobile club where he is also a member for the past few years. He has been involved in snowmobiling and welding since he was 6 or 8 years old. He has won the skills USA State high school welding contest two years in a row. He traveled to Atlanta, Georgia last June and placed third in the nation among high school welders. He will compete in Atlanta again this year. He has also obtained his class A CDL license at the age of 16. Jesse is an avid snowmobiler as he is a welder. He first rode with his parents on sled as early as 18 months old. Loving every minute of it. At age 12 his parents purchased a 2004 F5 Arctic Cat for him to start racing. In his first drag race he won the junior class. Jesse continued to show interest

in drag racing snowmobiles and started to travel and race. He has won races from St. Francis Maine to Epping, New Hampshire and many places in-between. He sold his F-5 and purchased a F-6 in 2021. He continues to race on grass, ice, and snow. Jesse and his father were integral parts of the Caribou Snowmobile Club starting the Larry Doody Memorial Radar Run in Caribou 3 years ago. He has been very involved in the planning, logistics and also competing in this annual event. Jesse is also an avid tail rider and logs well over 1,000 miles a year on the trails from Allagash to Millinocket. Congratulations JessTaggett the 2023 MSAYouth Snowmobiler of the Year.

C ongratulations to Jesse Taggett the 2023 MSA Youth Snowmobiler of the Year. Jesse is a 17 years old senior at Caribou High School. His parents are


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