2023 MSA Club of the Year - Quad County Snowmobile Club Presented by Eileen Lafland
club was formed that checks all the above boxes. Quad County SC is located in Penobscot county; however, they groom 120 miles of trails that reach into Aroostook, Washington and Hancock counties, thus the name Quad County. Many of the members that began the club that many years ago are still very active today. One such person is Kevin O’Brien who is a past president of the club (just recently) and has been
past 8 years they have served a FREE Thanksgiving dinner to 100 or more people.They get donations of food and that dedicated group preps, cooks, and serves the meal. As far as trails go, they groom 120 miles of local and Connector Trails. ITS Connector Trail 105 is right at the club doorstep, and links to ITS 84 with ITS Connector 110 linking them to ITS 81. They groom nightly when snow conditions are good and their trails are always ready to go where ever you ride. Their clubhouse is located on the main road into town and offers a place of snowmobilers to park and ride. The clubhouse is open and gives people a place to warm up when out on the trails. Quad County SC is always one of the top MSA Super Raffle selling tickets each year. Not only do members buy and sell the tickets, they also sell them each year at the Springfield Fair. During the MSA Snowmobile Show you can see members of the club set up selling tickets there as well and making sure people entering the show buy some from them. For such a small community their membership is consistent at around 80 memberships each year. They also hold a calendar raffle selling 400 calendars only with the first drawing on Feb 1 st .These calendars sell out fast and make a nice fundraiser for them. Each year they do a trail side cookout off Connector Trail 105 that draws in snowmobilers going by and all they ask for is donations to the club. Please join us in congratulating Quad County SC in Springfield Maine as the MSA Snowmobile Club of theYear.
W hen I think of a snowmobile club of the year I think of a club that does things for its community, supports MSA, has a consistent membership base and is one you hear great things about. I also look to see if its members go the extra distance to have a good rapport with its landowners, and the people in the community. A Snowmobile Club of theYear should be an example for other clubs to look at and say, “That club does some wonderful things.” Twenty-one years ago in the small town of Springfield, Maine a snowmobile
and still is today the trail master. The club runs on a solid core of volunteers who all have the same thing in mind: community and having the best trails they can have so everyone that uses them can be safe and enjoy the ride. Quad County SC serves breakfasts at the clubhouse twice a month and during hunting season it is every Saturday. The attendance at these meals averages 100 people not counting all the volunteers prepping, cooking and serving the meal. That says a lot since the community population of less than 500! For the
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