Buxton Board of Appeals 2021/2022 Report
The primary goal of the Board is to act with the best interest of the Town and its citizens. The Board determines whether the decisions made by the Code Enforcement Officer, on matters affected by set back restrictions, height, lot coverage, lot size or setbacks causing undue hardship or unique circum stances not caused by the applicant, or an administrative appeal of the Code Officer’s interpretation of the Ordinance. The meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month (on an as needed basis) at 7:00pm in the Municipal Building. All meetings are open to the public. During July, 2021, to June, 2022, the Board of Appeals did not meet as there were no appeals re ceived. Respectfully submitted,
Peter Leavitt Vice Chairman
The Board of Appeals is composed of five Buxton residents appointed by the Board of Selectmen for three-year terms. The Buxton Zoning Board of Appeals: Peter Leavitt, Vice Chairman (12/24) Patrick Hanna (12/23) Maryjo Hanna (12/24) Gemma Baldinelli (12/25) Jon Bartlett (12/25)
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