
Planning Board Annual Report The Buxton Planning Board has five active members. They are elected residents with a variety of backgrounds who have an interest in the Town of Buxton’s future. We encourage participation in town activities by attending a meeting. The meetings are held at the municipal building on the second and fourth monday of each month at 7:00pm. The following are projects reviewed and approved by the Planning Board in 2021-2022 Planning Board Annual Report The Buxton Planning Board has five active members. They are elected residents with a variety of backgrounds who have an interest in the Town of Buxton’s future. We encourage participation in town activities by attending a meeting. The meetings are held at the municipal building on the second and fourth monday of each month at 7:00pm. The following are projects reviewed and approved by the Planning Board in 2021-2022






Conditional Use

Sandra Marshall

828 Long Plains Road Waterman Road

In-home daycare

Approved 9/13/2021


Dearborn Development

26-lot subdivision

Approved 10/11/2021


Joshua & Ashley Tuller 668 Narragansett, LLC

Tickle Way

Single lot subdivision

Approved 10/11/2021


668 Narragansett Trail Old Standish Road 1126 Long Plains Road 476 Parker Farm Road 723 Narragansett Trail 55 Skillings Road

Amend conditional use / 440sf addition 3-lot subdivision Motorsports sales & service 14-lot mobile home park Commercial kitchen Additional garage for personal use, additional storage for business use.

Approved 11/8/2021


Bill Ham

Approved 11/8/2021 Approved 12/27/2021

Conditional Use

Go Motorsports

Mobile Home Park

Dearborn Development Zachary Cohen

Approved 3/14/2022

Conditional Use

Approved 4/25/2022

Conditional Use Amendment

Skillings Service Station

Approved 6/27/2022

Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted,

Craig Lefebvre Planning Board Secretary

Craig Lefebvre Planning Board Secretary Member Member Keith Emery, Chairman




Christopher Baldinelli, Vice Chairman


Keith Emery, Chairman Scott Warchol, Treasurer



Christopher Baldinelli, Vice Chairman Craig Lefebvre, Secretary



Scott Warchol, Treasurer Jeremiah Ross, III



Craig Lefebvre, Secretary


Jeremiah Ross, III



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