
MSA Club News

We still have some more trail work and maintenance to do, as well as clean up from the big wind storms, and we are continuing to work on all of this as weather permits! THANKYOU to all our awesome landown ers for allowing us to maintain and operate our trails on your property. Without you, we, quite literally, would not have our trail system! We appreciate everything you do for us as a club, and for all of us as snowmobilers! We always try to get out to do trail work, as needed, whenever weather and volunteer availability permits. Feel free to reach out to us on Facebook or drop us a line at paul bunyanscbangor@hotmail.com for details on when and where we will be working, as we’d love to include anyone who is interested in helping out! Volunteers are ALWAYS wel come and VERY MUCH appreciated, many hands make light work!! We generally hold our meetings on the second Wednesday of each month during the season, starting in September, and would love to have anyone who is interested join us! We usually post meeting information on our Facebook page ahead of time, but feel free to email or message us on Facebook with any questions! Sincerely, Paul Phillips – President Happy New Year 2023! Here we are into the 4th month of the season and no snow, the ground is not frozen, and the water is high! Our new groomer and groomers are ready to go! We have 2 pieces of equipment for sale, a BR 60 groomer and a Bombadier Muskeg. If you are interested contact Cathy Dow at 922-7478. We will start our Sunday Public break fast on January 8 th and run until March 12th, from 7am to 10:30am, regardless of snow conditions. Then on to February: On the 7 th is our direc tor’s meeting, then on the 9th we will have a potluck supper and regular business meeting. All old and new members are welcome. On February 11 th we will hold our annual Chili/Chowder Auction, mealtime at 5pm and auction at 6pm. If you are interested in donat ing items for the auction, please contact Janet Murphy at 478-6763. Come join the good food and fun! As always, look for news or changes on our Facebook page. Let’s hope snow is coming. Janet Murphy At our January club meeting we had record attendance. We had lots of new faces and lots of younger people who are interested in becoming active in the club. That’s great news! We have had better luck with snowfall lately but some colder weather would help getting the lakes and streams solid. We have some excellent riding but some interruptions with the occasional water hole or stream that hasn’t frozen. We are grooming regularly so the oper ators are doing all that they can with the snow we have. We have not staked the Moosehead Lake crossing yet. We usually wait until there is at least 8 inches of ice so it should be done soon. As usual, be careful. The ice is not as thick as usual for this time of year due to the warmer weather. This is not a good time to make first tracks. Our next meeting is the third Saturday in February at Brad Scott’s house. Social hour is from 6-7 and the meeting is at 7. Be safe and enjoy! Mike Hoyt PINE TREE sc Milford , ME BLUE RIDGE RIDERS sc Rockwood, ME

preventative maintenance and inspecting the machine pre-trip and all of that really “good intention type stuff”. So, what do you all think happened that very night while Dan Sullivan was out grooming the 111? Oh yeah, you know it. Breakdown!!! All in all, it could have been much, much, worse. We lost a couple of bands on the track. Luckily, they let go right in our Park and Ride lot! Big Ebeemee Shout Out and thank you to Valerie at Twin Pines Snowmobile Club up at NEOC! She had some banding available, and we caught the parts store just before they closed for the day and were able to get all the necessary hardware. I would say Ebeemee Snowmobile Club has some super angels looking down on us! Our Park and Ride, owned by Wagner For est Management and sign sponsored by Mike and Chelsea Ireland of the ReMax Collective is looking like it is going to be a huge success! It is a massive area. Kathie Lee took a little time out of her currently hectic schedule and set it up so if you “google” Ebeemee Snow mobile Club Park and Ride, it will come up and give you the location! She is so smart! On Saturday there were 17 rigs in the lot! It is now getting a good base for plowing so it should be much easier to maintain. Thank you to all who have helped pull this together. It was suggested that we put a donation box onsite as well as our QR Codes that are on the beautiful sign. We will hopefully have that out there very soon! Our new “Ebeemee Snack Shack” is just about ready to be put in place! Thank you again to Jeff and Cindy Fogg for donating the ice shack and thank you to Dave Mika at Alcom Trailers for donating the nice slid ing window! I’m hoping by the time you all read this it will be a huge and fun success! In hindsight, it would have been great to have the picnic table donated by Dave Sullivan located right here. Oh well, there is always next year! We will be open a few hours on Saturdays and maybe even some Sundays. We will post on our Facebook page on the weekends we are open. Hoping to have some hot soup, coffee, cocoa, and snacks available! I think we will probably include the Snack Shack hours in the Thursday Trail reports so you can plan your visit! We are working on raising money to get our groomer barn built next year. We will be doing weekly drawings to fund raise as well and raffle tickets will be available at the snack shack. More snow forecast for tonight and next weekend. I think you are all doing a great job with those snow dances! Keep up the good work! I’m hoping we see you on our beauti ful little trail system and at our snack shack! Come introduce yourselves! I just love meet ing people and finding out where they rode from! Remember, It’s all about the Smileage! Ride right, ride safe and please ride sober. Laurie Plourde, President Hoping that by this edition we will have some miles behind us and some great mem ories to share about the days out on the trails. It is currently snowing a bit, those light snows are great though, they add up and give us an even better base to work with. Many clubs, us included have not even groomed yet. It seems that’s going to change in the very near future, hopefully before you are reading this edition. There are MANY reroutes and trail closure due to local logging. Heed the signage. Be Safe, Know you’re surrounding and travel routes. We have new maps to assist. We have partially opened up our food ser vice with a Turkey supper on 1/12 which was delicious, thanks to all those that made it a success! We have a few more dates scheduled 2/9 for a boiled dinner, 3/9 Turkey, 4/13 Ham Dinners included all the fixings as well as des ert/coffee/tea/water. Served 4-6 PM We are hosted the 10th annual Snow Ball Run on 1/21/23, fund raiser for Cancer research/ NORTHERN TIMBER CRUISERS Millinocket, ME

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NARROW GAUGE RIDERS sc Monson, ME narrowgaugeriders@gmail.com Narrow Gauge Riders on FaceBook Hello Everyone, It has been a slow start to our snowmobiling year but things are looking up. We have had some snow and been able to groom some of our trails but still thin in the woods and some water holes so be careful. With 12-18 inches of ice the trail across Lake Hebron has been groomed, marked, and posted. Upcoming Event: Poker Run on Saturday Feb. 25th at the LakeShore House in Monson. All donations go towards our New Groomer Fund. Have a ride and help us keep our trails well groomed. You can ride to Dover, Greenville, The Forks, Guilford and more to collect your cards. Top five hands win some great prizes. Please fol low us on Facebook for updated information and details. Happy Snowmobiling and Ride Safe Sue Killam The Clifton Area Snowmobile Club trail workers have been very busy, first getting trails worked on for the season and doing a lot more after the heavy rain and very high winds knocked down a lot of trees and junk into the trails. As of the second week of Jan uary there were some very wet areas still and hopefully now with some colder nights and small snowfall they are looking better. We have been promised some significant snow storms coming our way. Hopefully there will be enough to get on the trails with the sleds and groomers. We are making plans for our annual fund raiser that is scheduled for March 25th at the Penobscot County Conservation Association clubhouse. There will be a 5PM beans, cas seroles, salads, hotdogs and rolls supper. We will also be doing our usual silent auction, Chinese auction, dessert auction and 50/50 raffle. It is a great fundraiser and is also a lot of fun. To all you snowmobilers in our area mark your calendars and come join us. We will offer more information and silent auction items in the March newsletter. CASC meetings are held the first Sunday of the month at 5:30pm, Jan Logan resident, 207 Bobcat Road, Clifton. As always sweets and drinks will be ready. Hopefully you are all riding at the time of this publication Members Clifton Area Snowmobile Club Fantastic February to all! As I write this (January 22,2023), I am looking out at the snow-covered pond and admiring the snow mobile tracks in our yard. Life’s simple plea sures! We continue to be very busy up here in God’s country! Our machine has been out four times in the last week. We feel very fortunate to have enough cover to start grooming. We were all feeling like we were behind sched ule, but, according to my calendar from last winter, we groomed the 111 two days before we were able to do it last year! Maybe we all just aren’t patient anymore!! I know the ice conditions are a huge concern this year… EVERYWHERE. Please folks, look out for each other and your own selves. It just isn’t worth it. (That was the mother in me talking right there!) Ok, on to other things. My wonderful hus band and our Trailmaster Pete Plourde, took me out for a fantastic dinner at North and Southeats (One of our Adopt-A-Trails spon sors!) down in Brownville Junction last night. During our wonderful meal, conversation ensued. Pete mentioned he was concerned about the BR experiencing a breakdown. We have been very fortunate on that front. We talked and discussed how good we were about CLIFTON AREA sc Clifton, ME EBEEMEE sc Ebeemee Township, ME

possible in the next paper, and an additional article and picture of a NEW TRAIL DEDI CATION. That’s all for today, thanks for tak ing the time to read. P.S. -one more tidbit -there is active logging on the trail that connects the railroad tracks crossing at LANCASTER BROOK ROAD and heads west towards LANCASTER BROOK There are two ”CAUTION - LOG GING AHEAD SIGNS “ in place ,so please stay on the trail -there is plenty of room to pass at safe speeds. Well here we are almost at the midway point of winter (Groundhog Day – February 2nd). What a bizarre winter. I really can’t recall a winter like the last 60 days has given us. The 10- day forecast calls for three storms of sig nificant snow accumulations. Let’s cross our fingers and keep “ doo -ing “ the snow dances. The trail crew has been out getting the brush cut, trees sawed, and signs and stakes put up -THANK-YOU. Looks like the small amount of wet holes are still not freezing over as fast as in previous seasons - please use caution in these areas. Just wanted to say THANK-YOU again to DALE and JO-ANN C. for hosting the win ter meetings at their house and serving some snacks as well ( the blueberry muffins were awesome). One last note -by the time you read this , VALENTINES DAY will have come and gone, hope you treated that someone special this year....Just saying . Barry E. Ryan Associate Member Winter has been late sending some good snow, but it looks good now. Quadcounty SC groomed today, for the first time this winter. The trail crew has been busy since Christ mas, clearing our trail system of blowdowns, caused by the wet snowstorm, followed by high winds and rain. We have cleared about 100 miles of trails with about 15 miles to go. There is some small wet spots in the trails, Kevin found about 6 small wet spots in 25 miles groomed today, hopefully they will freeze now that they have wet up though the snow and supposed to be cold tonight. Quadcounty SC does a calendar Raffle for February, March and April, $20 for all three months, daily drawings are from $30 - $200 and you name stays in for all 89 days, so you can win multiple times. This helps with groomer fuel bills which are going to be high. Quadcounty SC will be doing a hot dog roast again at the ‘locks’ where we connect with Grand Lake Stream Club, Hot dog, chips and campfire pies, Free! Donations are accepted, tentative date is February 25, hope to see you there! Your slow typing reporter, Kevin Our biggest update is that we’re still wait ing for snow, much like all the clubs in the southern half of the state. Things are finally starting to look better for the clubs up north, so we’re hoping we will be seeing some white stuff soon! Thanks to our awesome volunteers, we were able to get the majority of the work done for our trail re-route in the Orono/Glenburn area, so the two sides of Bangor are connected again via snowmobile trail! We are still working on a way to connect to Glenburn, but that is a more complicated issue and we do not have an immediate solution at this time. Barry E. Ryan Vice President KENDUSKEAG STREAM RIDERS sc Kenduskeag , ME QUADCOUNTY sc Springfield , ME PAUL BUNYAN sc Bangor , ME


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