
MSA Club News

I say we need more northern influence. Like Poutine, Tourtière, Crepes, cold temperatures, and white precipitation. Rain can take a winter break to the south. Our trails are closed, lakes are not frozen and other hazards exist. Please be aware of trail conditions before you head out. Also remember your best snowmobiling etiquette. Stay on the trails, be courteous to others on the trail and do not cut trees without permission. Every member is an ambassador of the club, so please live up to your title. The club works hard to maintain good relations with landown ers. We hear about every incident that occurs whether the perpetrator is a club member or not. If you see or know of someone being dis respectful, please be a good ambassador and say something. We do not want to lose our privileges. Most of our trails are for snowmo biles only. Do not use ATV’s, dirt bikes, tanks, horses, or anything else without permission from the landowner. Be good ambassadors and LET IT SNOW! Hans Rasmussen hanseieio@gmail.com NORRIDGEWOCK SPORTSMEN ASSOCIATION Norridgewock, ME Our club has been busy getting in all the needed stakes, but still have more to do. Our groomers are getting tuned up and running, and our groomer operators are getting ready to get to work. This summer, we replaced at least 3 bridges which is pretty good. We used some steel that we got from Cianbro so we shouldn’t have to do anything with those bridges again. We did not get the funding for the small bridge on the rail trail this year, so there is no easy way to get to downtown (or from downtown to the outskirts). The new Pub, The Six Penny Jug, is open now and seems to be packed every night. You can still get there if you go past Oosoola store and wind through town and come out at Dave’s garage. We found out recently there is a discon nect from our ITS 87 trail going north toward Skowhegan. We have tried to work with land owners, but so far unsuccessful. Currently the only way to get to Skowhegan and north would be to go the Bigelow Hill trail and cross the river (after it freezes) near the high school. On a better note, the new park and ride lot on Martin Stream Road is done. The town has approved and appropriated the money for a building there but I don’t think that’s gonna happen this season. Look for it in the spring or next fall. Maybe by the time you read this, there will be some snow on the ground. and if so, ride safe, and carefully. Hello MSAMembers, The December 9 th Christmas Social at The Bridgton Community Center started off with delicious appetizers and Punch, hosted by Bob and Mary Corthell, Kathy and Duane Hendrix, and Jim and Jackie Barber. It was followed by a generous Pot Luck Supper of Holiday food including dishes of various kinds, and many deserts to choose from. Blaine Chapman, President, called a shortened meeting to order with a Pledge of Allegiance. Membership is strong with 129 family memberships and 28 business mem berships, so far! Blaine thanked Bob Corth ell (Vice President) for driving to Falmouth, to see a landowner and obtain his permission to re-route a trail. Bob then presented Blaine Chapman, and Steve Brill (Trailmaster) with BER Sweatshirts for all their hard work and dedication to the Club. Steve Emery, Trip Coordinator Extraordi- Respectfully submitted, Bob Washburn, Secretary WESTERN REGION BRIDGTON EASY RIDERS sc Bridgton, ME Bridgtoneasyriders.com See us on Facebook.

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6:30, join us, we love to see new faces and hear new ideas! Let’s make 2023 a great season. Ride safe, ride right, and be courteous on the trails. And always remember, Clubs are made up of volunteers. Think Snow,

MOLUNKUS VALLEY SNO-DRIFTERS Sherman, ME Hello from your MVSD friends, We have been very busy getting those trails ready and now praying for snow Memberships are coming in great On November 27th we held our 18th annual Christmas Parade. It was a great day and turn out and all area snow clubs was invited to attend as usual. The only club to put a float in was the Benedicta Snow Gang and it was awe some. We are never going to get area clubs to work together Sad but true! MVSD very own club President Sno Queen attended as well! Santa made his appearance with goodies for the children after the parade everyone was invited to the MVSD Clubhouse where prizes were handed out. Each child who wanted got to visit Santa and letters left by children in Santa’s mailbox was answered back! A Col oring Contest was held and Waylon Qualey of Sheman was the winner of his age group. Skye Cullen was the winner of her age group and prizes were mailed to them On Dec 3rd MVSD Super Raffle Drawing Winners were as follows: 1st Shawn Southard, 2nd was Herb Fithian who donated his prize back to club! 3rd was Sherry & Jeff Arsenault & last but not least was Berta Lane We held our Christmas Party & everyone enjoyed a great meal prepared by Rick & Deb Long, Roger & Linda Willett, Tim & Trudy Long & Heather Willett. The local school held a festival of trees. MVSD put a tree in giving back to the com munity with certificates we purchased from area business & outdoor items! Hope you all had a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! Praying for snow! Let it snow! Keep on keeping on! Deb Long (CLUB PRES) Happy New Year! While many people are nestling themselves into their warm homes for a long winter, the Portage Lakers are gearing up for our fun sea son. We have some great events planned for the next few months, and we would love to see all of you attend. We are starting off the New Year with an Open House at our new groomer building (behind the Portage Municipal Build ing) on Saturday January 21 st , starting at noon through the afternoon. If you are on the trails, or on the road, stop by and check out the hard work of only a handful of volunteers. We will be serving some light refreshments, great con versation, a raffle, and even some fun activ ities for the kids. The fun afternoon will be followed by Chad “The Hypnotist” (this guy is hilarious!) at the Portage Municipal Build ing 6pm-8pm, doors will open at 5:30 so get there early to get a seat. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at the door. Once the show is over, there will be a Corn Hole Tournament at the Groomer Building. The money raised will help heat our new building. Come show us your skills! While I’m thinking of it, don’t forget about the annual PLSC Pie Auction. Book your rooms, rent a house, set up a tent, whatever you have to do, to get to Portage on February 18 th . This event never disappoints! Now, for the nitty gritty of the club… Glenn and the guys have been out doing some trail work, putting up signs, and getting ready for snow. (As I am writing this, we have green grass ) But we have faith there will be snow on the ground before too long, and the Piston Bully will be out of its new home hitting the trails. As always, follow us on Facebook at Por tage Lakers, on the web at portagelakers. org (check out the new website), or email us at portagelakerstreasurer@gmail.com Our monthly meetings are the first Friday of each month at the Portage Municipal Building at PORTAGE LAKERS sc Portage Lake, ME

If you have any questions about trail con ditions, events or memberships, please call me at 764-1236. Watch for our mini “dona tion” groomers in the area, made by our very own, Kim Archer. Our new groomer was very expensive and fundraising is difficult with COVID. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Sue Maynard Secretary Hi Gang, A week before Xmas and we just got a foot of wet, heavy snow. We are not grooming yet, won’t be long now! Have it confirmed that there will be 2 flat statues of “Bravo Man” out there somewhere, take a pic with him and you could win a Snowgang head piece!! The winners of our cruise raffle this year are Rene & Tim Mcnally of Sher man. They have played every year since it started ~~~ Congrats, guys!! Our current membership stands at 113, with another mailing left to go -- well done so far, could be a record. President Keith Sanford and crew will have a hotdog “burn” on ITS#83 N of Whetstone Falls on Feb. 25th. Donations will be accepted!! The Snowgang annual Fishing Derby will take place on Feb.19th on Plunkett Pond, once again hosted by Kim & Pat Joyce & Family. Lots of cash and prizes to be won, so makes your plans now. Well, that is a quick overview, got to go finish my humbugging, Happy New Year. Jim Splan, Reporter @ Large p.s.~~126 days until Spring! p.ss~~ And, the Patriots...................! Hello everyone, Yesterday was the winter solstice. Today the daylight is seconds longer. This weekend is Christmas closely followed by New Years. And thus begins our third holiday of the winter and that is snowmobile season. In my opinion this might be the most enjoyable of the winter. Time to use the presents we received for Christmas. Those new Ski-Doos would work wonderful up in the cold, crisp, northernMaine weather. The new helmets, suits, gloves, gas cards need to be used up. Come north! Our groomer made its first trip of the sea son last Monday, setting the base for the next 12 weeks or so. We have our Saturday meals planned and by the time you read this we will be well into our season. ITS 92 goes straight through from Fort Kent to Allagash and the trail will bring you directly by our lodge. We are open Friday afternoons for warming up, yes, we have a warm bathroom. Saturdays we are open with a hot meal until we sell out and if we should run out of our planned entrée, we have purchased a new fryer to make sure we will have french fries and chicken strips, hot dogs, and hamburgers. We can make sure you leave a little warmer with a full belly. Stop in for some conversation and information on how to get there from here. We are anxious to meet you. Check our facebook page for trail updates, meal menus and general information. Hope to see you soon. Kim M Ouellette Secretary BENEDICTA SNOW GANG Benedicta, ME p.sss~~ “JUST SEND IT!” p.ssss.~~ Bruins ROCK!! ST. FRANCIS SNOANGELS St. Francis, ME

Tammy Kenney Club Secretary


The Meduxnekeag Ramblers held their meeting on Tuesday night with good atten dance, good food and fun at Yankee gift swap. Well we received a little over 15 inches of snow last weekend. But rain in forecast upwards of 2 inches. The club members are working to clear the trails of brush from the storm. Many hands make light work so all help is accepted with gratitude. Our Breakfasts will be starting JANUARY 7 th , serving from 6am to 10 am every Saturday until the end of March. $10.00 per person or $8.00 for kids under 10. We can be reached by sled, walk, snowshoe, drive or cross-country ski. We are on the Wiley Rd in Littleton, over looking Cary Lake. Clubhouse rentals are available; please call 207-538-8048 for more information. Judy CENTRAL REGION Hi y’all We’ve been doing our snow dances and so far, they seem to be working. We had our first real snowfall on Friday, December 16th with 18 inches of wet heavy snow. Hopefully, if we keep dancing, the snow will keep coming and we’ll have a Great Snowmobile Season!!! We’ve made it to the 21 st century! Our club now has its own phone 207-628-4142, TV and internet! Woo Hoo!!!! Yes, Ma’am!! Our little club is really coming along. We can’t wait for you all to stop by and visit us! Our January calendar is quite full, starting on the 8 th with our second movie night at 7 pm, the 13 th is our monthly meeting at 7pm, our first Club ride will be on the 17 th , meet ing at the club house at 9am heading to the Woodsman for breakfast or lunch, whichever your tummy decides. On the 20 th , we will host our second game night again at 7pm. Then you all are invited to our 1st breakfast fundraiser of the season on the 21st from 8am - 12 noon. Then on the 26 th is our club ride to Cafe Relli’s and then we finish the month with our pot luck dinner and meeting on the 28 th at 6pm. Make sure you check us out on Facebook to look for updates or weather changes to our calendar. Here’s hoping you all had a Blessed Christ mas and have a happy healthy New Year with lots of great snow! See you out on the trail or at the club house. Stay safe and dance for snow! Lori Nunes Hello everyone, Trails are ready for snow, groomers have been serviced and new tracks have been installed. We still have some raffle tickets available, $500 Bobs cash fuel card or equivalent in cash, $10 each, only selling 300 tickets. We are having an ice fishing derby January 14, 2023, check Facebook or web site for info. Happy Holidays to all, ride safe. LEXINGTON HIGHLANDERS sc Lexington Township, ME ANSON-NORTH ANSON sc Anson, ME


There is snow on the ground and the New Year is around the corner. The forecast has temperatures in the 50’s with up to 3” of rain.


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