From The Executive Board
Northern Region VP
This December has been a bit of a challenge for snowmobile clubs and snowmobilers here in the County. Multiple warmups, high winds and lots of rain have made getting trails ready a challenge. Clubs and their volunteers continue to work hard, preparing and then having to go back and re-do some of it because the weather shifted. Be patient, winter will come, and we will be able to ride. Make sure to help out clubs where you live &/or ride. The work to prepare for and make great trails is never ending and getting more expensive. Congratulations to all the Super Raffle winners, thank you all for purchasing a ticket, supporting the club who sold it and the MSA. This is a great fundraiser for both clubs and the MSA, which continues to grow. There are multiple re-routes so please watch the signage, as some intersections and stretches of trail won’t be where they were last season. These re-routes are very time consuming and can be expensive. Kudos to all those involved (club volunteers, landowners easier. I don’t care what Barbara says zero and below is downright cold and not much help. Take care and work safe, stay warm. It just isn’t right to do the work and then be in no shape to take advantage to enjoy it. Just a reminder about the trails this year, make sure while you are out there to read the signs, some of the trails have had to be rerouted and pay close attention to any NO SNOWMOBILING SIGNS. There may be trucks using that trail or there are areas that have to be redone because of unsafe erosion and we had to move that trail. Because of trails being moved gas stops may be further apart so please watch that gas tank. If you would like me to come to one of your meetings or functions, I will try to be there. All I need is the time, location, and contact phone number. Make sure you thank any landowner you come across. Without them, we have no trails. Sometimes just a quick hello and thank you goes a long way, it lets them meet that person on the machine. Also, if you meet someone from the local club let them know you appreciate their work on their trails that you enjoy riding. Be safe, enjoy the season. Keep smiling. Contact me if you need me or if I can help you with anything. Jack Lord February 18t h & 19 th - Island Falls Lake Fish ing Derby February 19 th - Big Valley Snow Club Trail BBQ at Junction of trails ITS 83 and 112 in Island Falls. March 4 th -Big Valley Snow Club meeting 6pm. March 11 th -Tame the Track Race Series race 3 at Island Falls 10am to 4pm 142 Walker Set tlement Road or trail 60. We kicked off another great meeting with a great crowd! Once we filled our bellies with some delicious food, we were able to get to the important stuff. Our Treasure gave his report and was sure to report that our adopt a mile program is still showing to be successful- very grateful for that. We also let the group know that we are in the process of updating out bylaws, these should be available shortly. We will be hosting our Groomer Day on 2/11 10am-3pm. There will be food offered at donation, along with many other surprises, this should be a fun day for all. We want to remind everyone that we have ROCKABEMA SNOW RANGERS Patten, ME
& contractors/equipment operators), making sure the trail system stays connected for the thousands of riders who frequent the County. Please follow signage along all trails, the club members who install & maintain them put them up for a reason, do direct you or share information with you. This is especially true of “Stay on Marked trail” or “Caution plowed road/logging”. Clubs gather information from landowners on where they can be, where landowners do not want us and following that signage make the difference of keeping that trail open. You may see many new pieces of grooming equipment around the County this winter, as quite a few clubs have upgraded their power unit, drag or both. Make sure to give the folks running them a big thumbs up when you see them, and please help the clubs by joining &/ or dropping some cash in the trail maintenance jars at clubhouses and convenience stores. The machines are very expensive, and cost of operations always exceed State grant funding.
MSA CLUBS: TO ORDER NEEDED ITS & JCT SIGNS Contact Mike Grass Sr., MSA Trails Committee 252 Condon Rd • Plymouth, ME 04969 207-368-4914 home • 207-745-2745 cell Grasslands252@gmail.com TO ORDER CLUB TRAIL SIGNAGE Candice Pinkham, DACF/Snowmobile Program 207-287-4957 Office • 207-878-8111 Fax Candice.M.Pinkham@maine.gov is thick enough to cross. Warm weather is not good and we really haven’t gotten that deep freeze yet. Remember January 19 thru the 22 nd is Snodeo in Rangeley. Until next month stay safe and we will be riding soon. Jim book for information. Our crew did a great job working on bull dozing ruts, improving signage, ditching wet areas, and replanking the Grendell Brook bridge on trails #105 and #74. We did a rerout ing away from a wet area on trail #81A into the village of Mapleton. Our landowners are so gracious, allowing us to improve the trail and make a safer ride around an icy area. Trail #74, west of the West Chapman Rd. has also been widened in the area of “Buck’s Bridge” and west due to a railroad project where our trail had to be used as a road for heavy equip ment. This was a boon for us. Be sure and take a ride on the whole trail system. Continue to check out our Facebook page to check on trails, read the postings and maybe add a comment. We look forward to complet ing a very interesting project in 2023 that will make for a “destination ride.” Stay posted! We are launching a trial cribbage game day at the clubhouse. There will be no charge for this first day, Tuesday, Dec. 20. Participants will decide what the event will entail, pertain ing to charges, lunch, prizes, etc. It begins at 10:00. Check in with KimArcher at 551-2155 if you have questions. (Continued on Page 8) There are many events planned by clubs this winter, check out the calendar in the paper and follow club news where you ride or plan to vacation for information on these events so you can make them part of your winter. As we all begin to get out on the trails, please be safe. Plan your ride, ride with a partner, ride right and ensure a safe return home for you and those you meet. Take the time to talk to others about snowmobile safety and trail etiquette while stopped along the trail, everyone approaches trail safety differently and we can all learn from other experiences and stories. If you haven’t been to Northern Aroostook riding, plan to come up and join us for the Northern Region Showcase ride March 18th based out of Madawaska Snowmobile Club. If you have a question, problem, concern, or idea on snowmobiling in “The County”, get in touch with me. You can contact me at the phone # or email below. Matt Stedman
Matt Stedman 207-557-1921 (call or text) PO Box 621, Ashland ME 04732 Stedman.matt@jdirving.com
H appy NewYears’ fellow snowmobilers, I hope all of you had the opportunity to spend time with family and friends over the past few weeks and enjoy the Christmas season.
Central Region VP
Western Region VP
James Boyce, 207-265-6512 1168 Fosterhill Rd, Freeman ME 04983 Jboyce1168@gmail.com H APPY NEWYEAR! Here we are we had a good beginning with a couple feet of snow clubs we’re out in full force cutting blow downs repairing bridges. Then Mother Nature forgot it’s supposed to be winter. So clubs had to start over again a lot of wind means more blow downs and a lot of rain not what we needed. But we have the greatest volunteers in the world and clubs went back out and went over trails that were done already. Hopefully Mother Nature is done mixing up seasons and we can get to riding. A couple of things to keep in mind ITS115 in Carrabbassett is still closed due to the landowners’ request. Remember if you cross over rivers or ponds please make sure the ice
Jack Lord Home: (207) 672-3915 / Cell: 207-717-7131 17 Dinsmore St. Bingham, ME. 04920 Email: jacklord5256@gmail.com Holiday. I know at this time getting trail work finished and getting ready for the family time at Christmas and New Year can be somewhat overwhelming. The cold isn’t making it any H i Everyone, I hope everybody had a safe and great
CLUB MEMBERS Once grooming begins submit your trail reports to: EDITOR@MESNOW.COM Please include your name and club affiliation
MSA Club News
paper membership forms as well as an online option www.rockabemasnowrangers.org. We are trying to get our memberships up this year. As always let’s make sure we are doing our snow dances, to bring on the SNOW!!
Deadlines for club news is the 25 th of the month prior to the publications. Please submit articles to editor@mesnow.com
As you read this article we should be in possession of our new groomer, a 2022 Pis ton Bully 100 with 255h.p. Our new drag, designed by our club and built at NMCC, is also nearly completed. Our grooming crew is adding the lights, hoses, cylinders, signs and a hitch. We should be ready to go when we have enough snow to groom. If not, we’ll pack it down with our own sleds to make a base, as we used to years ago! That was my favorite way to ride, being careful enough to get all way to the outside of the trail, avoid the brush and stumps and flatten every snowflake! Who hoo! Oh well, we can’t beat progress! We are so excited about the new groomer, which replaces our 2002 Piston Bully, which still had a lot of life left in it, thanks to our very tal ented, conscientious groomers. We will plan an event showcasing our new groomer as soon as we have it-no exact date yet. Check Face
Big Valley has a lot of events planned for the 2023 season! Mark your calendars and book your stay. We have several options in the area. We will also have a park and ride just off the Island Falls exit, Brooks Park and Ride - right off trail 83 with gas across the street. If you are not a member of our club yet, please reach out to join. We can easily email you an application! drop us a message on Facebook or email us. You can pay in person by cash, check or PayPal, by QR code or mail it in. $15 for club and $30 with MSA, Business mem bership is $38.00! February 4 th - Big Valley Snow Club meeting 6pm February 18 th - Tame the Track Race Series race 2 at Island Falls 10am to 4pm 142 Walker Settlement Road or trail 60
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