
Eastern Regional Meeting held at Eastern Maine Snowmobilers Clubhouse By Eileen Lafland

A fter a three-year absence due to COVID an eastern regional meeting was held on Nov. 30th as clubs in the Greater Brewer and Bangor area were invited to attend a meeting at the Eastern Maine Snowmobilers club. The topics for the event were a trail signage workshop presented by Brent Spaulding and Mike Grass, trail grant information provided by Joe Higgins of DACF, trail safety by Al Swett, trail inspection info by Larry Lafland, Troy Grass and Jeff Monk, scholarship information by Barry Ryan, and MSA information by Eileen Lafland and Al Swett. The following clubs had people in attendance: Family Snowmobile Club of Bucksport, Ellsworth SC, Pine Tree SC of Milford, Orrington Trail Riders, Eastern Maine Snow mobilers of Holden, Goodwill Riders of Hampden, Charleston Stump Jumpers, Kenduskeag Stream Riders, Bradford SC, Paul Bunyan SC of Bangor, Glenburn Lakeside Riders, Powerline Prowl ers of Corinth, and Sebasticook Valley of Newport. The night provided clubs with an opportunity to gather information about how to sign trails, deadlines

and changes to grants, to view and take home safety informa tion, and a copy of the MSA schol arship application. It also gave MSA office info such as mem bership and Super Raffle update. Clubs present were thanked for all they do for MSA and for sub mitting memberships early in the season while encouraging them to keep getting memberships in.

Larry Lafland was also thanked for setting up the clubhouse for the meeting. Clubs had questions answered and shared info about their club activities. Even though it was a very windy, rainy night, the anticipation of a good season was there and showed clubs are doing all the work they can to be ready when cold and snow arrives.

United We Trail, Divided We Fail! The Maine Snowmobiler Motto! J ust read this on the cover of the “The Maine Snowmobiler”! I have been riding snowmobiles since the late 60’s, I am currently 77 years old, and don’t plan on giving up my favor ite sport anytime soon. From my ear liest years until present day, there has always been a need for funds to sup port our sport. Thanks to all the vol unteers who make it possible for my family and friends to enjoy Maine in the winter. a bite to eat, a place of lodging, how many of those sleds have a Maine Snowmobiler sticker on them, wear ing this decal showing that they are a proud member of the association and supporting riding in our state. We need to be united; anyone riding a snowmo bile in Maine should be a member of a snowmobile club and proudly display their decal. Maybe we can encourage nonmembers to join all us in support ing our sport. can be registered. I realize there are some logistical problems that would have to be addressed. Are there other creative ways to foster membership? HOW long can snowmobiling exist on a voluntary basis! Landowners. Busi nesses are all contributing to our fun. Communities are allocating funds. We

all need to help support our clubs. If you don’t think a crisis looms con sider the rising price of diesel fuel this year, what happens when grooming ends early because clubs have run out of funds. This is the year for all to sup port our passion!

United we trail divided we fail brings me to my pet peeve with snowmobile riders in Maine. Stop for gas, maybe

If we can’t get people to join volun tarily, I would advocate for a manda tory membership before your sled

UNITED WE TRAIL, LETS MAKE SURE WE DON’T FAIL! Join “The Maine Snowmobile Association “ keep riding! Don Ranks longtime member and loyal member of the Rangeley Lakes Snowmobile Club


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