MSA Club News
to an end and things are beginning to look a bit more winter like with colder temps and some snow flying to the North. Our last meeting was attended by 18 mem bers who enjoyed a fantastic pot luck. It was great to welcome back our President Jay Ver ney from recent heart surgery. He thanked the club for a gift basket and card of good health. Trail work and the upcoming Light Parade and Christmas Party were also discussed. Club sleds are being worked on for the upcoming season, new signage will be going up to help navigate around the town trails and One Mile has a stockpile of firewood. Remember club meetings are the first Thurs day of each month at the Firehouse in Alna and our meetings are all pot luck. Hope everyone has a joyous Christmas and a Very Happy and Healthy New Year. Club Reporter Joel Verney
proper maintenance can occur. The signs are being refreshed and the grooming equipment tuned up and we are getting ready for deploy ment. As I type this message it is November, and the weatherman states we may have our first few days of a wintery mix this week. We look forward to a snowy season with friends, and families across Waldoboro and we thank our landowners, businesses, and mem bers for their continued support. When out enjoying the trails be sure to stop by some of our local businesses and enjoy their offerings. If you’re hungry, there is always Moody’s Diner, Delano Seafood Shack, Bullwinkles, and Maritime. All of them are accessible via the trails and a great place to stop for a bite to eat. Memberships are always available, so please reach out to your local Sno-Crawler or come to a meeting to renew or even better to join the club. There are business memberships, family memberships and individual member ships. We do club rides, club fund raisers, and partner with neighboring clubs for outdoor activities. Lots of fun and great people. There will be many more work parties, and community celebrations to come so please reach out to a member today and look for us at a local event. Also be sure to follow our Face book page for up-to-date activities. Respectfully, Stephanie Bravoco Club Reporter SACOPEE VALLEY SNOW DRIFTERS Porter, ME sacopeevalleysnowdrifters@gmail.com Attention snowmobile enthusiasts: A little info about the SVSC club if you are not familiar with us. Since the formation of our club in 1960’s, we have been able to get per mission from local landowners, who allow us the privilege of using their property, to support around 70 miles of well-groomed trails for our members and the public. With hard work from club members, mem bership dues, community support and local business sponsors. The club has been able to construct and maintain our trail system, pur chase grooming equipment, and develop the club into what it is today. Our trail system doesn’t just benefit SVSD snowmobile riders and businesses, but the surrounding towns of Brownfield, Demark, Sebago, Baldwin, Cornish, Limerick and other outlying areas as well. Even though our land owner permission is just for snowmobiling, many others use the trails for recreation. Like snow shoeing, skiing, fat tire biking, winter hiking, and even the occasional dog sled team. In the off-season people hike, run, cycle, ride horses, walk dogs, hunt, or just go for a walk to enjoy the woods we are so fortunate to have here in Porter, Hiram and part of Parsonsfield. Join-us-on-Facebook: Sacopee Valley Snow Drifters John Lambert, Club Reporter. SACO PATHFINDERS SNOWMOBILE CLUB sc Saco, ME Find us on Facebook Hello from sunny Saco Maine. As the hol iday season winds down, we hope you were able to spend quality time with family and friends, and focus on the truly important things in life. Trail work season is in full swing through out the state. We’ve had a crew of eight to ten members show up every Sunday getting things
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Doesn’t hurt to be organized when you have to install hundreds of signs every year!
work. It takes a club (and money) to maintain our trails and equipment, so don’t forget to send in your memberships. You can also access PayPal through our Facebook Page. Our trails are in good shape and the Pole Line trail received a lot of work this summer in conjunction with the Abbot Explorers ATV club. Gravel put down, water holes filled and rocks taken out. Don’t forget the new side trail going down to Turning Page Brewery that we opened last year. We will continue to groom and keep this open as well as trails coming into town for Lakeshore House Pub, Robinson’s Mobile Mart, Spring Creek BBQ, and the Monson General Store. Congratulations to our Wood and Pellet Raffle winners. Clive West of Abbot won the wood and Tiffany Dever of Dover-Foxcroft won the pellets. The raffle was a success and helped move our New Groomer Fund up over $15,000. We are planning some other fundrais ers, including a Poker Run, this winter so be on the lookout for details. We are now meeting the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Monson Town Hall and all are welcome to attend our meet ings. It is always nice to see the faces of our members new and old. Sometimes we don’t recognize you all bundled up on the trail! Happy Holidays to Everyone See You on the Trails Sue Killam, Club Reporter Getting ready - Fixing the Pole Line Bridge near Water Street crossing in Monson. This will become the Ronnie Vainio Memorial Bridge. In memory of a valuable club member who passed away this year. Currently snowing as this is being written, a good sign! We are gearing up for the start of the season with many projects either com pleted or in the works. A couple of our members have been work ing diligently on the groomer which is taking longer than expected due to a delay in getting parts. Others have been working on the trails, removing rocks, etc. One of the local paper companies, which we cross, has tried smooth ing the trails out for us where they have fin ished working. Still questionable on which trails we will be using this season. Waiting to hear back from one more landowner. Kiosks do need updat ing/repairs. All in all, looking forward to a great snowmobile season. Hoping everyone has a safe and joyous hol iday season. Rhonda Arey COASTAL REGION ALNA sc Alna, ME Hello Fellow Readers and Riders, It appears the Fall heatwave has finally come SHIRLEY BOG TRAIL BUSTERS INC. Shirley, ME
Like us on Facebook or message us at sebagobranchduckers@gmail.com. Hello everyone!
with light weight drag, a Polaris Sportsman four-wheeler with tracks and drag and most recently the club ordered a new drag for the Can Am from JB Groomers that should be delivered before the New Year. The club would like to recognize Byron and Stacy Peters who have volunteered jointly to fulfill the position of Landowner Relations. This is a very important position in any club. Without generous and happy landowners, we couldn’t provide trails for all to enjoy. The club would like to thank our vice pres ident, Geoff Sparrow, for building, donating and installing (with the help from Bob and Gary) two new kiosks at two major intersec tions on our trail system. November and December are very busy months for our club. There are many tasks that need to be completed to get our equipment and trails ready for the snowmobile season ahead. We welcome anyone who can lend a hand with these tasks. Please follow our Facebook page and frequent our website for weekly plans and workdays. Lastly, a special Thanks to those dedicated officers and members who work year-round for our club. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Follow us on Facebook and visit our web site windhamdrifters.com THINK SNOW!!! Ride Right and Ride Safe! Till next time, Shane Spencer-Club Reporter Hello Everyone, At the time you are reading this it will be December so Seasons Greetings to you all. The Sno-Crawler’s are continuing to review the trail system, and hope to have a steady freeze soon, so that a thorough inspection and Picture below shows the difference mowing makes on our trails. Volunteers make it all happen! WALDOBORO SNO-CRAWLERS Waldoboro, ME
We finally got a small taste of snow to let us know we still have lots of work to do. Trail work is well underway. We’ve had a great turnout of volunteers to help clear trails and place signage. Thank you all for your time. It makes the job easier with the extra help. Along with trail work, folks have been busy with equipment repairs and some sled upgrades to make grooming safer and more reliable. What a difference a new windshield, seat cover, working hand warmers and lighting will make. By the time this article is released the draw ing for the MSA Super Raffle will be complete and there should be some excited people. Thanks to everyone who took a chance and supported the sport. Be safe on the trails, Jim LaPointe Happy December!! We have made it thru a very mild start to November but there is snow in the forecast! The Windham Drifters have been working hard to prepare for this snowmobile season. Regular meetings are taking place and mem bers have been mowing, working on trail tasks, servicing equipment, purchasing needed equipment and so much more. The club is starting to receive club mem berships from families and local businesses. We have some great support from local busi nesses! The club would like to recognize two businesses for generous sponsorship towards capital equipment purchases. Cummings Property Services and Wyman Electric both made generous contributions to the club and we are very grateful. Some of the most recent club equipment purchases include a Can Am side by side WINDHAM DRIFTERS Windham, ME
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