With Fondest Memories of David Stevens
A Tribute to David Stevens By Mike McNaulty
I was very sad to hear about former MSA President David Stevens pass ing. It hit me hard because I like most of you considered him a good friend and advisor. When I first met David, I remember him telling me “I have heard good things about you Mike”. And that he thought I had a bright future in the MSA. When I became a Northern Region Director, I would ask him for advice from time to time. David was always willing to give me guidance and answer my questions. And trust me I can chew your ear off! When I was voted in as North ern Region Vice President. I remember a conversation with him and he told me he believed I would make a good MSA President one day. I will admit that went to my head for a while thinking I had him a former president himself in my corner.
D avid and his wife Therese were members of the Mol unkus Valley Sno Drifters. So I reached out to their current club president and a former MSA Regional V.P. Debbie Long. She wanted to share this “David and his lovely wife Therese were valued members of our club. David cared deeply about the sport and all of his fellow friends. We had our difference of opinion at times but were always able to work them out. David and Therese moved south to be with their children and for his health. We missed them both especially the wonderful jokes Therese would share with us. David will be deeply missed by all who knew him rest in peace friend”. I agree with Debbie, David will be missed by all who knew him. I thank you David for everything you have done not just for me. But for the MSA and the sport of snowmobiling! You will always be remembered and respected by your peers. Forever your friend Mike!
David Stevens will Always Be Rememberted By Eileen Lafland
D avid Stevens served our country as a US Marine serving in the 1 st Battalion 9th Marines and did two tours of duty in Vietnam. When he returned from Vietnam he was an MP in Connecticut for a time. He met Therese in 2003 and they have been together for almost 20 years. They moved to Ludlow in December of 2004 in the middle of a snowstorm. They lived in Ludlow until moving to Weaverville NC 2 ½ years ago. David enjoyed not having to plow and take care of the snow in NC, but he did miss snowmobiling and seeing the snow. David started in MSA as the Northern Region VP and a member of the Molunkus Valley Sno-Drifters SC. He made it his mission to keep in contact with as many if not all “The County” snowmobile clubs as he could every year. He felt by keep ing in contact they knew he was working for them. He made sure those clubs had a voice in MSA even if they couldn’t attend all the meetings. He set up MSA directors meetings at different clubs throughout the region to help them get the word out as to who they were and what they did. From the Northern Region director David moved up through the organization. He served under Jim White as executive VP for three years then moved in to the President position for two years. He was dedicated to making snowmobiling in Maine the best it could be and wanted everyone to know it. With Therese by his side, they traveled the county and beyond meeting with snowmobilers, attending club and directors meetings and promoting MSA everyplace he went. He even got Therese involved and everyone at the meetings couldn’t wait for her jokes said with her French accent! She had a way of making everyone laugh and David was so proud of her.
Therese shared that David’s favorite way of passing time inside was read ing all the Maine Supreme Court discussions and decisions. She said, “He would have made a great lawyer if he had gone into that field.” He did get into town politics in the town of Ludlow as a member of the SAD 70 Board of Directors and on the Town Board of Selectman. His love of law and legal issues lead him to by-laws and he worked on the town of Ludlow by-laws, the Molunkus Valley Sno-Drifters by-laws and ATV club by-laws. He became the chairman of the MSA By-laws committee and as chair, David went through all the pages word by word and made notes as to what needed to be changed. He headed the committee that recommended these changes to the directors and voiced his opinion as to why they needed to be changed. Since he left the area, there has not been a new person step up to be by-laws chair. David’s presence and influence on snowmobiling in Maine will be missed greatly. He always had a smile when needed and was always sure of him self when he spoke about issues, and everyone would listen as they knew he knew what he was talking about. Rest in Peace our friend!
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