MSA Club News
tions including trail master, and director for many years. His energy and dedication will be greatly missed. Here’s to a great winter of riding!! Sue Killam, Club Reporter
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MOOSEHEAD RIDERS sc PO Box 1145 Greenville, ME Find us on Facebook “Does A Pig Roast in September Mean Bet ter Trails in January?”
party is Sunday December 4. Hope to see you there! Looking forward to another great snowmo biling season in Maine! Andrea Lumbra EAST BRANCH SNO-ROVERS & ATV CLUB Medway and East Millinocket, ME We meet on the second Thursday of each month. The Executive Board meets first, then at 5:30 we enjoy a potluck dinner, and a full club meeting begins at 6 pm. Our officers are: John Farrington, President Joe Yellope, Vice President Pauline Hanley, Secretary Linda White, Treasurer Sally Osborne, ATV membership Donna Farrington, Snowmobilemembership OC Stanley, Trailmaster Fran Stanley, Executive Board We look forward to the Groomer Rodeo on January 28...inclement weather date February 4. The Gage Hale Memorial Snowmobile Ride date will be determined later. Maurice Daigle works year-round to main tain and improve the cross country ski trails. Let it snow. Nancy C Deschene ndesc@myfairpoint.net As summer quickly slips away, fall is quickly here to remind us that snowmobile season is just around the corner! The club is still winding down from our last truck pull event, Sept 17th. We were blessed with great weather and an even better turnout of attendees. Thanks again to all involved. On to snowmobiles! We are gearing up for pre-sea son trail work, and equipment maintenance to try to get the trails in good riding shape, and make sureour equipment is ready to go before the inevitable snowfall arrives. Anyone in the Hermon/Bangor (or beyond!) area that might be interested in helping out is always encouraged to reach out and say hi. Once you’ve read this newsletter, our bimonthly meetings will have just resumed from the summer break, first and thirdWednes days of every month. Walk-ins are always wel come! Also, please watch our Facebook page for any updates of trail work parties, etc. Pray for snow! Hi Everyone, The Blue Ridge Riders are off to a great start for the 22-23 season. The Annual Pig Roast was a huge success. We fed nearly 300 people and sold tons of raffle tickets for some really good stuff. Thanks to all the businesses who donated prizes and or money. Thanks to all the local members who donated A LOT of deli cious food and helped setup, cook, and serve. Thanks to Dottie for her skill at getting folks to donate and to help and Thanks to all the oth ers who helped organize and again pulled off a great event! Mark your calendars for next year’s Pig Roast. It is always on the Saturday before Labor Day. There will be trail work starting soon and as always, we are keeping our fingers crossed that we won’t get surprise changes in our trails. The BRRSC meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month, so the next 2 meetings are Oct 15 and Nov 19. No meeting in December. We meet at Brad’s house 100 yards up the driveway past Moosehead Bait and Tackle. There is plenty of space in his great room and it’s always a good time with good food so come on up! If you have any questions, call me at 441 0937. Happy Trails! Mike BLUE RIDGE RIDERS Rockwood, ME PENOBSCOT sc Hermon, ME
ident and vice president. Pete Conner, owner of Pleasant River Guide Service and Cabins has graciously accepted the position of pres ident and Cody Strout has stepped up to fill his grandfather’s shoes as vice president. Don Cianci has kept the position of trail master since he has done a super job taking care of all the work that needs to be done, sometimes all on his own, and creating relationships with our large land owners so we can keep improv ing our trail system. Sonya Broussard has kept the treasury/secretary position for another year. We are always looking for new members to join to make the workload less on the few members that we have that work tirelessly to keep the trails in Sebec, Atkinson, some of Dover Foxcroft, and Milo maintained. We can be found on Facebook. *** Think Snow *** After pretty quiet seasons the last few years, we are hoping for a busy 2022-23 season. We have retired our GMC Jimmy groomer and replaced it with a Toyota 4-Runner. We are busy preparing our new groomer ~ awaiting the tracks and working on the safety lighting. The club meetings will continue to be held on the second Wednesday of each month. We have a Pot Luck dinner at 5:30 and at 6:00 the meeting starts. The 2022-23 season brought new faces to the monthly meetings ~ hoping this year will bring a few more. The first meet ing of the season will be November 9 th . We will have our 300 Club tickets available shortly. They always go fast, so make sure you contact Bill at 460-4292 to get yours. We also will have MSA Super Raffle tickets for sale. Don’t forget to register your sled at City Hall before you hit the trails. Ask for the ITS trail map when you are there. Please renew your membership and join us at our monthly meet ing. We welcome new ideas and enthusiasm! Think Snow!! MSA CLUBS: TO ORDER NEEDED ITS & JCT SIGNS Contact Mike Grass Sr. MSA Trails Committee 252 Condon Rd • Plymouth, ME 04969 207-368-4914 home • 207-745-2745 cell Grasslands252@gmail.com TO ORDER CLUB TRAIL SIGNAGE Candice Pinkham, DACF/Snowmobile Program 207-287-4957 Office • 207-878-8111 Fax Candice.M.Pinkham@maine.gov ELLSWORTH sc Ellsworth, ME Greetings from Ellsworth....
SVSC kicked off the 2022-23 season by resuming regular meetings on September 14, 2022. Our first meeting included our annual election of officers. Our officers and directors for the 2022-2023 season are: • President - Tyler Jakins • Vice President - Derick Rand
• Treasurer Devon - Brooks • Secretary - Lisa Sawyer • Trailmaster - Scott Jakins • Directors: o Trever Charters o Barry Ryan o Kelly Merrill
Fly-In Week and Labor Day has come and gone in the Greenville area with more than 10,000 visitors to our little place on Mooseh ead Lake. Our booth sold Super Raffle tickets and club memberships that greatly help paying our operating cost bills. Our pig roaster was also a big hit. Thanks to all who attended. Fall is upon us and preparation for the first snow is in full swing. Every active club member knows all that this entails. However, many visitors register their sled and await freshly groomed trails. Great riding is largely possible from the income received from your club membership fee and attending our fund raisers. So yes, your donation and membership fees are used to help pay for grooming expenses. Follow us on our Facebook “Moosehead Riders Snow mobile Club” for the latest trail news. Happy Fall Everyone, Summer is gone and it is now time to get to work. We are beginning our trail and bridge work so that everything will be ready when snow flies. Our trails have seen a significant increase in traffic over the past few years and it takes many hours to keep them in good shape. Thank you everyone who puts in time to help make this happen. We are coming to the end of our Wood and Pellet raffle, drawing in Oct., with all proceeds going to our New Groomer Fund. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets and also bought club t-shirts. We will continue to have shirts, club decals, and maps available through out the season. Watch for other upcoming fund raisers to help with the new Groomer Fund. Our first club meeting was 9/11/22 and we had the opportunity to meet with Jake Warner from Sledtrx.com. They are creating an on-line mapping of club trails. Thanks for joining our meeting, Jake! It is with sadness that we lost a very valu able club member this summer. Ronnie Vainio had worked with the club in a variety of posi Thanks for your support. Bob Ludwig, Secretary raludwig184@gmail.com NARROW GAUGE RIDERS Monson, ME
o Mike Ames o Bill Sawyer o Dianne Martin o Elaine Brown o Alan Brown o Charles Stevens
• MSA Directors
o Gail Ryan o Barry Ryan • Grants Administrator: o Marilyn Jakins • Membership Chair: o Gail Ryan Members voted to keep club dues the same for this year: o Family Membership $37 (includes MSA membership) The trail crew has already been busy clear ing and brush cutting trails, preparing signage, repairing bridges, performing maintenance and repairs on grooming equipment and working with landowners to be prepared for when the snow flies and grooming starts. Our next meeting will be held on October 12, 2022, at 7 PM at the Big A clubhouse. We will be finalizing plans for our Landowner Appreciation event among other items for the upcoming season. Submitted by: Lisa Sawyer SVSC Secretary o Business Membership $45 (includes MSA membership) o Associate Membership $22 (for anyone already belonging to another club and MSA)
It’s almost that time here in Atkinson. The most wonderful time of the year. Trail work will be starting shortly and we will be riding before you know it. We have just concluded our yearly elections and voted in a new pres
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