MSA Club News
good snow we get has been followed by rain or very warm weather, making for very poor conditions. That being said, I still have to give credit to the trail crew. Even though our winters haven’t been the best, these guys and gals are out there every Sunday from September until snow flies clearing trails and repairing bridges. We maintain over 40 miles of trails and nearly every inch is walked by a member with chain saw in hand. I must give a huge shout-out to the club members who came out to help at our conces sion stand at the Old Orchard Beach Car Show on September 17th. It was a long day of sell ing breakfast sandwiches, coffee, clam cakes, and fries, but we were able to put nearly $2500 towards the trail fund. We also sold over 400 MSA raffle tickets. Best of luck to those who purchased tickets. Cheers Doug Doherty, President There is thousands and thousands of volun teer hours that goes into getting snowmobile trails ready for every winter season. Have you joined a local snowmobile club and donated any volunteer hours getting trails ready for the 2022/2023 snowmobiling season? Sacopee Valley SnowDrifters (SVSD) has a new address- P.O. Box 210, Porter, ME. 04068. And we welcome your club member ships. SVSD has expanded it’s 40 miles of snowmobile trails to about 75 miles of snow mobile trails with the appropriation of the Hiram Hill Climbers trail system. So, needless to say, SVSD needs additional club members and volunteers to get the snowmobile trails trimmed, signed and maintained for the com ing 2022/2023 snowmobiling season. Thank you, John Lambert, Club Reporter SACOPEE VALLEY SNOWDRIFTERS Sacopee, ME Hello! It feels too early to think about snow! But the Branch Duckers have kicked off their club meetings. As a reminder, club meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of each month beginning at 6:30 at the Branch Ducker’s club house on Orchard Road in Sebago. Officers have been voted in for the season and we want to thank all who volunteered for their commitment and service! We welcomed 3 new members to the club so far! Contact us at Sebago Branch Duckers Facebook for meeting and trail work information. MSA Super Raffle Tickets are available. This is a great way to support your local club and the great sport of snowmobiling! Tick ets are available at club meetings or you can request tickets via Facebook. The next order of business will be schedul ing trail work. More to come! Volunteers are always needed and welcomed! SEBAGO BRANCH DUCKERS Sebago, ME Like us on Facebook or message us at sebagobranchduckers@gmail.com
needed. The big issue that landowners are con cerned about everywhere in the State is stay ing on trails and litter, both will shut down a trail system quick! So, make sure to keep on the trail and if you see litter please pick it up, Thank You. Maintenance on the groomers is starting in the short period of time between the ‘too hot weather and the too cold weather’ to do mechanic work. With the high price of diesel, joining the club is more important than ever. At $5 /gallon, cost for a day’s fuel is almost $400, if you are planning on riding, please join a club, even better multiple clubs! Quadcounty SC will be serving Hunter’s breakfasts the first 3 Saturdays of November and serving Free Thanksgiving Dinner for the ninth year in a row. Yes, I said Free, donations are accepted, we usually serve about 125 peo ple so bring your family or if you are alone on Thanksgiving, come get all the fixing. Eat in or takeout, your choice. We will be doing trailwork in November on Sundays, meeting at 8:30. We can furnish saws and tools, just bring gloves and boots and lay ered clothes. Your slow typing reporter, Kevin It’s busy season at the clubhouse! Yesterday was our Open house / membership drive,com plete with chicken BBQ, new sleds, trailers and a club meeting. In two short weeks trail work starts (October 2) and continues every Sunday until grooming starts. Then comes our annual Land owner application supper (Octo ber 16th). Don’t forget the MSA snowmobile show October 21st-23rd at the Augusta Civic Center. The clubhouse is looking good! Thanks to Larry L for painting the front doors, and splitting firewood with help from Carl G. We still have an open position for a building and grounds chair person. Contact anyone at the club if interested. Upcoming Events Sunday October 16 th - Landowner apprecia tion dinner 6 pm & Club meeting 7 pm Sunday November 20 th - Board of directors meeting 5pm, Club dinner-6 pm Club meeting 7 pm Trails Trail work starts the first Sunday of Octo ber and continues every Sunday until we have enough snow to groom! Please meet at the clubhouse by 7:30 a.m. so we have time to finalize a plan and split into teams if we have enough people. We do have a couple of bridge projects to finish and the usual miles of groom ing brushing and walking of trails preseason. And as always, any member that volunteers 25 hours or more of trail work gets the next year’s membership for free! Fundraising MSA super raffle tickets are in and available for purchase. 300 club tickets are in as well. The 300 club works like this. We only have 300 tickets printed and for $5 a month for the 6-month sea son ($30) total you can purchase a chance (or two or three or more) to win. Your number(s) if you have more than one ticket stay in all season with a chance each month to win $500, $200, $100 and four $50. Once you acquire a number you may keep that number every year . Hope you have a great fall season and don’t forget to prep your sleds and gear for winter!! It’ll come quicker than you think! Think Snow Troy G Trail grunt EASTERN MAINE SNOWMOBILERS Holden, ME EasternMaineSnowmobilers.com Find us on Facebook
trails and equipment ready for when the white stuff hits the Queen City! By the time you have read this, we should have already had our first couple club meet ings of the season, as well as our club cleanup/ equipment evaluation day and we will be forging headlong into trail work! As of now we have had some encouraging developments with our major trail issue that I mentioned last month, and things are looking better for not having to do quite as large of a re-route as we had feared, so keep your fingers crossed for that, and keep an eye out on our Facebook page for updates/work days. We are also planning to spend some eve nings at local businesses with SUPER RAF FLE tickets for sale! We have done this a couple times in previous years and have had great opportunities to get the word out about our club as well as the MSA, and meet new people! We will post up times and locations as we set those up! We always try to get out to do trail work, as needed, whenever weather and volunteer availability permits. Feel free to reach out to us on Facebook or drop us a line at paulbunyan scbangor@hotmail.com for details on when and where we will be working, as we’d love to include anyone who is interested in helping out! Volunteers are ALWAYS welcome and VERY MUCH appreciated, many hands make light work!! We generally hold our meetings on the sec ond Wednesday of each month during the sea son, starting in September, and would love to have anyone who is interested join us! We usu ally post meeting information on our Facebook page ahead of time, but feel free to email or message us on Facebook with any questions! Sincerely, Paul Phillips - President Greetings, Well, it’s that time of year again and we are excited to get started! We hope you all had a great summer! If you haven’t been to the clubhouse lately, then you haven’t seen our new roof! Shout out to all the volunteers who helped install our new (much needed) metal roof. Organized trailwork and signage will be starting after hunting season. We could use more volunteers for this work. We meet at the Clubhouse on Town Farm Road on Sunday mornings at 8:00. However, if you are able to get out on the trails before the end of October to do some clearing and brushing, it would be appreciated! It’s a lot of work to get those trails ready. We also need to start working on this season’s fundraising events to help offset rising electric ity and fuel costs for the clubhouse and garage. A big thank you to the Landowners in our area. According to MSA, over 95% of Maine’s snowmobile trails are on private property. Without the generosity of these landowners, we would have no trails to enjoy. Please stay on the marked trails. Respect the landowners and they are more likely to continue to let us use their land for our recreation. Membership paperwork has been mailed out. We always welcome new members! While there is a fair amount of work to be done by the snowmobile club to prepare and maintain the trails for snowmobile season, we also have great camaraderie, friendships, and traditions. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Lincoln Snowhounds Snowmobile Club, please contact our membership chairperson Kelly Steward at kjsx3@myfairpoint.net or (207)794-1037. Lincoln Snowhounds Snowmobile Club meetings are the first Sunday of the month at the clubhouse on Town Farm Road. Potluck is at 5:00 followed by the meeting at 6:00. Come support your local club, and enjoy good food and conversation. The next meeting is Sunday, November 6 th , and then our annual Christmas LINCOLN SNOWHOUNDS sc Lincoln, ME
Hello Everyone, The Sno-Crawler members are eagerly awaiting our first bit of cool weather so that we can get to work on the trails. We did have some members attempt to check some of the trails during the latter part of the summer months, and they reported back that they were in good shape despite a few encounters with some pesky overreaching branches and a band of angry hornets who enjoyed chasing our members away from a bridge. Needless to say, we look forward to cooler temperatures and of course snow.
The Sno-Crawlers would also like to acknowledge the passing of a long-time mem ber and past Safety Officer Timothy Simmons who passed away suddenly at his home this past August. We will miss Tim out on the trails with us, and we always enjoyed his cooking in the cook shack or on a grill in the middle of the woods. We will also miss his sense of humor that he always brought along. RIP, our friend Brillow.
If you are interested in joining the club our general meetings are at 6:30pm the first and third Thursday each month starting November and ending in March. You can also find us on Facebook “Waldoboro Sno-Crawlers”. Here’s to a great year! Respectfully, Stephanie Bravoco Club Reporter EASTERN REGION
QUAD COUNTY sc Springfield, ME
Moxie and her humans are happy to use a new bridge on a connecting trail in Sebago! No more worries about hitting rocks! Be Safe on the Trails! Jim LaPointe
Hi to all, We are checking with landowners, getting annual permission for this year’s trail use. There has been a couple of big tracts of land, that has changed ownership, so far, no changes
The weather is definitely shifting toward the cool reminder of the COLD to come in the next few months! As such, we are gearing up to get
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