AUGUST 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 9 10 11 12 7 16 17 18 19 5 CCC Worship, 10am 8 2 1 3 4 15 20 13 6 14 Dr. Larson, Wellness Center, 9-11:30am Dr Tracy St. John, Nurse Wellness Center 9-11:30am Storytime at the Library, 10:30am SHS: 9-12 & 7-8pm Middle School Night 3:30pm 6:30pm at the Library Ladies Aid Fair 12-2 at the Hall Bible Study 1PM SHS: 9-12 & 7-8pm Bible Study 1PM Bible Study 1PM If you would like your event listed on this Calendar please email the Council at Chebeagueislandcouncil@gmail.com by the 20 th of the month. 23 24 25 21 22 4:30pm Rec Center 30 29 31 28 26 27 CCC Worship, 10am Wellness Center Storytime at the Library, 10:30am Nurse Wellness Center 9-11:30am Storytime at the CCC Worship, 10am Storytime at the Library, 10:30am SHS: 9-12 & 7-8pm Dr. Larson, Wellness Center, 9-11:30am Recompence Celebration MacBeth Concert 7pm at the Church SHS: 9-12 & 7-8pm Bible Study 1PM
Storytime at the
Library, 10:30am SHS: 9-12 & 7-8pm
Library, 10:30am
CCC Worship, 10am
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