- at the direction of the Hollis code enforcement officer they 1) put a concrete cover over the spring used for drinking water, 2) add a toilet, septic tank and a pipe from the septic tank to the river! - build an addition on the end for takeout by people picnicking at Indian Cellar on the river. Fall/Winter 1946- Shea, Files and Files brother Fred sell the restaurant to buyers from New Jersey. Shea writes and Files illustrates Tavern in the Town which is published in 1948. 1947-49 – Skelton reservoir cuts off the Old Alfred Road and the new Salmon Falls bridge moves Route 202 (4A at the time), Hollis Road, away from the tea house. - at the direction of the Hollis code enforcement officer they 1) put a concrete cover over the spring used for drinking water, 2) add a toilet, septic tank and a pipe from the septic tank to the river! -build an addition on the end for takeout by people picnicking at Indian Cellar on the river. Fall/Winter 1946- Shea, Files and Files brother Fred sell the restaurant to buyers from New Jersey. Shea writes and Files illustrates Tavern in the Town which is published in 1948. 1947-49 – Skelton reservoir cuts off the Old Alfred Road and the new Salmon Falls bridge moves Route 202 (4A at he time), Hollis Road, away from the tea h use. Circa 1948 Ida Sawtelle owns the Indian Cellar coffee house. Circa 1948 Ida Sawtelle owns the Indian Cellar coffee house.
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