192x - The Library has a tea house on the first floor. See postcard image below. 192x - The Library has a tea house on the first floor. See postcard image below.
192x - The Library has a tea house on the first floor. See postcard image below.
Circa 1936-38 - A small store, see below, is built that forms the later core of the tea house three years before World War II per Tavern in the Town, page 14. It closed during the war as gasoline was limited and rationed. Circa 1936-38 - A small store, see below, is built that forms the later core of the tea house three years before World War II per Tavern in the Town , page 14. It closed during the war as gasoline was limited and rationed. Circa 1936- 8 - A small store, see b low, is built that forms the later co e f the ea house thr e years before World War II per T vern in the Tow , page 14. It closed during the war as gasoline w limited and rationed.
1946 – January, Margaret Shea, Rebecca (Mrs. Harry) Files and Rebecca’s brother Fred buy the store and renovate it that winter and spring for a restaurant to run that summer. Per Tavern in the Town they; - name it Indian Cellar - jack up and level the building - build a fireplace - paint the siding red and the roof black (must have been a wooden shingle 1946 – January, Margaret Shea, Rebecca (Mrs. Harry) Files and Rebecca’s brother Fred buy the store and renovate it that winter and spring for a restaurant to run that summer. Per Tavern in the Town they; - name it Indian Cellar - jack up and level the building - build a fireplace - paint the siding red and the roof black (must have been a wooden shingle roof) 1946 – January, Margaret Shea, Rebecca (M s. Harry) Files and Rebecca’s brother F ed buy the store and renovate it that winter and spring for a restaurant to run that summer. Per Tavern in the Town they; - name it Indian Cellar - jack up and level the building - build a fireplace - paint the siding red and the roof black (must have be n a wooden shi gle roof)
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