Hello from Public Works, to say that the last two years have been different is definitely an understatement. This department had its fair share of ups and downs but we stayed the course and made it through all the challenges that faced us thanks to my great crew that take on anything thrown at them with a positive attitude. The winter we had was not a very big one as far as snow goes only getting around 50 inches but we had our share of problems along the way. One of our trucks was hit by a car on North Street during a storm, luckily no was injured and the truck continued on its way after a short time. We were on the road over forty times. A lot of the things we normally do throughout the year were not accomplished because of all the roads that needed to be worked on before they got paved. This was the 6 th year since we had done any paving and we spent a bunch of time measuring roads, figuring what we wanted to do to some of them to prep them and deciding which ones were in the most need. We got bids on 17 different roads but with the money we had only 12 were able to be paved and some only partially. Four roads got ground, they all had not very good underpinning and grinding them would be the cheapest way to give them some kind of decent base. We changed 20 culverts, rebuilt part of Highland Ave. and helped the Water Dept. put in 600ft. of new water line on that street along with a new swale for water drainage. We had some major problems doing the water line, two huge boulders and very wet and unsecure ground but the crew made it happen. A big thanks to all who helped on this project and thanks to Poland for coming over with their Grader and doing shouldering with us. Because of all the extra projects not all of the crosswalks got painted to which I apologize for but they will be done this coming season. As always, I want to thank all the town’s residents for the support we get throughout the year, it is very rewarding to feel appreciated. My men work nights, weekends, holidays and they all have families and that puts a strain on them also but they are always here when they get the call no matter what. I am lucky to have such a great crew, it would not get done without them.
Scott Penney Road Commissioner
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