The Mechanic Falls Library had 2,322 patron visits. It circulated 2,936 adult fiction and non fiction books, 275 interlibrary loans, and downloaded 105 books from the cloud library. The children, juvenile and young adult fiction and non-fiction books circulated 1134 books. DVDs went out 352 times. Wireless access and computer use numbered 819 patrons. By using the information above and applying it to the “Library Use Calculator” from the Maine State Library, the library services to the Town of Mechanic Falls had an estimated value of $120,007.00
Stop in for a visit to see what we have to offer.
Library Cards are free to all residents of Mechanic Falls from Kindergarten and up. Stop in for a visit to see what your library has to offer.
Nancy Petersons, Mechanic Falls Public Library Director 108 Lewiston St 3 rd floor mechanicfallslibrary@gmail.com
207-345-9450 Mechanic Falls
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