

The mission of the Mechanic Falls Public Library is “Providing Lifelong Enjoyment of Learning, Exploring, and Reading”.

The Mechanic Falls Public Library has continued to thrive and have books and information available to the citizens of Mechanic Falls and the surrounding area. No fee Library Cards are issued to all residents of Mechanic Falls age 5 and up. Proof of address is the only requirement. Please come in and update your card and contact numbers. We are in the process of changing the circulation program so that the library can participate in the reciprocal borrowing program within the Maine State library at some point in 2022. More details of this program will be shared when they are made available. I am very excited about it.

The l ibrary participated in “Tales and Tales” this summer. It was a fun program that kept the children reading for the summer. I also had the collection of Maine Student Book Award winners for the older students to help fulfill their requirements at RSU-16.

The Mechanic Falls Library participates in the Bibliotheca Cloud Library. With a current card, each Mechanic Falls Patron will be able to access electronic books and audible books. They have a new graphic novel section for kids, too. Be sure to investigate it.

Because our library content is limited, a lot of our patrons make use of the Maine State Library Inter-Library loan system. The average wait for a book is a week. This service is free to all card holders.

The Adult Book Discussion Group is still going strong with 8 members. The group meets the second Thursday of the month at 5:30. Stop in or call the library to find out the current m onth’s selection.

Because of the restrictions imposed on the libraries by the state, I was finally able to start the preschool story time in April of 2021. I have a group of active preschoolers who are eager to listen to stories and do crafts. The group meets Mondays (other than holidays) at 9:30.


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