Comprehensive Plan is 9 yrs. old
The elected officials of Mechanic Falls use the comprehensive plan to guide their decision in directing the town. The comprehensive plan typically gets updated every ten years and ours is 9 years old so planning will start soon to start revising that. Keep this in mind and start deciding if you’d like to be a part of that process.
Building Permits
New homes ............................................................. 13 Mobile & Modular Homes ...................................... 16 Renovations/Alterations ........................................22 Garages.....................................................................6 Commercial Buildings ..............................................0 Accessory Structures ...............................................3 Demolitions .............................................................. 1
Plumbing Permits
Internal ....................................................................34 External (Septic System) ........................................ 19
Electrical Permits Electr ical Permits …………………………………51
Complaints Resident Complaints …………………………….7
Let me know how I can help you! Alan Plummer
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