
As I said last year, unfortunately, a citizen not knowing about an ordinance , doesn’t “protect them” from receiving a citation or a fine for not following the rules. I agree, THAT is unfortunate, so please, if you wonder if there is a rule you should be following, PLEASE ASK me . One feature that will come when our codes are listed online and that I’m particularly excited about is a “notification feature” that you, as a citizen can “opt in to” and then be notified via email whenever a change occurs to any ordinance and never be in the dark again!


We’re looking at some changes to what is allowed for the existing Retail Permit holders. Stay tuned!

Slipping through the cracks

I’ve noticed that after work is complete with building, plumbing or electrical, that people don’t always notify me for inspections. THAT could create a bad situation. If something has been permitted and recorded in the property file, and not inspected, it is not Legal. When someone calls my office to verify something, the inspection initials and date on any

permit in each persons’ property file is a VERY IMPORTANT. To have something inspected AFTER the fact could prove very costly as drywall or anything else covering up the illegal, non-inspected work may need to be removed to allow for inspection. Re-sale is when LOTS of these issues arise, when people are trying to sell a property. Don’t get caught in those situations, please .

911 addressing requirements

If you don’t know the 911 addressing requirements for EVERY HOME and BUSINESS , please get in touch and I can go over the rules with you.


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