

Mechanic Falls Fire/Rescue

Town Report 2021-2022

Welcome from the Mechanic Falls Fire. As usual it’s hard to believe that another year has passed and it’s that time of year again, at least is warming up from a long cold winter; I hope you all are doing ok. The fire department is still going strong through these times with the pandemic winding down, though it will still be with us in the future. We will deal with its effects on society along with all the other problems in the world going on around us and you can count on the department being ready to respond to the town’s needs whenever called upon. This year’s budget is what we should have to be able to do the job, even with the costs of items of all kinds rising fast we try to keep costs to minimum. One of our biggest costs is the maintenance of vehicles; the newest truck is 6 years old with next two being 22 years old each. Another large cost is that gear for the firefighters has gone up drastically; that’s why we have been putting some away for like new air packs to help on end costs. We really appreciate all of you who support the department. As for personnel of dept is we are doing too bad even after the pandemic we help onto all and gained a few more and we are putting them through a basic fire school right now and have some signed up for future EMT classes in the fall hope fully all pass long, tough classes but glad they are willing to put in the effort and time because we need young energetic folks. I just want to thank you all again for believing in us and the support you give us.

Fred C. Sturtevant III Fire Chief Mechanic Falls Fire/Rescue


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