

For over 27 years Robert Larrabee has been our Animal Control Officer. He has had a unique year due to COVID. State Law requires the licensing of all dogs, as you can imagine, this also creates the requirement for someone to enforce these laws. He generally visits the Town on a daily basis to check in, answer domestic animal complaints, and enforce dog licensing requirements.

Total # of complaints: 296

Registered Dogs

27 Cat Complaints

57 Unaltered

7 Animal Bites

301 Spayed/Neutered 3 Service Dogs 5 Kennel Licenses

7 Animal Trespass 20 Dog pick-ups

RABIES IS FATAL – PLEASE VACCINATE YOUR PETS! All dogs MUST (by State Law) be licensedwithin the municipality of which their owner resides annually by December 31 st . Cost to license is $11 for unaltered and $6 if spayed/neutered. After January 31 st , a $25 late fee, per dog, is assessed. Service dogs, although they do not require the annual fee, must still be licensed by December 31 st and will still be assessed the late fee as applicable .


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