Adopt a Shoreline - Pam Wilkinson
a t i o n a
E d u
l & T o p i c s o f I n t
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Drifting Possessions
The widespread use of social media, and the increased number of people using Little Sebago Lake for recreation, hasheightened theawareness of personal possessions drifting away. The LSLA would like to remind everyone to properly secure your water toys, beach furniture, canoes, kayaks, boats, and swim floats against the affects of wind, waves, and boat wakes. Drifting objects can be hazardous to boat occupants, personal watercraft operators, and those they may be towing. When beaching a boat, canoe, kayak, or swimfloat at the end of the season, it’s best to completely remove it from the water and/or secure it to a fixed object with a rope. If it’s in the reach of waves and boat wakes, their action can cause it to rock back into the water and drift away. This situation may
sizing, and recommended lengths.
Please be sure that furniture, kayaks, or other items that may be on docks are secured in high winds. Many items now are made of polyethylene and it’s only slightly less dense than water. That means it will float, but it may not be readily visible above the surface, posing an extreme hazard. It’s also great if you have at least your name, and preferably your address and a phone number, permanently affixed to swim floats and boats, canoes, kayaks, etc., that don’t have a registration number. There is a better chance it may be returned, if found, as well as it makes it easier to verify there is not a missing person associated with something that’s adrift.
Picture Location: https://www.lakestewardsofmaine.org/invasive-plant-patrol-leaders-page/
The goal is to have the 30.7 miles of littoral shoreline plus the 22 island shorelines surveyed at least once a month to inspect for invasive plants. You could help by taking notice of what is below the water beyond the shoreline at your place and beyond. Take a moment to look down,do a snorkel survey and inspect the water world below each month to see if there are any changes. I invite you to become aware and educate yourself on what is native and what to do if something looks suspicious. Lake Stewards of Maine www.lakestewardsofmaine. org has information on how to increase your lake knowledge and assist. The Invasive Plant Patrol (IPPers) Program is a way to get engaged and incrementally learn in simple ways on how to identify plants. In late June you are welcome to join an informal fun adventure with a plant paddle on the lake. The training will take place early in the morning to avoid the winds and waves of the lake. The more eyes on the water
Swett Drive
Grape Island Trl
be compounded by rising water. When mooring a boat or anchoring a float, it’s important to ensure the anchors are heavy enough, or otherwise designed to grip the lake bottom. It’s also very important to use the appropriate lengths of rope and/ or chain so that there is plenty of slack. If an anchor line is too short, waves and boat wakes, sometimes compounded by rising water, may cause the anchor to be lifted and “walked” to deeper water until it gets to the point that it’s just a big sinker at the end of a rope. There are many excellent sources on- line for the design of moorings, including anchor, chain, and rope
the better. Please contact pwilkinson@littlesebagolake. com with your interest or questions. Let’s fill the lake borders with names who will assist in the protection of our lake. Nothing better than having an excuse to be out on the lake.
To get your full map of Little Sebago Lake, email us at info@ littlesebagolake.com and ask for our laminated placemat map and we’ll take care of it.
Produced June, 2019 - rev Oct, 2020 by Little Sebago Lake Association Assembled LSLA, Pam Wilkinson / Graphics by Sharkey Graphic Solutions Designed by CCSWCD, Damon Yakovleff
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