2022 LSLA Annual Meeting
The Little Sebago Lake Assoc. Scholarship Award
Here ye! Here ye! Little Sebago Lake Association Annual Meeting Back to a physical meeting! Face to Face - Smile to Smile - Hugs to Hugs When: July 9, 2022, 8:00-9:00 am Social Gathering; Meeting 9:00 to 11:00 am Where: American Legion Hall – 15 Lewiston Road (Route 100/2020), Gray, ME 04039 The Little Sebago Lake Association Board of Directors and committee members will update you on a myriad of projects that have transpired throughout this past year. Our main presentation will be an update on the Hopkin’s Dam Project - an accomplishment made possible by your generous support of LSLA and its mission. If all goes well and Covid conditions don’t change, the board has elected to have an in-person meeting. We are researching the possibility of a hybrid meeting with zoom for those who are not able to physically attend. Since this is a first for us, we appreciate your patience with the logistics and internet operations. Town of Gray cable will be videoing the meeting for future cable broadcasting throughout the summer. Hopefully, this will be shared with the Town of Windham, too. The website and Facebook page will have future updates for you. Merchandise - Plant give-away for the first 100 attendees! Don’t forget to go to https://lsla.rallyup.com/auction for your auction and raffle options. Hope to see you there!
Hello, my name is Nicole Cobb. I would like to thank The Little Sebago Lake Association for helping me further my education at the University of Maine through their scholarship. I had a great first semester in Orono, where I am studying marketing and planning on minoring in environmental science. I was able to make the Dean’s List my first semester, while also being able to enjoy many fun activities on the beautiful campus, and participating in several clubs. I wanted to thank the Little Sebago Lake Association once more, as I greatly appreciate their generosity. It means so much to me, that I was chosen for this scholarship.
Hi! My name is Nicole Snow and I am currently a freshman at Maine Maritime Academy in Castine, Maine. Here, I am studying marine biology with a minor in environmental sustainability. I am so grateful that the Little Sebago Lake Association has awarded me one of their scholarships to help fund my education. During my time at college I’ve made amazing friends, I’ve grown as a person, and I’ve had a great education so far. In my second month of college, I already went on a day cruise to study the ocean’s properties. This semester, I am taking a scuba diving class to become certified and I am so excited! Thank you again to the LSLA for supporting my college and career endeavors and I can’t wait for where it takes me!
We hope you had a nice winter and are now ready for the warm weather and maybe a new LSLA sweatshirt for spring or a t-shirt in anticipation of a beautiful summer! We will once again have a presence at our first in-person annual meeting in 2 years to showcase some of the available merchandise. We also plan to have an open house for the Labor Day weekend. We have not yet finalized whether it will be for one or two days. You can also contact us anytime through the LSLA website to arrange for an opportunity to stop by to see our available products. We do not carry an inventory large enough to meet everyone’s size/color preferences, but special orders can typically be fulfilled within a couple of weeks. Arnie and Tammy Rosario
Plant Giveaway at the Annual Meeting Once again -with the help of O’Donal’s Nursery we will be providing 100 large 10 inch potted native plants for you to improve your buffer with. First come – first served to any supporting member of LSLA
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