
From the Town Office

On behalf of the Town of Chebeague Island, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Viktoria Johnson Wood as Chebeague’s new Town Administrator and Christine Auffant as Chebeague’s new Town Clerk. Viktoria Wood grew up on Chebeague after being adopted from Russia by Stephen and Beverly Johnson. She graduated from Greely High School and received a Bachelor of Social Work from USM. After living off the island for a decade, she returned to the island when her daughter started school and was soon employed by the Town of Chebeague. While working for the Town, she completed her Master of Social Work, but realized that her real passion was in municipal government. She was appointed Town Clerk in 2017. After a comprehensive Town Administrator search, First, thanks for the favorable vote (at the fall Town Meeting) on our proposed changes to the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance. We’ll continue to work on targeted areas in our land use ordinances to better align specific sections of the ordinances with our Comprehensive Plan and to better serve the community. Suggestions welcome! We are in the final rounds of drafting a proposed Open Space Plan for the Town of Chebeague. We hope this will be brought to the next Town Meeting for your consideration. And, separately, we’ve started work on a Conservation Subdivision Ordinance, with the

the Board of Selectmen appointed her to replace former Town Administrator, Justin Poirier, who recently became Monmouth’s Town Manager. Viktoria, her husband, Tom and two daughters live on Chebeague and are building a new home on the island. She has a deep commitment to the community and looks forward to working for the people of Chebeague. Christine Auffant has owned a house on Chebeague for 15 years and has lived on the island full time for five years. She has worked for the Town for five years as Deputy Clerk and assistant to the Board of Selectmen. Christine and her husband, Steve have two grown sons who live in Maine. Christine looks forward to continuing to work for the Town of Chebeague as its new Town Clerk. intent of aligning larger proposed subdivisions (currently defined as more than 4 lots) with our Comprehensive Plan and with the soon to be proposed Open Space Plan. Also, we continue to monitor developments in the areas of sea level rise and climate change that might have implications for our land use ordinances. We currently meet at 630pm on the second Monday of every month, via Zoom. The public is invited to attend; agendas and Zoom info are posted on the Town website and at all the usual locations on the island.


Book StudyGroupwithGloria Brown Book Group returns with an 8-session study of Resmaa Menachem’s book: My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies.

Our plan is to meet weekly on Sunday afternoons at 3 o’clock for about an hour. As Covid recedes, we hope to move from the Zoom platform to a hybrid meeting, in-person at the library with a Zoom option.

Beginning Sunday, February 6 th , 3 PM via Zoom: meeting # 820 4556 3188 | password: 20152020 EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND FMI: gjbrown58a@gmail.com

From goodreads.com: In this groundbreaking work, therapist Resmaa Menakem examines the damage caused by racism in America from the perspective of body-centered psychology. He argues this destruction will continue until Americans learn to heal the generational anguish of white supremacy, which is deeply embedded in all our bodies. Our collective agony doesn’t just affect African Americans. White Americans suffer their own secondary trauma

as well. So do blue Americans—our police. This book paves the way for a new, body-centered understanding of white supremacy—how it is literally in our blood and our nervous system. It offers a step-by-step solution—a healing process—in addition to incisive social commentary.



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