CHEBEAGUE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY FEBRUARY 2022 ELLSWORTH MILLER LECTURE SERIES Monday, February 14, 2022 @ 7PM Earle Shettleworth, Maine State Historian "Childhood in Maine in the Early 20th Century"
Maine State Historian Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr. will present an illustrated lecture on the expe- riences of Maine children a century ago. Using real photo postcards in the collection of the Maine His- toric Preservation Commission, Shettleworth will illustrate many aspects of childhood, including fam- ily, play, school, sports, summer camps, and work. Images range from boys planting potatoes in Strat- ton in 1908 to Margaret Chase Smith's girls' basketball team at Skowhegan High School in 1915. Join us on Zoom. Please sign in a few minutes before 7 by going to zoom.us and selecting Join a Meet- ing. The Meeting ID is 82962476056.
February Mystery Photo: Where was this and what is the significance of a photo of this place taken in winter? January Mystery Photo: L-R Jim and Cap Leonard playing in the snow.
PO Box 28, 137 South Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017 207-846-5237 ChebeagueHistory@gmail.com Chebeaguehistory.com
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